Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Washington's mysterious architecture - a clue to the birth of the antichrist

I recall (there was one on the old blog) an extremely sensational documentary, not only about the architecture of Washington, but about the true meanings of the Symbols.

The film addresses such important issues as:

- worshipping Sirius, not the sun as it's been presented to us. Prof Veith was either wrong or...

- The satanists' star, the pentagram, represents Sirius. Now we know where the so-called "star" comes from.

- The return of the missing tip of the pyramid will be tantamount to the return of Satan to Earth.

- At the end it says that the new age followers claim that the antichrist already existed and it was Nero. Now everyone is waiting for a messiah for all religions and he will be Maitery with a turban on his head.... he will bring justice and those who oppose him will be killed.


Unfortunately, the film is 3 hours long. However, it is worth spending that much time for this very valuable film.







My text from the old blog of 18.01.2013. So some elements of the description are already known even more others indicate the end times we are experiencing:

This video sheds new light on Masonic symbols. Personally, I did not know that it is not really the Sun that is important to Freemasons but Sirius. Sirius was important to satanist Crowley, mason Albert Pike (the one from the plan for World War III). Sirius otherwise known as the dog star also has a reference to the pentagram as pen - alpha. Five xA. Pentagram with one arm at the top. Recently as if feeling the pressure of these stars in the culture, media I wrote an article about it. So these 5 arm stars seen on paper, film, tv etc are a masonic sign. I see that I will have to update this article about Sirius.

Such stars were carved by Freemasons 500 years ago in Scotland in Rosslyn Chapel. The Romans called Sirius the guardian of hell. He was associated with the goddess Isis.

Now everything is coming together for me. For a long time I have wondered what the goddess Isis, the false Mary has to do with Lucifer..I wanted to connect somehow the worship of the false Mary of the KRK with Lucifer and I did not see the connection. It's all clear now. Look at these wings and remember where they appear?!!!
For the Egyptians, the rise of Sirius preceded the annual flooding of the Nile, which was a magical event for them. It was also the time when the goddess Isis appeared and gave birth to Horus, the divine child of the trinity!
How do we know this?

Do we or do we not know such a motif, such a figure? but of course we do.
The all seeing eye is the eye of Horus. For Freemasons, Horus symbolizes the Masonic concept of Christ.
This is shown in the hieroglyph used to mark Sirius.

3 symbols: obelisk, star and semicircle. According to Egyptologists, the semicircle marks the head that serves as the tip of the pyramid. For centuries it is said that the head was lost. Therefore, the all-seeing eye of Horus hovers over the pyramid.

According to the illuminati, the light coming from around the eye does not come from the sun but from Sirius.
The idea that we may have been misled into thinking that the sun is a sign of Lucifer immediately comes to mind.

According to Robert Balwo, the return of the head to the pyramid will mark the return of the Great Initiate, who according to some may be Christ.

America, the USA was to be according to the Freemasons the plan for the restoration of Atlantis. America was supposed to have a secret destiny from long ago. It was a great ancient plan. Many scholars claim that all the wars of the usa were successive stages in the realization of this plan. One of the goals was to build a democracy and destroy the God-given monarchy. In 2005, Bush jr said: "when the founding fathers spoke of a new order of history they relied on ancient hopes, which are to be fulfilled."
Hall said. secret societies have been working for 3000 years to bring democracy to the world.
In the USA, which considers itself Christian, there is a mass of ancient symbols on buildings, completely unreflected in the Bible. Astrologers and occultists claim that it is their symbols and not Christians that dominate. So the question is why officially Christianity is spoken about in the USA? So that secret societies can pursue their goals. They adopted Christian rhetoric because it was the dominant religion in Europe. Pagan ideologues dressed up Christian phraseology and entrusted the keys of symbolism only to the initiated and bound by secrecy. For this reason secret societies use an initiation ritual by signing with their own blood not to reveal the secrets of the order.
Rosicrucians played an important role in the development of freemasonry. Their symbols: the rose symbolizes the mysteries and represents the mysterious pagan faiths. The cross symbolizes Christianity. Rosicrucians combine these two realms.

All of the beliefs that have made their way to the usa come from the beliefs of ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt and Babylonia. These from Atlantis, whose king is said to have been Henoch. The same Henoch who strolled with God during his lifetime. According to Masonic historians Henoch was known to the Greeks as Hermes and Mercury to the Romans.In the Egyptians he was Totem and the book of Totem is a collection of his wisdom.
When Dr. John D made contact with angelic beings they supposedly sent him a system of magic based on the book of Henoch. Today it is practiced under the name of Henochian magic or Hermeticism which says "as above, so below". I just don't know why there is similar content in the Our Father prayer - as in heaven so on earth?
This is reflected in the triangle pointing up and superimposed on the other pointing down, the so-called Hexagram or Star of David.
Important state buildings in the United States were built according to the Hermes principle. Most of the designers of streets in Washington, D.C. were Freemasons.
Eventually Washington was designed and built according to the Lafen plan.
The Federal Triangle is modeled after the constellation of stars. There is a right triangle surrounding the constellation Virgo symbolizing Pythagoras' theorem. This theorem is said to have tremendous significance in freemasonry. The shorter side symbolizes Baal, the longer side symbolizes a woman who is submissive and passive, and the opposite side symbolizes the divine child created by Baal and Ashtarte, Osiris and Isis. The desire was to evoke the pagan trinity.
The federal triangle is to invoke the spiritual power of the constellation Virgo, that is, to invoke the child of the deities as above.
The divine child is described in the film as the New Age Messiah. He is supposed to be the product of cosmic male and female powers to create synergy.Bacon attributed these energies to Apollo and Athena. Apocalypse mentions Apollo. It is supposed to be alchemy, chemistry on a divine level. I would like to point out that the attack on the WTC was made when the sun was in the sign of Virgo. From what I remember some important US document was signed in this sign as well.




Finally, my fresh conclusion. We are talking here about the zodiac Virgo. No longer few people think that September (Sun in Virgo) will be an exceptional event. Some point to the beginning of a crisis or war while others point to a rapture.

Updated: 11 January 2015 — 19:31


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  1. Remember the opening of the 2012 Olympics and more I would call it a collective worship of this monstrosity to come it announced the end of the industrial economy and I think it is coming. The bubble until 2015.75. (end of September) should be the bond market - not stocks. Capital flows should move to the typical flight to quality, lowering interest rates still. This will prepare the ground for the Big Bang (prison planets)

  2. I don't know about you, brothers and sisters, but I'm not worried anymore, after all, "they" have already lost, they have been crushed, what is happening must happen, what is important is that we don't keep it up

  3. You write Sirius. Hmm, interesting I have always looked at the stars and Sirius has been in my memory. Probably because it is bright and quite "close" to Us, or maybe for another reason.
    I don't know why, but some names are catchy and memorable and others are not.
    There is one other star that has been memorable to me. Aldebaran is called, or "The Eye of the Bull." Either I sense something in all of this, or it's a coincidence.
    Of course, there are more of these stars, but these 2 get my most attention.

    1. The stars - signs in the sky (Acts 2) as God's creation also have their symbolic charge - Genesis: And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens, to shine upon the earth, to separate day from night, and to be signs of seasons, days, and years (times also)!
      That satanists twist it by worshipping the creature is another thing.

      1. luc,

        Please don't make everyone watch something in English. If you could summarize it, a lot of Christians would be grateful to you 🙂 .

        1. In short, the constellation system is shown - orion, archer, bull and the pleiades, and the Middle East region - the road from egypt and Jerusalem.
          Symbolically it would represent something like this: the archer shoots an arrow (a reference to "kidnapping") he flies over the bull and its horns (the bull represents the Law - "the penalty for sin is death...", the Ark of the Covenant also looked like the head of a bull - and it had the Tablets of the Law in it at the bottom, and at the top 2 cherubs like the horns of the bull and the propitiation - which represents the Grace of Christ "....and the grace given by God is eternal life", the Lord Christ is above the Law) to the Pleiades, to heaven as it were (which contain the famous 7 star-sisters, this refers to the 7 miu stars in Christ's right hand - John's revelation).
          This arrangement fits with the images created by borders, roads, bands, etc. over the region of the exodus from Egypt to the promised land.
          The earth and the heavens are like a "vision board," a pictorial representation of God's Word (Acts 2:19) fitting together in this symbolism.


    The Vatican may be a target of terrorists, Israeli television reported on Sunday, according to which the secret services of the Jewish state and the US have notified the Holy See of such a threat. Italian intelligence says it has not received any specific signals....

  5. Sirius, Saturn, Aldebaran, the Pleiades and a few more have some meaning to many.
    But the most important is probably the cult of the Sun and the Moon. I recommend Google - Astana Palace of Reconciliation /really interesting things/, Astana - the city of illuminati.

  6. If you think there's going to be something in the fall this year. I know what's coming.
    It will be the end of the Sabbatical year, or Shemittah, and if the calendar below is correct it will be the end of the Jubilee year, where according to God's Law it is:
    - Full debt liberation,
    - the liberation of all slaves,
    - The return of the heirs to their hereditary land.
    So expect a big crash in the stock market,
    because the stock market is really a big borrowing of money by corporations and companies from ordinary, often naive people.
    And as you look at the history over the last few years, on the last day of Shemitah,
    or Sabbatical year, always ended with a big bump in the stock market,
    where, on this last day of Shemid, some great
    Banks or Companies with Mortgage Debt.
    Which indicates that God does not disregard His Law but shows that He continues
    it applies to everyone, and he's the one who says so !!!!!
    What will happen this year - I don't know. I just know that something catastrophic
    and important will happen in the World economy.

  7. Sirius, Orion's belt, Saturn - there's something about it.

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