Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

A Prophecy to Poland - CINDY JACOBS

I am publishing this prophecy for Poland of 2007 only because we have recently finished the prayers of the so-called Seven Trumpets for Poland. Personally, I don't trust such prophecies, not because they can't be fulfilled, but because since the time of Jesus and His apostles I don't know of any case that any prophecy came true. Nevertheless, it is interesting in the context of our desires, but I don't know if it is possible, considering what is happening in Poland now, e.g. the last openly rigged elections and the PO regime.

I publish it, for yet another reason. If it is false, it puts Pentecostals in a very bad light. I think this prophecy is from their side:


I will raise up a great and mighty army. It will be the greatest Prayer army the world has ever seen. It will tear down the strongholds of idolatry. The Lord says: do not say that the harvest is only 4 months away, for the fields are already white for harvest. There is nothing impossible for Me. I am calling on the Polish people to rise up. Just as you resisted Hitler, resist the devil and he will flee. Because I have given you the anointing to resist the enemy of this nation.

You are My resistance movement and you will resist the children of darkness because Satan is afraid of Polish Christians and you will resist the devil all over Europe and in the Middle East. I have laid My hand on Poland, says the Lord. Do not think that you are small, insignificant people, says the Lord. Because in My eyes you are not a small, insignificant nation. You are the pupil of My eye; you are My beloved. You are a force on earth. And that is why Satan has tried so hard to enslave you, because he is so afraid of you. The Lord says: you are great in My sight. You are victors in My sight. Just as Hitler was overthrown, so I will overthrow idolatry, says the Lord. I am calling this generation to fight. You are in My army, says God. And the enemy will still be surprised because, behold, I am doing a new thing, says God. I will raise up My people in Poland and you will rise up and become warriors.

Stand still and see the salvation of God, for many of you are in a place of much difficulty. But I say to you, the Red Sea will part and you will occupy your promised land, because I am calling my people out of slavery, I am calling my people out of tradition and I say, Poland is your promised land. I am doing this because I love you. I will bring about this great movement of signs and wonders because there will be a great Army of people in the land who will do signs and wonders. This awakening will come not just to one city, because Poland will catch fire for Me, says the Lord.

Poland will be known as the fire of Europe, it will be the place of awakening in Europe. Because My people have cried out to Me, says the Lord, do not bypass us! We do not just want to hear about awakenings in other countries. We want Poland to experience an awakening too! I have heard your cry, says the Lord, and there is coming an Awakening of such magnitude, of such quality, that it is hard for you to imagine. I will work with the young and the old and I will call Joshua and Caleb. I am coming to this country, says God. I am coming to bring about the transformation of this nation. Therefore resist the enemy. I am looking for such an army and this is the day to rise up and say, here I am Lord send me. Not only will idolatry fall, but the cathedrals will be full of people who will dance and worship Me, says God. Because now there is a changing of the guard. I am working among the governmental spheres, says God. Look at the leadership. I will cause an awakening in the Polish government says God. They will bow their knees and bring the nation to Christ, for there is no other name by which to be saved.

I will change the government in Poland. I will put Christians in government and My name will be exalted in that government. I will change this nation, I will heal Poland's economic situation if you pray. Poland will be the fire of Europe. The fire of awakening will burn here and people WILL come from all over the world. Isaiah 22:22: "And I will put the Key of David on his shoulder, and when he opens, no one will shut; when he closes, no one will open."

Proroctwo do Polski

Updated: 10 January 2015 — 23:41


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  1. The prophecy may not be completely sure if it is from God, but I will tell you one thing, we should really pray for what is mentioned there. Let the Poles wake up, we have to fight for them, let God break the stele and knock down the altars, destroy the Ashers! Let us ask God for a new government, for truth and freedom. Despite the fact that we are destroyed economically, we have something that we can unite when needed.

    1. I think we know for what. The "Queen of Heaven"

      1. Sorry this is off topic.

  2. this is me on a different subject.
    since we began to recite the thrabs and prayers for the overthrow of Isis...
    In Lodz, the number of accidents has increased, and on Christmas Eve, December 24, in the old city park there was a suicide and murder, and not far away is the church of the Blessed Virgin Mary
    Could it be that the increase in suicides and murders means that the demon needs victims because his position is weakening? Think about it.

    Sorry for any mistakes, but I'm typing from my phone

    1. Possibly, if so, we should think about a further attack, maybe not necessarily on Friday, but that we should do something after all, this is war....

      And as far as this prophecy is concerned, I wonder if it foretells a new age revival, because frankly speaking, it is doubtful that there will be a great biblical revival in Poland - I hope I am wrong...

      1. "And as far as this prophecy is concerned, I'm curious to know if it portends a new age style awakening, because frankly it's doubtful that there will be a major biblical awakening in Poland - may I be wrong..."

        This is exactly what I thought about while reading this prophecy, especially the second part of it. Let us not forget that the first thing to appear on the entire political scene is the so-called false Messiah, the false Christ

        1. Before the antichrist comes there will be an increase in the knowledge of the gospel and the spirit of truth will be poured out on people, as Paul says when he writes that God will send madness on people because they did not love the truth, and since they did not love it, it means that the spirit of truth must have been poured out beforehand, which is now happening, more and more people know the truth.

          and also the gift of prophecy and words as it is written in Joel

          1. I agree with you shay

  3. have you read the prophecies at
    It all comes true, it was prophesied that in 1997 there would be floods and there were terrible rains in Poland and Wroclaw was flooded.

    1. If demons cause this, they know what they're going to do, and that's how they make their plans known.

  4. Nonsense and insulting to Allah. The people who proclaim it and those who listen to it should repent in sackcloth and ashes and beg the Lord to forgive them. The narrative itself is extremely wishful thinking, that is, flowing from the flesh. You should not post these blasphemies here.

    1. you're probably right

      1. And a caricature of the fulfillment of this "prophecy" is probably John Godson, first in the service of PO and now PSL, a total mockery, I do not know how you can be so hypocritical. Besides, it is not the rulers who are supposed to bring the country to repentance, but from what I read in the Bible, the Lord called the Church to this, and that instead of preaching the Gospel it preaches wishful prophecies is another matter.

  5. christianinroman

    The chosen nation is Israel, not Poland. That we should pray is what our Lord commanded and exemplified as well as the apostles. Nowhere in the Bible do I find the awakening of mankind or nations; there is a narrow way and there is a broad way. The Lord said the world will hate us as they hated him because their deeds were evil. greetings in the name of the Lord!!!

  6. Israel is not the chosen nation, Poland is. The majestic white eagle, symbolizes the love and power of Jesus. Pray for peace in Poland, because next year will be a crucial year and much will depend on our decisions. Many prophecies say that in 2016 our country will become a war field, it is our role to change these prophecies with our faith! Faith is a thought in a way, also think optimistically and pray about it. The media is against us, they teach fear and drive our consciousness against ourselves. Those sellouts in the media and politics will break when they realize that they are destroying their own family, ancestral memory and future generations of the nation. As for the coming events - it is not the Russians who will hit us, it is the Jewish United States but of course the media will scream that it is the Russians.... Antichrist is the current system, based on lies and fear. If Kaczynski seeks revenge for Smolensk, he will create hell for us and our children. Our weapon is love and forgiveness, those who don't understand this in time will have eternity to do so, but no longer on this earth.

  7. But balls...the prophecy has come true completely on the change of government issue. I wonder how it will continue?

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