Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

New Year, New Year's resolutions, celebration, New Year's Eve party

I'm sitting at my computer, I'm not interested in parties. Why not? It's because on that one day, everyone mindlessly agrees that we will wish each other at midnight if someone is still in a drunken state and these wishes will have super power. K0mpletely nonsense. No wish will come true, because all blessings come not from men but from God. The phrase "Happy New Year" is such a magical incantation as is the prayer to Isis (Mary). It just doesn't come true. If you are not in touch with the Holy Spirit and keeping God's Law, then forget about having a good year.


Where did the custom of celebrating the so-called New Year, which according to the Israeli calendar is not?


According to the prophecies of the Sibylline in December night at the turn of 999 (reversed 666) and 1000 AD was to come a terrifying apocalypse. The then Pope Sylvester II together with the people sadly awaited this moment. When it turned out that the end of the world, however, did not come they went crazy with joy, danced and raised a toast. And it was this moment, according to cultural researchers, that gave rise to the New Year's Eve games, celebrations of the end of the old year and the beginning of the new one.

ufff that Babylon again.

I don't celebrate in any way. A day like a day.
New Year's resolutions.
Let me look at this a little differently. As we know we are babes in the faith and sometimes, some often get caught up in the sins of the old man. I am an example of this myself. I have a few weaknesses of my own. To name a few: impatience, explosiveness (I don't show it on the blog, I react with aggression to rudeness), procrastination. Unfortunately, these are demonic issues, and strictly speaking demonic influence, not to be confused with possession. Every new born belongs to Jesus Christ, but the old man still remains. These are our weaknesses. Everyone has them. If you feel superior to Catholics or anyone else, it means that the demon of pride is speaking through you, and pride is the gravest sin with God. The knowledge and grace you have received from God does not make you better. Reading the Bible also does not make you better than others. Demons and Satan also know the Bible. Doing God's Law makes you better as a person, but not better than others. Why? Because you do not know whether those people not yet converted will not be holier than you if they are converted.
Back to resolutions. We should view our weaknesses through the lens of demons. When are we dealing with demonic influence? It is when, despite our best efforts, we cannot deal with a particular trait. Our will is not free. A compulsive smoker will not be able to stand starting his day with a cigarette. An alcoholic will have to get drunk every day. These are extreme cases, readily taken by Christians who see the splinter in their brother's eye. Cases as scapegoats . No one sees binge eating or gossiping, which is quite common.
After you confess your sins and acknowledge that Jesus is your Lord and King, your body is a Temple of the Spirit. However, there are areas where Jesus does not have total control over you. Dereck Prince compares this to Chicago. The mayor of Chicago rules the city. However, there are areas, neighborhoods, where even the police don't venture. That's what it is. We need to renounce that and give every area to Jesus. No, just 80% He has bought us dearly with His blood and we will either give ourselves to Him completely or almost completely.
I wish you in the Year 2015 Many Graces of God, Faithful Following of Jesus Christ, and Cutting Off Sins and Banishing Demons from Yourself Once and for All.
Updated: 31 December 2014 — 18:06


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  1. Good article. I also have this feeling that I don't want to do certain sins, but something is forcing me to do them and telling me that I am good for nothing. Or I want to do something but I am blocked, weakened.

    1. I'm always somehow at home on New Year's Eve. Full of young people drinking and I've only had a few drinks. I don't want to repeat my dad's mistake. More often than not, company leads to addiction or misery. Some time ago there were half-term parties in clubs in Sopot and Monciak was full of teenagers aged 16 under the influence and they still had alcohol left with them.

  2. Have a good new year in Truth.

  3. New Year's greetings: health, happiness we wish you, live in TRUTH only GOD may LORD JESUS help you.

  4. They are already letting off fireworks. In general, on "New Year's Eve" you can feel through the sound of fireworks as if you were at the front during the war.

    1. I think I thought of this a year ago at midnight. What a surprise it would be to start a war on 31.12 / 01. I wish everyone well all the time, i.e. observing the Commandment of Love, so there is no point in wishing for the immoderate drinking of the vast majority.

  5. Also. A little bit about Revelation. Check out these verses from chapter 17:

    7 And the angel said to me:
    "Why were you astonished?
    I will explain to you the mystery of the Woman
    And the Beast that bears it,
    and has seven heads and ten horns.
    8 The beast you saw was there and it is gone,
    is about to come out of the Hells, and is headed for extinction.
    And the inhabitants of the earth will be amazed,
    those whose name is not written in the book of life
    since the foundation of the world -
    looking at the beast,
    That she was and is not and is to come.

    And this is Revelation chapter 9:
    1 And the fifth angel trumpeted:
    and I saw a star fall from heaven to earth,
    and she was given the key to the well of Hell.
    2 And she opened the well of Hell,
    And smoke rose from the well like smoke from a blast furnace,
    And from the smoke of the well the sun and air were eclipsed.
    3 And out of the smoke came locusts on the ground,
    And she was given the power that earthly scorpions have.
    4 And it was said to her not to do harm to the grass on the ground, nor to any greenery, nor to any tree,
    but only to people who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads.
    5 And a command was given to her not to kill them,
    but that they should suffer five months of torment.
    And the torments inflicted by it are like those inflicted by a scorpion when it stings a man.
    6 And in those days people will seek death,
    but they won't find her,
    and they will want to die, but death will flee from them.
    7 And the appearance of locusts - similar to horses arrayed for battle,
    On their heads as if wreaths like gold,
    The faces of them as if the faces of men,
    8 and had hair like women's hair,
    And their teeth were like the teeth of lions,
    9 and the fronts of the torso were like iron armor,
    And the rumble of their wings like the rumble of many-horse carriages rushing into battle.
    10 And they have scorpion-like tails and stingers;
    and in their tails is their power to harm people for five months.
    11 They have a king over them-the angel of Hell;
    His name in Hebrew: ABADDON,
    and in Greek he has the name APOLLYON.
    12 The first "woe" has passed:
    here are two more "woe" then they come.

    "And the inhabitants of the earth will be amazed,
    those whose name is not written in the book of life
    from the foundation of the world " We won't be surprised because we'll know if, thanks to the kidnapping, we won't be there to see it?

    And what is this ABADDON? Is that going to be the image of the beast? Those are kind of my loose questions.

    1. It's nice that you brought it up, Eve. I wrote about it somewhere. It's a pity that I don't collect it all like Henry into one interesting text and not many with interesting thoughts.

        1. You gave a youtube video in the forum article. There is one interesting comment there:
          "Wait a minute! The son of the Dawn is at the same time the Lord of the Dawn? The Qur'an says that Allah is the Lord of the Dawn, the Bible says about Lucifer that he is the son of the Dawn. Dawn = Allah. Allah can only be Lord of Himself. So the Lord of the Dawn is God. His Sons are His creatures, including angels, including the fallen ones. Anyone have other ideas to explain that Allah Satan and not 'our' God?"

      1. I haven't read your text. I was looking through Revelation yesterday and it got me curious. It's Islam, I was thinking of the Roman Empire. I know KK is kind of like the Roman Empire but the Great Babylon will end. It is the Empire itself that could be revealed.

    2. 9/11 World Trade Center

    3. 9:11 - a destroyer, this is something that will come out of the abyss

  6. "According to the prophecies of the Sibylline in December night at the turn of 999 (reversed 666) and 1000 AD was to come a terrifying apocalypse. The then Pope Sylvester II together with the people sadly awaited this moment. When it turned out that the end of the world, however, did not come they went crazy with joy, danced and raised a toast. And it was this moment, according to cultural researchers, that gave rise to the New Year's Eve games, celebrating the end of the old year and the beginning of the new."

    This will come true but at the end of 2015.
    October - December, this will be an uninteresting time.
    I think so, because I also have a reason.

    1. "It will come true but at the end of 2015.
      October - December, this will be an uninteresting time.
      I think so, because I also have a reason."

      Write more and what reason?

  7. A very pretty 16-year-old girl from Cracow has gone missing.

    It is possible that they kidnapped her. KK kidnaps children and women for cruel satanic rituals.

  8. I wish all believers in CHRIST-PROTECTION, I emphasize all believers in Him.
    kind regards 😉

      1. I join in these wishes 🙂

        1. Me too 🙂 To those who translate faith into action.

  9. Lots of blessings in the new year for all.
    Very good study!

  10. I dreamt today of the pacification of Christians using military troops.

    1. You probably live in usa.....

      1. No, on the green island haha 😀

  11. I wish you in the name of Jesus and I bless you in the name of Jesus not myself with all God's graces and happiness in the new year

  12. I too wish you God's Presence and Blessings. May we abide with Him always and everywhere!

  13. It's a mockery...
    I wish you in the Year 2015 Many Graces of God, Faithful Following of Jesus Christ, and Cutting Off Sins and Banishing Demons from Yourself Once and for All.

    And here he is cleverly but nevertheless contradicting himself:
    No wish will come true, because all blessings come not from men but from God

    I'm the one who has a question about why the wishes?

    1. You have an aggressive tone, even though this is the first time I've seen you speak here, I have to admit you have a lot of nerve coming on Good Morning.

      My point in this post was that a simple Happy New Year does not do anything for anyone. However, the prayers of Christians to God have an effect.
      I don't know if you grasp that?
      Christmas card slogan vs. Christian greeting? we on the forum pray for those in need:

      If you still don't understand the difference, notice how the prayers of Catholics work and how the prayers of people who follow God work, and I'm not just talking about us, but for example in Protestant churches.

      the power of one righteous man has the power of a thousand ungodly men

      I don't know where this aggression comes from? you must have mixed up the blogs....

      You have one last warning from me.

  14. People dear... don't drink vodka, because I've gone a little overboard...

    1. Everything is for humans, but in moderation.

      1. Vodka in the dumpster .
        Admittedly, I am not in favor of Paul, but sometimes he is right
        And do not get drunk with wine (Ephesians 5:18)
        and the question of whether Jesus drank alcohol

        1. You previously criticized me friend for calling Jesus Lord you translated the Hebrew etc.
          Ok I don't know Hebrew but I know a little bit of Polish and I know that Jesus didn't drink alcohol 🙂 maybe alcohol and yes 🙂 but no offence ....

  15. I worked on New Year's Eve just now. 22 hours on my feet, waitressing, cleaning, etc. At some point I just wanted to start running around, waving my arms and screaming. I used to participate in these types of games myself, or at least 'weekend getaways'. What happens to these people is just horrifying. How their faces look after drinking, how they behave. Drunkenness and binge eating are endless... :/ Completely out of their minds and that's exactly how it feels then. When I see people in this state, I am horrified and disgusted. Like animals, because there is no other way to describe it. Some apostle wrote that a drunken man loses his human face and this is it literally.

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