Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The demonic trinity part II

From the translator:



Why the church celebrates Easter

Maria Merola  אריאל




For too long many of us have been lied to about the resurrection of the true Yahuwdiyth (Jewish) Messiah called Yahuwshuwa.

Just ask the person on the street  “Gdy Jezus umarł na krzyżu, i gdy był Jezus wskrzesił z martwych?”

The answer will inevitably be  “Zmarł w Wielki Piątek, a zmartwychwstał w niedzielę wielkanocną.”

You see, organized religion is leading us lies in order to sell their political agenda and their merchandise.

But the Prophet Jeremiah was shown these last days that we are now living in Listen to what he says:

Yirmeyahuw (Jeremiah) 16: 19 O Yahweh, my strength and my fortress and my refuge  on the day of the Tribulation,

Gentiles will come to you from the ends of the earth, and say, Surely our fathers inherited lies,

vanity, and things in which there is no profit .

What exactly are these lies that we have inherited?




It all started at the Tower of Babel about 2275 years before the birth of the Messiah. The empire of evil religion and was started

By one of the most evil men in history. His name was Nimrod and he was the great-grandson of Noah. But he was very rebellious against YaHuWaH Elohiym, and he was eventually caught and killed for his crimes. The scriptures call him  “potężny myśliwy”  but it was not in a positive light. Nimrod actually hunted humans and used them to sacrifice for the pagan sun god Moloch.

Nimrod's name is mentioned only four times in the entire Bible ( Genesis 10: 8 and  9,  1 st  Chronicles 01:10,  Micah 5: 6). But more details are given in the book of Yashar (Jasher) about the life of Nimrod and his mother Semiramis. The book of Yashar (Jasher) is spoken of in Scripture in  Joshua 10:13  i 2 nd Samuel 01:18.

In the book of Yashar (Jasher) we read that Nimrod was advised by the priests of Baal to marry his own mother as an act of incest in order to gain what is called “trzecie oko”  or  “wszystko oko Lucyfera “.  Today people call it  “psychiczny moc”  or  “extra-postrzeganie zmysłowe”  , ale jest demoniczna moc “zobaczyć” co w duchowych sferach. Biblia nazywa to  “ducha wróżenia”  (Ezekiel 13: 6-7) which is counterfeit to the true gifts of the Holy Spirit given to those who are in covenant with Messiah Yahuwshuv and who fulfill His commandments (1 st Corinthians 12: 1-11).

And so Nimrod married the mother of Semiramis in order to acquire this special power from the fallen angels, and together they began to  “jednego świata religii i rządu”  named  “babilońskiej Imperium.” Nimrod built a tower that reached heaven because he wanted to consult the fallen angels through the use of astrology. When YaHuWaH saw that Nimrod's kingdom was becoming strong and that the people were in  “jednomyślnie”  Under Satan's false empire, he caused continents to be divided on earth by large bodies of water, and he caused the peoples' languages to become confused, and so the people of Babylon dispersed to different parts of the world (Genesis 10:32 and 11: 7). See my other article entitled  “Nimrod, papiestwo i Pangea”

The continents of the earth at one time were combined into one large land mass, but in  Bereshiyth (Genesis) 10:32  We read that Jah divides the nations of the earth. This is what is known as  “Pangaea”  in modern science. Nimrod's religion then carried over to all the continents of the world, but since the languages were confused by YaHuWaH, the names of the heroes were changed. So Nimrod had different names in different cultures and his mother Semiramis also had different names in different cultures as well. Nimrod's mother and wife, Semiramis were commonly known as  “Królowa Niebios”  and this pagan goddess has been worshipped throughout the world ever since.

Whose Resurrection are you celebrating?

Naród Yisra’el był winny czczenia Ten sam  “Królowa Niebios”,  goddess of the moon and sky, and our Heavenly Father sent a prophet  Yirmeyahuw (Jeremiah)  , to give a warning to them. Listen to the attitudes of the House of Yahuwdah (Judah) as they arrogantly think they can burn incense to this goddess while keeping their covenant with YaHuWaH:


Yirmeyahuw (Jeremiasz) 44: 17-18 “Ale na pewno, co uznam wychodzi z własnej usta, aby spalić kadzidło  the queen of heaven and pour into it wet offerings, as we did, we, and our fathers, our kings, and our princes in the cities of Yahuwdah (Judah), and in the streets of Yerushalaim (Jerusalem): for then we had plenty of fodder, and it was good for us, and saw no evil. But since he had finished burning incense  the queen of heaven , i mokre ofiary do niej, chcieliśmy wszystko, i zostały od miecza i od głodu. “

Czy coś się zmieniło dzisiaj w Kościele chrześcijańskim? Większość chrześcijan, że starożytni Yisra’elites były w jakiś sposób o wiele bardziej niż ludzie są bałwochwalczy dziś w chrześcijaństwa. Ale prawda jest taka, te same grzechy popełnione przez naród Yisra’el doprowadził go zaprowadzę z ich wrogami, są te same grzechy, które są popełniane w ramach chrześcijaństwa dziś! Nasz Mesjasz nie został złożony w ofierze na drzewie, tak, że możemy kontynuować w tych pogańskich kłamstw. On został złożony w ofierze, aby odkupić od niej Yisra’el uporna sposób pogańskich, a także tych, w Kościołach chrześcijańskiego już dziś!


Pictured is Isis  “Królowa Niebios”  holding her child son Horus. The Roman emperor Constantine renamed this image  “Maria i Dzieciątko Jezus”  w 3 -cim  century, but this image is none other than the original Queen of Heaven named Semiramis, and she is holding her child son Tamuz. When Nimrod and the religion of Semiramis moved to other parts of the world, she took on different names. Another one of her aliases is  “Wielkanoc”.  This is the true identity of Easter and her son Nimrod, who was later supposedly reincarnated as Tamuz (Ezekiel 08:14). Mythology teaches that he spends six months each year in the underworld, but on Easter Sunday (named after the sun god) that he resurrects in  “Wschód”  because the sun rises in the east, and pagans worshipped the sun. Her name began as Semiramis, but then changed in other cultures. She is known as  Isis, Diana, Astarte, Ishtar, Aphrodite, Venus, Easter  and a false deified version  “katolickiej Maryi”.  Her son Nimrod (later reincarnated as Tamuz) also had other names in various cultures as this Babylonian religion carried over around the world. He is known as  Horus, Apollo, Sol, Krishna, Hercules, Mithras , and many others. This image of Isis Queen of Heaven with baby Horus the sun god is the true identity of a Catholic  “Maryi i dzieciątka Jezus”  , which is revered by Catholics through icons and statues. You may also notice that the two horns on the head are for  “rogatego boga”  Lucifer and the circle symbolize the sun. This image is inconsistent with the second commandment in  Shemoth (Exodus) 20: 4  , which says  “. nie dokonuje wam obrazu rytego”


We have all seen this image on Christmas cards and Catholic images, but this image is none other than the pagan goddess Semiramis, Easter, Isis and her son and husband Nimrod, Tammuz, Horus, Osirus etc.





To understand how Satan fell in his false religion to modern Christianity, we must first understand the origin of Satan's first religion from ancient Babylon. Nimrod was one of the great grandsons of Noah, who was known as  “potężny myśliwy”  of men's souls. Nimrod married the mother of Semiramis.  —- Dwa Babilony przez Alexander Hyslop.

Bereshiyth (Genesis) 10: 8-10 And Cush brought forth  Nimrodbegan a mighty one on earth. There was a mighty hunter before Yahweh : Therefore it is said, even as  Nimrod the mighty hunter  Before Yahweh. And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel.

Together Semiramis and her son/husband, Nimrod started this occult religion by sacrificing children to Moloch, aka Satan or the false pagan sun god. Nimrod means  “tyrana”  leading the Babylonians to worship the heavens (sun, moon, stars, planets) with sacrifices of their children. The Tower of Babel, which was built for this purpose, echoes in other cultures such as the Aztecs, Maya and Incas. Obelisks were phallic symbols of male fertility or interpreted as solar rays (towers) precursors. It was religion that made them rich as people had to pay money to come to the temple to sacrifice their children on the winter solstice (Dec. 21st-25th) and also  “Wielkanoc Sunrise usług”  at the spring or vernal equinox (March 21-March 25). That sounds like today's abortion clinics, no?

Every year on 25 March th  and 25 December th , there would be wild orgies party drunk and impregnated were virgins, where the pagan priests by. Since there are 9 months to pregnancy, and there are also 9 months between March 25 th  and 25 December th , the pagan priests of Baal to impregnate these virgins on Easter Sunday and then on December 25 th  When these children were newly born, they then offer these newborns at the altar to  “Moloch”  on 25 December th . A few months later at Easter  “Sun-day”  then they offer more babies to a goddess named  “Wielkanoc”,  and then there will be egg staining in the blood of these sacrificed infants !!!

Pictured are  “z krwi czerwone jaja”  , which is just the color that the Greek Orthodox Church uses to dye eggs! When one of Noah's sons, Shem heard what Nimrod was doing, he sent out a bounty hunt to have Nimrod killed. However, the book of Yashar (Jasher) states that it was Esau (Jacob's twin brother) who actually killed Nimrod. After Nimrod was killed, Semiramis worried that he would lose  “członków Kościoła.”  Semiramis nie chce stracić tę wielką religię do robienia pieniędzy, a więc musiała wymyślić sposób, aby utrzymać ludzi zahaczone w jej systemie. A więc wymyślił ideę która zachowałaby legendę Nimrod żyje, utrzymując w ten sposób wielki religii robienia pieniędzy przy życiu również. Następnie skonsultować z pogańskich kapłanów i astrologów, który powiedział jej, że słońce “umiera” w dniu 21 grudnia st  but then it starts coming back to life on the eve of December 24 th . In paganism there is what is known as  ” Przesilenie zimowe “,  which falls on 21 December st  —- kiedy ziemia jest najdalej od Słońca. W dniu 24 grudnia th , the earth begins to revolve back around the sun and comes closer to the sun. But the pagans did not know in ancient times, before science and telescopes were invented. Those pagans in Babylon thought that the sun died on December 21 st  and rose on the eve of December 24 th  , thus causing it to be  “odradza się” December 25 th  !


Using astrology as her guide, Semiramis became pregnant on March 25 th  (exactly 9 months before December 25 th ) and then invented a legend of the Babylonian people telling them that on December 21 st Nimrod dies every year. She then told them that on December 25 th  Nimrod is  “nawróconym”  as  “boga słońca”  or  “Baal”. Hence, on December 25 th  w “boga słońca” obchodzony jest na całym świecie w wielu różnych nazwy. Semiramis powiedział Babilończyków, że stała się boginią księżyca i nieba, i że jej syn / mąż, Nimrod był  “reinkarnacji”  in her womb as  “Baala”  sun god december 25 th . She said that Nemrod the Babylonian impregnated her with  “promienie słońca”  in a supernatural way.

Her new son was named Tammuz according to Ezekiel 08:14 and was generally called  “Baal”  (meaning, Lord or husband). Every year on Tamuz's birthday on December 25 th , the Gentiles were ordered by Semiramis to go into the groves (forests) and put a present on a tree in honor of Nimrod, who was  “wyciąć” like a tree (Isaiah 14: 12-19). They were also commanded to cut down the tree, give it to their houses and decorate it with balls of silver and gold to symbolize the kernels of Nimrod (Jeremiah 10: 3-4).

Trees and branches became symbols of Nimrod because Nemrod was “wyciąć”  Just like the trees. Hence, the Stump stood a place honoring him, as Scripture says of the Gentiles entering into “gaje”  or the forest and worship their false gods  “pod każdym drzewem zielonym.”  In Yirmeyahuw (Jeremiah) 10: 2-4 YaHuWaH says:


“Nie Dowiedz się drogę pogan , a nie lękaj się znaków niebieskich; (Astrologia była przeceniać) dla pogan że obawiają się ich … Do zwyczajów ludzi są daremne:  on one is cutting trees out of the forest ., the work of a craftsman's hands, with an axe  They deck him with silver and gold ; ich przymocować gwoździami i młotami, że nie przejść “.

In the King James Bible, the word  “gaje”  is used many times, but in Hebrew the word as follows:

Strong H842 –  “Aszera



Ashera:  groves (for idolatry); Babylonian (Astarte)-Canaanite goddess (of fortune and happiness), has spouse Baal, her images; goddesses, goddesses; her images; sacred trees and poles set near altar.




Christmas trees are really  Asherah of the Poles  or sacred trees in honor  “Baal”  and ornaments are the testicles of Nimrod!

Babylonian history records that Nemrod was cut into pieces and his body parts were sent to the various provinces of Babylon to warn people not to give up their children to Moloch. His only body part that was never found was his penis, and so his mother/wife Semiramis, decided to commemorate him by erecting a giant image of Nimrod's penis, which today is called  obelisk.

The obelisk is a powerful sorcery  “talizman”  and those in the occult that the devil and his fallen angels use them as  “punktów kontaktowych”.  Note that there is one in Washington named  “The Washington Monument”  and there is also one at the front of St. Peter's Square in front of the Vatican. Occultists have strategic reasons for placing them on church buildings, such as  “wieże”  to cast spells on the people in those churches.

It is a olbelisk that sits in front of the Vatican in St. Peter's Square. Our Creator YaHuWaH hates these images, who commands us to separate them and destroy them! The following Bible references commandments to break down these images called  “gaje”  or  “Aszera Polacy.”  YaHuWaH nie chce pamiętać o tym, że Yisra’el czczony Nimrod i jego rzekomego syna Tamuz (reinkarnacji) i Baala matkę / żona Semiramis (Wielkanoc). Poniższe polecenia nas do Pisma te zniszczyć obrazy (wieże, choinki, obeliski):  Exodus 23:24, Exodus 34:13, Deuteronomy 7: 5, Deuteronomy 12: 3, Jeremiah 43:13, Hos. 10: 2

The obelisk was shown projecting into the sky, which is supposed to represent Nimrod's cohabitation with the goddess of the sky and moon, his mother/wife, Semiramis. YaHuWaH gave many warnings against these “gaje”  where the pagans would cut the tops of these trees themselves and then shape them into obelisks or phallic symbols. They would then go and have orgies there and exchange gifts within  “każdym drzewem zielonym” (Deuteronomy 12:12, 1 Kings 14:23, 2 Kings 17:10, 2 Chronicles 28: 4, Jeremiah 02:20, 03:13, 3: 6, Isaiah 57: 5).

Pictured is a statue of Semiramis holding the child son of Nimrod or his supposed reincarnation, Tammuz. This statue is seen around the world in many different cultures under different names, but the same demon spirits behind these statues regardless of the names given to them.

Forty Days Weeping Tamuz: Ash Wednesday and Lent

When Tammuz was forty years old, while he was hunting in the forest, he was killed by a boar (swine). He took after his father Nimrod, for he was also  “potężny myśliwy.”  After Tammuz died, his mother started Semiramis custom in Babylon named  “Czterdzieści Dni płacząca Tamuz”  , where people were commanded to fast and pray for Tamuz in hell , They exchanged one day of pleasure in this life for every year of Tamuz's life. Today it has been renamed in the Roman Catholic Church  “Wielkiego Postu.”  These forty days of fasting would eventually be incorporated into Catholic worship, in which people are instructed to fast leading up to Easter. To this day, Catholics begin these forty days on what they call  “Środa Popielcowa.”  As it was done in ancient Babylon, so it is also done today, where the pagan priests of Baal will take the ashes and put  znak “”  on the foreheads of people with a cross as he recited a statement about how we  “, stworzony z popiołów i popiołów wrócimy.” 

Gdy byłem dzieckiem, w wieku 6 lat w szkole katolickiej, ten zwyczaj nie dobrze usiąść ze mną. Pismo Święte mówi nam, że jeśli należymy do Mesjasza, że nigdy nie będziemy oglądać śmierci. Apostoł Sha’uwl (Paweł) wyjaśnił nam w 1 Koryntian 15: 50-54, że wybrańcy wymieniają śmiertelne ciało nieśmiertelności. Kiedy byłem dzieckiem, w szkole katolickiej, powiedziano nam, że kiedy obchodziliśmy Wielkiego Postu, które byliśmy upamiętniający czas, kiedy nasz Mesjasz pościł i modlił się na pustyni w  “czterdzieści dni i czterdzieści nocy.”  This is what we are led to believe that Lent is all about. The nuns made a chart on the wall as each child called out what they gave up for forty days. Some children gave up candy or their favorite television show during those forty days. But the truth is, our Messiah fasted and prayed during  “Czterdziestu Dni Pokuty”  leading up to Yowm Kippur. Jews have a tradition of fasting and repentance for forty days leading up to Yowm Kippur in remembrance of the forty days when Moses on Mount Sinai received the second set of commandments. And this is when our Messiah fasted and prayed in the desert.

See my article entitled:  “Mesjasza Czterdzieści dni postu prowadzące do Jom Kipur”

Here we see YaHuWaH condemning this practice called  “płacz za Tamuz”  which today is called Lent in the Catholic Church: Yechezqel (Ezechiel) 8: 13-14 “Włącz cię jeszcze raz, i  you will see greater abominations that they do . Then he led me to the door of the gate of the house of Yahweh, which was in the north; and behold  there sat women crying for Tamuz . I rzekł do mnie: Czy widziałeś to, synu człowieczy? “

Today, in many cultures, people do  “Wielkanoc Chleb”  or  “gorące bułeczki” skrzyżowane  as an offering to the Queen of Heaven. Do people realize that they are casually offering cakes to the Queen of Heaven?  Yirmeyahuw (Jeremiasza) 7: 18-19 “Synowie zbierają drwa, a ojcowie rozniecają ogień, a  wives their cakes to the Queen of Heaven ., and wet offerings to other people's gods, that they may offend Me  ? Do they provoke me to anger  saith Yahweh: do they not provoke to confusion their faces? Therefore thus saith Yahweh Elohiym;  Behold, my anger and my fury shall be poured out upon this place “.



In the artist's photo
depicting a false deified version of the Catholic Mary with nail print in hand! Roman Catholic doctrine claims that she participated in the crucifixion and resurrection, just like Yahuwshuwa (Jesus)! That is why they call her na  “Królową Niebios”,  as in the pagan goddess in Jeremiah 44. That is why they also pray to her, and that is why Christians today celebrate  “Wielkanoc”  In honor of His resurrection! Beloved, if you think Easter was about the resurrection of the true Messiah named Yahuwshuwa, think again!  “Wielki Piątek i niedziela Zmartwychwstania Mit” The reason the Vatican went to a lot of trouble to convince everyone that our Messiah had risen from the dead  “Sun-day”  rano dlatego, że chcą, aby przyswoić go do pogańskiego boga z “niedziela” Szatana musiał znaleźć sposób, by przekonać prawdziwych wyznawców Mesjasza czcić go (Satan) znienacka i tak on uchylony szczególny dzień, który reprezentuje  “Nimrod”,  the sun god from the tower of Babel. Nemrod was the first historical false Messiah who ruled his false One World government and Religion around 2275 years before the birth of the true Messiah, Yahuwshuwa. He was the first, historical Anti-Messiah whose name in Chaldean adds to 666.

But the true and authentic Messiah, Yahuwshuwa came to earth in human form at the time of  “4 th Tysiąclecia ”  (in the middle of creation week) and died  “w środku tygodnia”  (Passover week at 4 -this  day of the week or Wednesday), and on  “środku”  from 7000 years after creation in 4 -this millennium. And he also died in the middle of  “Daniela 70 -this  tygodnia “  (In the middle of a 7-year ministry where he worked for Rachel.) Consequently, Messiah died  “w środku tygodnia, w ciągu tygodnia, w ciągu tygodnia . “7000 years = Messiah died in 4 th  Millennium from creation (in the middle of the week). 7 Millennium = Messiah of 7 years died in the middle of a 7 year ministry to Rachel (like Jacob). His ministry was 3.5 years, and his  “dwóch świadków”  in Revelation 11 will increase as they leave the match in the ministry of 3.5 years (1260 days). They will be completing a ministry of 7 years for Rachel (the symbolic House of Judah). 7 days = Messiah died in the middle of Passover week on 4 -this  day of the week (Wednesday). Our Messiah Yahuwshuwa will return on the 7th th  Millennium from the creature to his bride and it is called “Sabat Millennium.” 2 II  Peter 3: 8  we said that  “jeden dzień jest jak tysiąc lat, z Jahwe i tysiąc lat jest jak jeden dzień.” Hence, 7 th  Sabbath day points to our Yahuwshuv Messiah!

The first day of the week named  “Sun-day”  does not point to our Messiah, because Sunday is not  “Dzień Pański”,  as many were erroneously taught to believe in the Church.

See my article entitled:  “Jak działa Wielki Piątek zdyskredytować naszym Mesjaszem? Możesz liczyć do trzech? “

See also the article titled:  “Jak działa Punkt dzień szabatu do zmartwychwstania? Ja go wskrzeszę w dniu ostatecznym. “

Semiramis, (wife and mother of Nimrod) also called  Venus  in Rome, has a day of the week named after it. This day in Italian or Latin is  “venerdì”  Venus. This word  “venerdì”  , where we have the word  “czczenia”  , which means  “do kultu.”  W 3 rd  century Constantine renamed the statue Venus “NMP”.  Accordingly,  “piątek”  is to signify her participation from the crucifixion of our Messiah!


Mary proclaimed Co-redemptrix of salvation

Catholic Catechism Pg. 252 # 969

“wzięty do nieba ona (Maryja) nie zaprzestała tego zbawczego zadania, lecz poprzez wielorakie swoje wstawiennictwo ustawicznie zjednuje nam dary zbawienia wiecznego …”

Catechism of the Catholic Church Pg. 125 # 494

“Być posłusznym ona (Mary) stał się przyczyną zbawienia dla siebie i dla całego rodzaju ludzkiego.”

Catechism of the Catholic Church Pg. 125 # 494

“. Ona (Maryja) jest nierozerwalnie związana z zbawczym dziele Syna”

In his general audience address on April 09, 1997, Pope John Paul II said:  ” Maryjo … współpracował podczas imprezy samego ukrzyżowania w roli matki; zatem  its cooperation embraces the whole salvific work of ChristShe herself was bound in this way to the atoning sacrifice, that she merited the salvation of all men . In union with Christ and submission to Him,  cooperated in obtaining the grace of salvation for all mankind … W planie Boga, Maryja jest “kobieta” (Rdz 3,15),  New Eveunited from the New Adam  in the restoration of humanity is an original dignity. Her cooperation with the Son continues at all times in the universal maternity which she enjoys in the order of grace. Trusting in this motherly cooperation,  zwróćmy się do Maryi, prosząc ją o pomoc w wszystkie nasze potrzeby “ (Vatican Information Service). The reason for this idea of Maria being  “Nowa Ewa”  is so blasphemous is because in the original religion of Babylon, Semiramis married a son, Nimrod and today, Catholicism erroneously teaches that “Maryja jest Duch Święty”,  What makes her the wife of our Messiah! It is true that Yahuwshuwa (Jesus) is called  “ostatni Adam”  ( 1 st  Koryntian 15:45) bo wykupił nas od przekleństwa grzechu, YaHuWaH wzywa Yisra’el jego “żona” (Jeremiasza 03:15). Katolika dając Maryi tytuł “Druga Ewa”  means that  “Maryja i Jezus są zjednoczeni w małżeństwie”  , like Adam & Eve, and like Semiramis & Nimrod!



Catholic doctrine even admits this blasphemy by falsely teaching that  “Duch Święty jest jej mąż.”


In 1985 in Guayaquil, Ecuador, Pope John Paul II gave this speech:


” … na Kalwarii  she united with the sacrifice of her son  , który doprowadził do powstania kościoła; Jej matczynego serca wspólne z głębi woli Chrystusa “, aby zgromadzić w jedno wszystkich rozproszonych dzieci Bożych”. Cierpiącego Kościoła, Maryja zasłużyła, aby stać się Matką wszystkich uczniów swego Syna, Matko ich jedności … rzeczywiście  Mary's role as Co-redemptrix  nie ustało z gloryfikacją swego Syna ”  (Inside the Vatican, July 1997 , p.23).


In the mid-1960s, the Second Vatican Council gave Mary the titles of Co-Redeemer, Mediator, Advocate of Vatican II (Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, chap.8 II, 56, pp.380-383).


# 969  …  “Taken do nieba, nie zaprzestała tego zbawczego zadania, lecz poprzez wielorakie swoje wstawiennictwo  continually obtains for us the gifts of eternal salvation  ….  That is why titles are applied to the Blessed Virgin in the Church:  rzecznik , Helper, Wspomożycielko, Pośredniczki “.


Dogmatic Constitution on the Church,  Lumen Gentium,  Declared by Pope Paul VI, November 21, 1964, section # 6 Source:  Catechism of the Catholic Church , opublikowane przez Liguori Publications, tłumaczenie autorskim 1994 przez Konferencję katolickiego USA, Inc. –Libreria Editrice Vaticana, nosząca Imprimi potest kardynała Josepha Ratzingera, strona 252. Źródło: Papież Pius XI, encyklika


AD Catholici Sacerdotii  (On the Catholic Priesthood), proclaimed on December 20, 1935.


“Maryja został podwyższony w rzymskiej katolickiej nauki do Pośredniczki zbawienia, wstawienie jej między Chrystusem a ludźmi.”


Ale Pismo Święte wyraźnie mówi nam, że jest tylko ” jeden pośrednik ”  between YaHuWaH and humanity:


1 st  Timotiyos (Timothy) 2: 5 For there is one  one Elohiymalso one intermediary  Between Elohiym and the people, the man, Mashiyach (Messiah) Yahuwshuwa.


1 st  Yahuwchanon (John) 2: 1 My children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not And if someone has sinned, we have an Advocate to Father , Yahuwshuwa Mashiyach justice.


Ibriym (Hebrews) 8: 6 But now he (Yahuwshuwa) is to obtain more excellent service, as far as this  is an intermediary  a better covenant that was founded on better promises.


Ibriym (Hebrews) 09:15 And therefore  is an intermediary  of the new covenant, that through death, for the redemption of those transgressions which were under the first testament, they who are called may receive the promise of an eternal inheritance ,


Tehilliym (Ps) 54: 4 Behold Elohiym  is my helper : Yahweh is with them that sustain my soul.


Ibriym (Hebrews) 13: 6 So that we may boldly say, Yahweh  is my helper and I will not be afraid of what man can do to me.


Jak widać, słowo YaHuWaH deklaruje, że sam Yahuwshuwa ha’Mashiyach jest naszym  mediator, helper and defender!


Now of course, we can understand that as his mother, she would have already suffered and would have been plunged into sorrow at watching her son were tortured to death. But never the less, the idea of calling her  “co-pośrednik”  Is idolatry, and blasphemy. This one treats it as  “bogini”  Worthy of honor, and not the mortal man that she was.

And now we can understand how the Catholic Church gave the title to the pagan goddess of Easter, saving the Virgin (Miryam) mother of our Messiah, Yahuwshuwa. Today they call her  “Maryja Królowa Nieba”,  Like the pagan deity that YaHuWaH condemned in  Jeremiah 7 & 44!  Wow! What an insult to the mother of our Messiah the true Miryam!

Of course we know that this is not the true Miryam described in the scriptures. The Catholic Church not only presents us with a false Messiah or  “Another Yahuwshuwa ” ,  but also current  ” Innym Miryam! “

Semiramis, (Nimrod's mother), became known in other cultures as  “Magna Mater” “Wielkiej Matki, ”  and was revered as  Mother Earth.  Słońce “współpracują” z Ziemi każdej wiosny i  “Rites of Spring” symbolizes  “maja Polak”  i  “Wielkanocy”  came 9 moons (months) before December 25 th  at  “Narodziny”  Winter Sun Its name is Assyrian  Ishtar which is where the name comes from  “Wielkanoc”.  In the illustration above, you can see why people buy lilies during Easter and women don Corsages lilies and orchids to church on Easter Sunday. This is because the Lily is a symbol of the goddess named Easter.

Easter, the goddess of the dawn is the universal goddess of fertility throughout history from the tower of Babel. She began as the wife of Semiramis Nimrod, and then after YaHuWaH scattered the nations and confused their languages at the tower of Babel (Genesis 10-11), her image with her son Tamuz carried over to other nations, under various names. The Romans called her  Astarte  but was later named  Venus,  and the Phoenicians called it  Ashers.  The Hebrews called it  Astoroth,  Baal's wife. Her emblem is the lily flower. She is  “bogini świtu”,  and her statue stands on a bridge in France. French committed the colossus of this painting, and it now stands in New York Harbor, facing  “Wschód”,  citing Ishtar  or  Easter.


Why is it aimed at the East?


Yechezqel (Ezekiel) 8: 16And he led me into the inner courtyard of the house of Yahweh, and behold, there were about twenty-five men at the door of the temple of Yahweh, between the vestibule and the altar,  with their backs toward the temple of Yahweh, and their faces toward the east; and they worshipped the sun toward the east .


As you may have already figured out, this image is none other than the Statue of Liberty! The French Illuminati gave this statue to America in order to bring the spirit of Jezebel's influence to our nation! The flashlight that bears this  “światło Lucyfera”  to samo “światło” masonerii. Dlaczego ona jest nazywana  “Lady Liberty?”

This is because it teaches YaHuWaH's servants practiced fornication with the kings of the earth (Revelation 2: 20-23, Revelation 18: 3). He teaches false  “Wolność”  , which says  “mamy swobodę utrzymywania Prawa Mojżeszowego.”  Ale to tak zwana wolność jest to, co Apostoł Sha’uwl (Paweł) o nazwie “TAJEMNICA bezprawia” w 2 II  Thessalonians 2: 7 , We are not free from keeping the commandments of Elohiym. But are free from “prawa grzechu i śmierci”  (sinful nature), so that we are able through the power of the Holy Spirit to keep the Law of Moses (Towrah) or commandments.

Pagan History of the Christian Church

Beginning with a system from ancient Babylon occultist Nimrod and his mother/wife Semiramis began a religion that would spread throughout the world, and it would go by different names for each culture. As time went on, all over the world on December 25 th , the sun was worshipped by these names:  Tamuz, Horus, Osiris, Sol, Baal, Mithra  etc The chart opposite shows all the different names in which Nimrod (the pagan sun god) was worshiped. It was a time for orgies, sacrificing children, drunkenness, binge eating and merriment. In Rome this festival was called  “Saturnalia”  for God  “Saturn”  , which is another name for Satan or Nimrod. And then at the spring or vernal equinox the goddess of the moon and sky was also worshipped on March 25 (Easter) as infants were killed in her honor. She also had different names in each culture, as shown in the table below.

In 96 AD, the Apostle Yahuwchanon (John) was exiled to the island of Patmos called, by order of Nero Caesar. The Roman Empire was in power throughout the world at this time and Rome's pagan religion was a form of Baal worship carried over from ancient Babylon and Egypt. Nero, I thought, was divine,  “jak Bóg”,  and he was jealous of the worship that the people were giving to Yahuwshuwa Messiah. He thought that their worship rightly belonged to him, and so he ordered that those who refused to bow down to him, as  “bóg”  will be killed. Nero was one of the historical Anti-Messiah (Antichrist), leaders whose names also add up to 666 in Roman alphanumeric characters. During his reign, many of Yahuwshuwa Messiah's followers were slaughtered.

Nero would hold rallies in the Coliseums where he was to allow these Messiah believers to feed hungry lions for entertainment. But these were only convicted spectators as they were moved by the Holy Spirit when they saw these believers who were willing to give their lives for their Messiah, Yahuwshuwa. As a result of the persecution many Gentiles were converted to the faith of the Messiah. Satan's plan to stop the true faith of the Messiah did not work so, he tried to bring the true faith of the Messiah to an end by creating a strict counterfeit that led to many false conversions. So Satan came up with a satanic plan in which he used this ancient religion from Babylon (which came from Semiramis and Nimrod), and gave it a new  “obraz”  to look like  “chrześcijaństwa”.  It all started with Constantine, the son of a Roman emperor. After the death of his father, Constantine believed that he was the rightful heir to his father's throne, but Maxentius was also agreed to take the throne as the next emperor of Rome. Thus, in the year 312 AD, on October 28 th  At the Milvian stone bridge over the Tiber, Constantine's enemy, Maxentius and his army stood between Constantine and the throne. As Constantine and his troops were greatly outnumbered, tradition says that Constantine had a vision  “krzyż”  in heaven when he heard the words  “w tym znaku zwyciężysz”.  This is an amazing revelation in light of what is written in Revelation 6 : 2 where we see the Anti-Messiah (Antichrist) on a white horse when he comes out to conquer: Chazown (Revelation) 6: 2 And I saw a  here's the white horse , and he that sat on him had a bow: and crowns were given him: and  came out as a victor, that he might win .


“Skłonił krucyfiks”  is an allusion to Nimrod's bow, and is supposed to point to the rider on the white horse in Revelation 6: 2. The same words that Constantine heard  “w tym znaku zwyciężysz”  are the same words of Revelation 6: 2. This contestant brings up the conquest of the world by pagan religion and much blood shed for the souls of the people. “łuk”  is a symbol of Nimrod, who was a mighty hunter and so “łuk”  is used to symbolize the Anti-Messiah as well. Constantine was also one of many historical Anti-messiahs because he mixed the once true faith of the Hebrew Apostles (called Christians) with paganism, and thus began a new  “grecko-rzymskiej”  paganized wersję wiary Mesjasza. W wyniku tej “wizji” twierdził, że konwersja do “chrześcijaństwa”. Jednak  “krzyż”  that Constantine saw in the sky actually Egyptian  “Ankh”,  which is an abomination of an idol to YaHuWaH. This Egyptian  “Ankh”  comes from recycling the ancient Babylonian religion of Nimrod and Semiramis. Capital  “T”  means Tamuz and the upside down egg on top symbolizes the goddess of fertility.


Here is an illustration of the Egyptian Ankh which Constantine saw in the sky.


See my other article entitled:  “Alef i Taw: Czerwony Jałówka i dwa kawałki drewna”  . where I can explain the difference between the cross of our Messiah versus the pagan false cross Constantine was  “gnostyk”  , którzy nie wierzą w bóstwo naszego Mesjasza. Potajemnie czcili słońce pogańskiego bóstwa o imieniu Mitra, i pomyślał, że prawdziwym Mesjaszem Yisra’el nazwie Yahuwshuwa był tylko jednym z wielu wcieleń tego samego boga słońca z Babilonu. To dlatego, że nie ma problemu, zastępując wszystkie ustalonych odstępach dni świąteczne od YaHuWaH opisanych w Księdze Kapłańskiej 23 z tych samych pogańskich dni prowadzonego na cześć Nimrod i bóstwa słońca. Zamiast niszcząc pogańskie świątynie i idoli, jak nakazuje nam YaHuWaH zrobić, Konstantyn zawracany pogańskie posągi, nazywając je po  “chrześcijańskich”  saints. The statue of Neptune the mythological god was renamed for example  “Święty Piotr”  the statue of Venus has been changed  “Dziewica Maryja”  and the statue of Sol (Mithras) was renamed  “Jezus Chrystus.” —- “Constantine” przez Ramsey Mac Mullen, opublikowane przez Dial Press, Crosscurrents w światowej historii serii, New York, 1969, str. 72 After this infamous vision of the pagan cross, Constantine sprinkled his troops in baptism, requiring no repentance of sins, no conversion, no belief in Yahuwshuwa as the Messiah or his completion of work on the Taw (cross). These people immediately became violent  “chrześcijanami”  , according to Constantine. Then came infant baptism (which is totally unbiblical) mandatory for Roman citizenship, which prevented people from having to have a true conversion to faith in the Messiah. They concluded that all that was needed was to be treated as an infant with water, and they were automatically  “chrześcijanie”.  Under the guise of Christianity, Constantine and his soldiers then conquered the city of Rome and took over the Roman government in 312 AD In 313 AD, Constantine then issued  dekret o “tolerancji”  , known as  “Edykt mediolański”  gives complete religious freedom for Christians. This seemed like a great victory for Christians because they no longer have to be tortured by their faith in the Messiah. However, Satan used this political movement to start a new religion called Catholicism. The word Catholic means  “uniwersalny”  in Greek, and this means that Satan always intended for this religion to take over the world, and become  “One World Kościół.”  From its foundation, world domination was the motivation of Roman Catholicism. In June 2000, the New World Order established  Kościół “One World”  the nomenclature of the Roman Catholic Church  “Matka”  tej nowej religii i papież Jan Paweł II został wybrany jako “lidera” z  “United Religions”.  See my other article entitled:  “Ohyda spustoszenia coraz bliżej!” And also my other article entitled:  “Kto to jest Kobieta Izebel & Kim jest Bestia ?  



In 325 AD Constantine set  “Sobór Nicejski”  and has become  “Summus Pontifex”  (the Pope's official title). —- Encyklopedia religii, Schaff-Herzog, opublikowane przez Baker Book House, 1967; Dwa Babilony przez Alexander Hislop, pięćdziesiąt lat w Kościele Rzymu, przez Chiniquy.


Constantine Creed


At the first Council of Nicea in 325 AD, the Roman Emperor Constantine founded the first  “Sobór”  Catholic Church. In this council, it was decided that the celebration of Paschy żydowskiej “”  will be replaced by the resurrection of this pagan fertility goddess known as  . Easter  Here is what he declared of that confession:


“Wyrzekam wszystkie zwyczaje, obrzędy, legalisms,  unleavened breads and lamb sacrifices of the Hebrewsall the other feasts of the Hebrews , sacrifices, prayers, aspirations, purifications, sanctifications and propitiations, and fastings and  new moonssabbaths and superstitions and songs and hymns and celebrations and and  synagogi żydowskie — absolutnie wszystko What the law, ritual and custom, and if then I will want to deny and return to Jewish superstition,  or will find eating with the Jews, or feasting with them , albo potajemnie rozmowy i potępianie religii chrześcijańskiej, a nie otwarcie je i potępiając ich confuting próżno wiarę, pozwól drżenie Kaina i trąd Gechazi złączy się ze mną, a także kar prawnych, do których uznaję siebie odpowiedzialność … ,


… I  I may be cursed in the next world, or perhaps my soul be set down with Satan and demons .  (Stcfano Assemani, Acta Sanctorium martyrum Orientalium na Occidentalium, Vol. 1, Rome 1748, page 105).


In addition, every supporter of  “żydowskiego Mesjasza”  nazwany Yahuwshuwa ha’Mashiyach którzy chcieli dołączyć do tej  “świętej społeczności”  was forced to adopt a different set of rules and customs.


Then a special confession was drawn up to which the Christian would have to swear, such as:


“Akceptuję wszystkie zwyczaje, obrzędy,  legalismholidays of the Romans , sacrifices. Prayers, water purification,  sanctifications by Pontificus Maxmus (priests of Rome) , propitiations and holidays and  New Sabbath  “Sol dei”  (the day of the sun), all new chants and rituals, and all food and drink from the Romans (pork and all unclean foods).


Innymi słowy, absolutnie zaakceptować wszystko Roman, każde nowe prawo, obrzędu i zwyczaju, Rzymu, a New Roman religia. “


Additionally, in about 365 A.D., the Imperial Church of Rome, Council Aka Catholic Laodicea wrote in one of its canons:


Christians do not have to Judaize rest on the Sabbath, but they must work on that day.


Rather  honoring the Lord's Day  (The day of Baal is), which is  “Sun-day”  w  Sol Invictus  (niezwyciężony słonecznym). Ale jeśli zostanie uznany za Judaizers, niech będzie wyklęty (przeciw) Chrystusa “.


Medieval Sourcebook: Constantine I: On Leading Easter


for the guidance of christmas .


From the Emperor's Letter to those not present in the Council all. Found in Eusebius, Vita Const., Lib. iii., 18-20.


“… When the question of the attitude toward the sacred festival of Easter rose up, it was widely believed that it would be convenient that everyone should celebrate the holiday on one day ; for what can be more beautiful and more desirable, than to see this festival, by which appear the hope of immortality, celebrated by all conforming to one, and in the same manner?  It was considered particularly unworthy of this, the holiest of all festivals, in order to custom [calculate] the Jews, who had their soiling at the hands of the most feared crimes, and whose minds were blinded. In rejecting their non-standard, we hand down to our posterity the legitimate way to celebrate Easter, which we must observe from the moment of the Savior's passion until today [depending on the day of the week]. We should therefore have nothing in common with the Jews, for the Savior showed us a different way; our worship follows a more reasonable and more convenient course  (order of days of the week); and, therefore, by unanimous vote, to adopt this mode,  desire, dearest brethren, to separate the detestable partnerships with the Jews for it is truly reprehensible for us to hear them boast that, without their direction, we have failed to keep this feast. How can they be in the right, who, after the death of the Savior, are no longer guided by reason of violence, but wild, as their deceiving may urge them? They hold no truth in this matter of Easter because of their blindness and resentment to all the improvements that often celebrate two passovers in the same year. We cannot imitate those who are openly deceived. How, then, could we follow those Jews who are certainly most blinded by error? To celebrate the Passover twice in one year is totally unacceptable.  But even if it were not so, it would still be your duty not to destroy your soul by communicating with such ungodly people [Jews].  Besides, consider also that in so important a matter, and on such great celebrations, there should be no divisions. Our Savior left us only one feast day of our redemption, that is, his holy passion, and he [to establish] only one Catholic Church. Think, then, how inappropriate it is that, on the same day, some should be fasting, while others are sitting at a banquet; that, after Easter, some should be rejoicing at feasts, while others are still strictly observing the fast. For this reason, the providence of wills that this non-standard should be remedied and regulated in a uniform manner; and every one, I hope, will agree to it. Because, on the one hand,  it is our duty to have nothing to do with the murderers of our Lord ; and, on the other hand, the non-standard now followed by the Churches of the West, South, and North, and by some of those in the East, being most acceptable, has proved good to all; and have been a guarantee for your approval, that it should be received with joy, as it is continued in Rome, in Africa, throughout Italy, Egypt, Spain, Gaul, Britain, Libya, in Achaia, in the Diocese of Asia, Pontus, and Cilicia. Consider not only that many churches in these provinces make up the majority, but also that it is right to demand our reason for approval, and that  should have nothing to do with the Jews.  To sum up in a few words: By unanimous judgment all  zdecydowano, że najbardziej świętym wielkanocny festiwal powinien być obchodzony na całym świecie jednego i tego samego dnia …

In about 365 A.D,  Council of Laodicea  He wrote in one of the canons:

” Chrześcijanie nie muszą Judaize o odpoczynku w szabat, ale muszą pracować w tym dniu. Raczej uhonorowanie Dzień Pański. Ale jeśli zostanie uznany za Judaizers, niech będzie wyklęty (przeciw) od Chrystusa. “

In 164 B.C. Antiochus epiphanies, a Greek Syrian dictator set up an image of Zeus on December 25 th  in 2 to nd  Jewish temple and forced the followers of YaHuWaH to eat unclean animals, and to break the commandments of YaHuWaH. He also forced the Yahuwdiy (Jews) to bow down to this image of Zeus and worship a pagan festival in place of the festivals that were set apart from each other about YaHuWaH in Leviticus 23.This was the same  “Ohyda spustoszenia”  spoken in 11 th  Daniel chapter. This prophecy was repeated later in Rome when Constantine set up images of pagan deities in Christian churches and committed the same abominations as Antiochus. This prophecy will be repeated once again in the last days with the final  “człowieka grzechu”.  Antiochus Epiphanies was also one of the many historical Anti-messiahs (antichrists) whose name  Epiphanies ”  is added to 666 in the Greek alpha-numeric System.

These were new regulations that Antiochus created:

You will desecrate the Sabbath.
You will change the time settings (Festivals) and laws.
You will set up idols.
You will eat unclean animals.
They are not circumcisions.
You I will not forget Towrah.

Persecution began in 167 B.C. under Antiochus, but 3.5 years later the temple was readmitted, and in 164 B.C. rededicated it became known as  “Święto  Dedykacja ” (Chanuka)  These laws created by the Antichrist leader named Antiochus are the same things that were later repeated by Constantine and this is what the whole Christian world lives by today!

Most of the Christian world watches people like Antiochus Epiphanies and Constantine in Rome in their practices and don't even realize it! Both of these men were the antichrists of history who killed the true servants of Yah and forced them to disobey the commandments! But what was our Messiah to tell us about worshipping YaHuWaH Elohiym in the same way as the Jews or Yahuwdiy? Yahuwchanon (J) 4 22 You worship what you do not know:  we know what we worship salvation is from Yahuwdiy  ( Jews) . Now he meant that we should all join the local Jewish synagogue and follow the Jews who do not accept Yahuwshuwa as the Messiah ? Of course not ! He made a distinction between the Yahuwdiy (Jews) who follow the Law of Moses (Towrah) as he did and those Jews who are on  “synagogi szatana”  because they don't have to follow the law at all. They instead of following  “tradycją mężczyzn”  (Talmudic law) or oral tradition, which often Czasy in relation to the Law of Moses.

Listen to what our Messiah had to say about those who call themselves Jews but obey the commandments: Chazown (Revelations) 2: 9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and  I blaspheme those who say they are Yahuwdiy  (Jews),  and they are not, but they are from the synagogue of Satan . Chazown (Revelation) 3: 9 Here  I those of the synagogue of Satan who claim to be Yahuwdiy ( Jews), and they are not, but lie, behold, I will make them to come and bow down their feet, and they shall know that I have loved you. Who is he referring to in these verses above? He means those who departed from keeping the Towrah (Mosiac Law) and instead replaced the commandments of YaHuWaH with their own traditions.

W czasach, gdy nasz Mesjasz poświęcili dla nas, Najwyższy Kapłan Kaifasz nie był uzasadniony Arcykapłan z Lewitów, ale był Edomitą udając Żyda w celu wpłynięcia na prawdziwą Yahuwdiy (Żydów) oraz z ich twórcy Jego przykazań. Kajfasz był faktycznie wyznaczony przez Rzym, a król Herod nie był uzasadniony król Judy, ale był Fenicki – samo miasto, w którym królowa Izebel pochodzi. Nie były to uzasadnione Żydzi rządzący Jerozolimę w czasach, gdy nasz Mesjasz chodził po ziemi. Posłuchaj, co powiedział do tych fałszywych Żydów w jego czasach: Marqos (Mark) 7: 9 And he also said to them  one may reject Elohiym's commandment that he may keep his tradition. The truth Yahuwdiy (Jew) will teach obedience to the commandments or Towrah of Moshe. But the false Jew is doing exactly what the Catholic Church does, replacing YaHuWaH's commandments with human traditions!

Słuchaj proroctwa, który mówił Ya’aqob (Jakub) nad jego syn nazwany Yahuwdah (Juda): Bereshiyth (Genesis) 49:

8 Yahuwdah (Judah), you are he whom your brothers are praising: your hand is in the neck of your enemies; your father's children bow down to you.


9 Yahuwdah (Judah) is a lion's pup: from the predatory, my son, art thou risen: he inclined that worded like a lion, and like an old lion; who is he?


10  The scepter will not be taken away from Yahuwdah  (Judy),  nor a lawgiver from his feet till the coming of Shilo; and unto him shall the assembly of the people be .


As you can see from the above prophecy, the House of Judah (the true Jews) are charged with gathering the people in the last days to the Messiah. The Hebrew word  “Shiloh”  means  “ten, którego jest on”  or  “to, co należy do niego.”  This word is an allusion to the Messianic Kingdom, when our gains of the Messiah. It means that the true Jews will be those who belong to the Messiah, and will gather the lost sheep from the house of Yisra el to the Messiah.


Apostoł Sha’uwl (Paweł) wyjaśnia znaczenie roli Yahuwdiy (Żydów):


Romiym (Rz), 3:


What benefit does Yahuwdiy (the Jew) then have?  or what is there for profit circumcision?


Great in every respect: above all, because to them were entrusted the oracles of Elohiym  (God).


And finally we have the end-time prophecy, where we read that Ten Gentiles  of nations will capture  “kanaph”  (the four corners of the garment) of him who is Yahuwdiy (the Jew) and they will follow him:



Zekaryahuw (Zechariah) 08:23 Thus says Yahweh of Hosts; In those days it shall come to pass that ten  men take hold from all nations and languages , they shall take hold of the skirt (kanaph) about him, that he is a Yahuwdiy ( Jew), saying, We will go with you : we have heard that Elohiym is with you.


What it is  “kanaph?”  Hebrew word  “spódnicy”  In Zechariah 8:23 above is the word that is # 3671  “kanaph”  and means  “skrzydło lub róg odzieży.”  Dzieci Yisra’el są nakazał nosić frędzle lub  “Cicit”  on the four corners of the garment to remind them to obey the Towrah (see Numbers 15:38 and Deuteronomy 22:12).


But who is the true Yahuwdiy (Jew), according to the Scriptures?

Romiym (Rz) 2:


25 For  circumcision verily profits, if you will Towrah  (Law):  but if there's a breaker from Towrah  (Law),  Your circumcision is uncircumcised .


26 Accordingly  , if the uncircumcision maintains justice in the Towrah  (rights),  Cannot his uncircumcision be counted for circumcision?


27 and not uncircumcision of a character, if it fulfills the Towrah (law), judge you who by letter and circumcision do not violate the Towrah (law)?


28 For  He's not Yahuwdiy  (Jew),  which is one outside; it is not that the circumcision which is outside in the flesh :


29  But he is Yahuwdiy  (Jew),  Who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in spirit, and not in writing; whose glory is not of men, but of Elohiym .


Apostoł Sha’uwl dokonał rozróżnienia tutaj między prawdziwym Żydem i fałszywym Żyda. W końcu to nie będzie o DNA lub  “niekończących rodowodów.”Those who will be counted as Yahuwdiy or Jews by the Creator who  “strzegą przykazań i mają świadectwo Yahuwshuwa Mashiyach”  (Revelation 12:17) . Those who made the pilgrimage from Lion of Judah) (Yahuwdah, have united their tribe and they are to become Yahuwdiy (Jews), according to Ezekiel 47:22.Any foreigner who wants to  “przebywanie z  plemienia Yisra’elite “,  to then be grafted to that generation, and he was treated as  “jeden” narodził się wśród of this tribe. And so becoming a Jew is not about joining a man-made religion with extra rules and regulations by man. Becoming a Jew is about following the Jewish Messiah and obeying His Towrah!


This is why Constantine Creed taught the Christian churches is proven to be a fraud!


Prawdziwa wiara naszego Mesjasza jest odpuszczenie naszych grzechów w jego krwi (uzasadnienie) i otrzymywać zamieszkiwanie w Ruwach ha’Qodesh (Ducha Świętego), który następnie uczy nas posłuszeństwa te same przykazania, które czynił (uświęcenie) !


Każdy, kto uczy czegoś innego głosi fałszywe Besowrah (ewangeliczne) i fałszywego Mesjasza! Niedziela nie jest zmartwychwstanie prawdziwego Mesjasza Yisra’el. Wielkanoc jest nazwa pogańskiej bogini płodności z Babilonu i nakazane  “Wyjdźcie z Tajemnicy Babilonu Wielkiego Matki nierządnic”  (Revelation 18: 4).

Updated: 26 December 2014 — 11:20

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  1. PISMO Święte mi mówi w Ew. ŁUK.24, 1 – 7.To o zmartwychwstaniu Pana Jezusa. Cytuję: 24 A pierwszego dnia po sabacie bardzo rano przyszły do grobu, niosac rzeczy wonne, które były nagotowały i niektóre inne z niemi;
    2 And they found a stone rolled away from the grave.
    3 And having entered into the tomb, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus.
    4. I stało sie, gdy sie dlatego zatrwozyły, ze oto dwaj mezowie staneli przy nich w szatach swietnych.
    5. A gdy sie one bały i schyliły twarz swoje
    ku ziemi, rzekli do nich: Cóz szukacie zyjacego miedzy umarłymi? 6. Nie maszci go tu, ale wstał: wspomnijcie, jako wam powiadał, gdy jeszcze był w Galilei,
    7. Mówiac: Iz Syn człowieczy musi byc wydany w rece ludzi grzesznych, i byc ukrzyzowany, a trzeciego dnia zmartwychwstac. Jak widzisz jest wyrażnie napisane że Pan zmartwychwstał dzień po sabacie,i sam pan ci to powie gdy przed Nim staniesz. potocznie po pogańsku, nazywa się ten dzień ,,niedzielą”, Pan nie ustanowił tego dnia że musimy go święcić, to wprowadził zbrodniczy władca Rzymu Konstantyn, dobrze o tym wiem. A jak Pan założy swoje 1000-letnie królestwo, znowu będzie dla wszystkich ,,sabat”. Zwyczajowo apostołowie zbierali się na łamanie chleba w 1 dzień tygodnia, czyli w ,,niedzielę”, ale to nie był przymus. Szkoda twoich nerwów,jak ktoś idzie na zgromadzenie w niedzielę. Sabat ciebie jako żyda obowiązuje, on nie jest ustanowiony dla chrześcijan z pogan, chyba znasz listy ap. Pawła i co on na ten temat napisał, a wiem że on miał Ducha Bożego w sobie, i nie wierzył w katolicką Trójcę, i ja dziękuję Bogu że także jestem uwolniony z tego katolickiego kłamstwa i wiem że istnieje tylko Jeden Bóg, Jahwe ,,JHWH” Starego Testamentu, to jest Jahschua (Jezus) Nowego Testamentu. Amen!

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