Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

A demonic trinity rules the world

I have been preparing this text for about 2 weeks. However, over the years I have not been able to connect a few facts: Satan with the trinity, the pentagram, the cross in rock music, Ishtar/Isis with Satan, the illuminati triangle, and the end times with it all. I've known for 2 weeks now how Satan rules the world. He rules by giving his influence to the demonic powers that are written about in the Bible. This text was originally supposed to be about Christmas trees and paganism. However, thanks to one website, it led me to several others, as it happens with tracing.

What is behind the famous Illuminati triangle? There is an all-reigning trinity on Earth behind it and the Bible mentions it laconically. I suspect that God allowed significant portions to be removed from God's Word concerning this trinity because of its irrelevance in the path to salvation and submission to God's Law.

We all know Isis, interchangeably Ishtar, Venus, Aphrodite. Mrs. Liberty, wife of Baal:


It's time to flesh out what this is all about. Let me start with some little-known biblical figures. They are Tammuz, about whom it is written in the book of Ezekiel, chapter 8


13) And he said unto me, Thou shalt see still greater abominations which they commit. (14) And he led me to the entrance of the north gate of the temple of the Lord; and, behold, there sat women mourning Tammuza. (15) Then he said to me, Have you seen this, O son of man? You will see even greater abominations than these. (16) And he led me into the inner court of the temple of the LORD. And behold, at the entrance of the tabernacle of the Lord, between the antechamber and the altar, there were about twenty-five men; these, with their backs toward the tabernacle of the Lord, and with their faces toward the east, they worshiped the sun. (17) Then he said to me, Son of man! Have you seen this! Is it not enough for the house of Judah to commit the abominations which they commit here, filling the land with lawlessness and continually provoking me to anger? And behold, they put a vine to the nose! (18) Therefore will I deal with them in wrath: Neither shall my eye twitch, nor shall I have mercy! And when they cry aloud into my ears, I will not hear them.


At some point in history the Jews, or Edomites, began to worship the Sun and everything associated with it. Who was Tammuz ( Dumuzi)?


"In Mesopotamian mythology, a shepherd god, the spouse of the goddess Ishtar (Inanna), condemned by her to stay in the underworld. Also revered as the god of vegetation."

Tammuz is a highly unusual and overlooked figure in world history. While Isis is familiar to most of us, the person of Tammuz is something new.

Tammuz and Ishtar


Tammuz is identified with the Egyptian Osiris and the Greco-Roman Attis, Adonis, Bacchus and/or the Persian(Iranian)-Indian-Roman Mithras. His sister was Belet-seri, and he is credited with the goddess Ishtar (Inanna) as his wife.


It is his birthday that is celebrated these days!!!


We will read an interesting story about Ishtar/Isis worshipped by the KRK


One day Inanna/Ishtar decided to descend to Kur-nu-gi-a, the "Land of No Return", where her dark sister Ereshkigal ruled. Ever the power-hungry goddess, Inanna/Ishtar decided to extend her rule to this bleak, barren place. She dressed in her finest robes, put on her most beautiful ornaments, carefully made up, and, armed with the divine rights of me, set out on her journey. Realizing that the journey to the land of the dead was extremely dangerous, before leaving she commanded her messenger Ninshubur to perform mourning rites and to ask the gods Enlil, Nannar and Enki not to let her lady die.

On her descent into the netherworld Inanna behaved in her usual pompous and overbearing manner, but it soon became apparent that she was powerless against the laws of the Land of No Return. At each of the seven gates leading to Kur-nu-gi-a, Inanna had to surrender some of her clothing to the guards, until finally she stood naked before Ereshkigal and the seven judges of the dead. By their decision the goddess became a dead body, which was hung on a pole.

When three days and three nights had passed, Ninshubur begged the gods for rescue, but Enlil and Nanna said that the judgments of the underworld could not be resisted. Finally Enki gave in and created two winged beings, Galaturra and Kurgarra. The crafty Enki commanded his creations to curry favor with Ereshkigal by showing her compassion in her suffering, and then she would swear to grant their wish. Then they are to demand the release of Inanna's body. And indeed, it happened exactly according to his words. Galaturra and Kurgarra, having come to the body of Inanna, gave her the food of life and the water of life, so that the goddess was resurrected. However, when Inanna left the land of death, she was still escorted by a host of terrible demons of Galaturgarra, who would not leave her until she had shown them an heir to the place she had vacated in Kur-nu-gi-a, for such are the laws of the underworld.

The first person she encountered on her way was the grieving Ninshubura, but the goddess took pity on her. As they continued on their way, they encountered more deities dressed in mourning robes, but Inanna felt sorry for giving them up to die. Meanwhile, the demons were beginning to grow impatient.

The goddess, escorted by demons, returned to her native Uruk, where she discovered that her husband, Dumuzi, king of Kulab, was neither grieving nor missing her. On the contrary, when Inanna entered the palace, he was feasting merrily. The enraged goddess pointed to him and announced that henceforth Dumuzi would succeed her in Kur-nu-gi-a. Twice Dumuzi broke free from the iron grip of the demons, but twice he lost, and had to go to the land of death.


This is just as a curiosity.


And where did Tammuz come from? Here we come to a sensational piece of information. For a long time something didn't fit me in all this, but now the puzzle was put together. What exactly wasn't right for me? The character of Nimrod. On the one hand he was Noah's grandson and on the other he had supernatural abilities.



Nimrod, the grandson of Ham (one of Noah's sons), was the true propagator of the Babylonian system that took over the world during his lifetime. It was a system of organized competition based on a benefit-producing economic system. Nimrod built the tower of Babel, ancient Nineveh and other cities. The name 'Nimrod' comes from the Hebrew word 'Marad', meaning 'rebel'. Nimrod was so evil and godless that he married his own mother - Semiramis. After Nimrod's early death, His mother-wife spread the devilish doctrine that he was still alive as a spirit. She claimed that during the night, an evergreen grew out of a withered tree trunk green treewhich symbolizes the new life of the deceased Nimrod. On each anniversary of his birth, Nimrod would visit this evergreen tree and to leave gifts under it. December 25 was Nimrod's birthday: Here we have the true genesis of the 'Christmas tree'.

As a result of her intrigue, the Babylonians gradually began to see Semiramis as 'Queen of Heaven', while Nimrod was given various names including '.God's Son of Heaven'. After a long period of idolatry, Nimrod was also revered as Messiah, Son of Baal and Sun God. This Babylonian worship of 'mother and child' (Semiramis and the reborn Nimrod) became the main object of worship. The worship of 'mother and child' spread from Babylon to the whole world. Only the names changed depending on the country. In Egypt it was, 'Isis and Osiris', in Asia, 'Cybele and Dosius', in pagan Rome, 'Fortuna and Jupiter'. Even in Greece, Japan, China and Tibet, objects of worship could be found Madonnas - long before the birth of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world.

In the fourth and fifth centuries when pagans from the Roman world by the thousands began to embrace the no-new popular 'Christianity', they brought their pagan customs and beliefs under Christian-sounding names. The idea of the Madonna 'mother and child' became very popular, especially at Christmas time. Every year at Christmas, people sing the carol 'Silent Night, Holy Night' with the family theme of 'mother and child'. Today we are Babylonian-born, throughout our lives raised to respect these forms as sacred. We never asked where they came from; whether from the Bible or from pagan idolatry.

It was thanks to this site that I found this arch-interesting lead.





A child of the sun surrounded by pentagrams.


Isis is the same as Seminaris.


From the translator:

A great Babylonian festival celebrated Nimrod, the grandson of one of Noah's sons, Cham. Nimrod became a god-man to the people and Semiramis, wife and mother, became a powerful queen of ancient Babylon. The story of Nimrod echoes Jesus, but also the "local hero" was based on the fact that in Osiris' Egypt in this Nimrod was eventually killed by the enemy and his body was cut into pieces and sent to different parts of his kingdom. Semiramis had all the parts collected except for one side that could not be found. Same story as Isis. It is interesting to note that the Easter connection of Semiramis, who miraculously conceived, fell from the moon in a giant egg moon that fell into the Euphrates River during the first full moon after the spring equinox. The date we use to fix Easter.


When she became pregnant by the rays of the sun-god Baal, her son was named Tammuz. Tammuz, son of the sun god, was very fond of rabbits, becoming a saint in the ancient religion. To mark his eventual death and resurrection, his followers baked spicy cakes marked with "T" or cross Above.


Here as the goddess of Assyria. From the translator:


Semiramis, was the mythological queen of Assyria. Legend says she was born to a Syrian fish goddess and a mortal man. When abandoned by her mother at birth, she was protected by pigeons until she was taken up by a shepherd.

The ancient writer, Diodorus the Sicilian, says that Semiramis married the Assyrian king Ninus and took control of the empire when he died, though she bore him a son, Ninyas. He says she was so eager to surpass her husband's achievements, she was responsible for a mammoth construction project employing two million of her subjects. In Greek tradition she was credited with building the magnificent city of Babylon, including its imposing walls, though I know it was Nebuchadnezzar in the 6th century BC who was responsible. She was also known as a great warrior who conquered Ethiopia, Libya and Egypt. Semiramis is also believed to be the woman who sexually insatiable slept with her soldiers and then had them executed, refused to marry and resigned from power.

After reigning for forty-two years, her son, Ninyas plotted against her to gain the throne. She did not retaliate and turned the kingdom over to her son. Legend says that she transformed herself into a dove and flew away, causing the Assyrians to worship the dove and thus divinizing Semiramis.

Semiramis is associated with the historical queen Sammuramat who ruled Assyria for fifteen years in the late ninth century BC. Whether myth or reality, Semiramis is one of the most captivating women known in ancient history.


It is from Tammuz that the Tau sign comes.

The sign of the cross used in Rome, did not come from Christianity as many believe, but came straight from mysterious Babylon. It is represented by the mystical letter Tau, "+" and the initials for the name Tamuz. One could see the following:


This is why I was once tempted to hypothesize that the mark of the beast would be the cross:



I'm not saying it will be so because I'm more in favor of the two triangles version than the cross, but the topic itself is very interesting. The cross will not be accepted by Islam.

That is why Jesus Christ told us in the book of Revelation that Great Babylon would fall. The cross is a sign straight out of Babylon:



Babylonian priests wore the same crosses that the continuation of Babylonian religion wears today:


The cross is not a sign of Jesus Christ.







"The Rosicrucian is a mystical symbol consisting of two "Rose Crosses" joined together. The small Rose Cross in the center represents man, or the microcosm, while being the center of the large cross symbolizing the macrocosm. A pentagram is placed on each arm of the cross in addition to alchemical symbols. The large rose in the center of the cross has 22 petals, which correspond to the 22 letters of the Hebrew Kabbalistic alphabet. The outer circle represents the 12 single letters of this alphabet, another circle of 7 petals symbolizes the 7 double letters. The inner circle of three petals corresponds to the three letters of the matrix - air, water, fire. From the center of the cross run out four groups of three rays symbolizing the divine light. Below this is a hexagram, in the center of which is placed the symbol of the sun, and around its spikes the symbols of the six heavenly bodies: Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Mars and Mercury. The lowest part of the longest arm of the cross is divided by two diagonals into four parts, which are colored according to the four colors of Malkut - the Kabbalistic "Tree of Life".
Source: Samuel Aleister Mathers - Virtual Freemasonry East"


The mark on Aphrodite's forehead (Seminaris mother Tamuza)




Many Catholics and in some Protestant churches such a sign is made on the forehead:



On December 25, the same "god" of all religions was born:


Horus - 3000 BC in Egypt. Horus had an enemy named Set (darkness). Horus, representing the sun or light, fought Set who represented darkness, this metaphorical daily battle of Good vs Evil as the sun rose and defeated Set then Set returned to defeat Horus/Sun and send the sun to the underworld.

Krishna of India - 900 BC. He was born of a virgin on December 25 miracles, star in the east, resurrected.

Dionysus - Greek 500 bd, hung on a cross, crucifix is his symbol, performed miracles such as turning water into wine, born of a virgin on Dec 25,

Mithras of Persia - 1200 BC - born of a virgin on December 25


Why did they smuggle all this out to us? First of all, to divert us like a semaphore to another track. Secondly to subject us to the magic of their gods (demons, the fallen).

I found an interesting site. Not trying to translate straight from the translator:

Christian Babylonianism:


A church member pointed to the cross on the cover of the Bible I was making one day, and asked: "Do you know what that means?"

"Jesus' sacrifice?" I said.

"No," he said. "It's what the Catholic Church wants to think. It is the ascendant god of the pagan Tamuz. The Catholic Church uses it to keep paganism alive, and people are tricked into thinking it's Christianity. "

Bless his heart.

We have the Reverend Alexander Hislop, a church of Scotland Victorian era minister and his books Two Babylons or Papal Worship Turned out to be the worship of Nimrod and his wife to thank for the regular retreat of these things. 1

Hislop's argument, in boiled down, was that Catholicism is not really Christian, but a melange of signs and symbols from ancient Babylon, with a Christian but thin veneer over them. He claimed that Constantine, the first Christian emperor , really did not want to abandon paganism, so he renamed pagan signs with Christian names and pagan celebrations celebrated as Christian events. This accounts for (among other things) why Catholicism venerates Mary i Jesus, not Jesus alone Mary is the Babylonian Semiramis, -rJesus son of Tammuz a kind of pagan goddess and son.

Two Babylons is wise, by which I do not mean to say that Hisslop is everything performed. There were influences from other cultures, both Judaism and Christianity. The Old Testament says that Babylonian, Egyptian, Assyrian, and pagan culture left traces in the Jewish faith; Pharisaic Judaism was one reaction to this. Post-apostolic, we can see that the Adventist royal statements of Constantine in Christian practice had the effect of sanctioning a strong church hierarchy, leading to some doctrinal changes that unfortunate persist to this day. There is also evidence that this early Christianity was at the time too good at crossing cultural lines: that missionaries syncretized existing cultural practices to make Christianity more appealing.



There is one more ambiguity in all this. Well, according to me, Nimrod was some sort of fallen angel. How could he be a fallen angel as the grandson of Noah?

As we know there is a tribe of vipers. In view of the above information, this should be taken almost literally, which is also what this text says:


Here we have the missing link. Noah the holy man and Nimrod the half god. Perhaps the first humans were something like angels and at some point lost that....


While I thank God the Father, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus Christ for this clue, I caution against any celebration of Christmas or Easter. Now you know what it means to be a lukewarm Christian.

"Ye shall know the Truth and the Law shall set you free."



In a few hours Part II, this time without my participation, It will be a richly sourced site I found a while ago.



Add a Comment
  1. I think I now understand why some non-Catholic believers dislike the word Trinity to describe our earthly understanding of the Nature of God, so much so that they deny the divinity of Christ.

  2. God is triune and Satan copies him this also works in 3 ways and then blames God as always because he is the accuser.

  3. Video in the subject line

    I highly recommend watching 🙂 I'll be sure to check it out.

    1. I think this channel is Zionist and I don't trust it. I am watching now and so far they are telling the truth. Interesting the obelisk in front of the Vatican is 4000 years old and could have been seen by Moses....
      So every church, building is an obelisk....

    2. Great. Thanks for that link. So Tammuz was the son of the fallen.I got it right.

  4. It seems to me that nimrod was a giant and therefore a "demigod" from a relationship
    fallen spirits and human women would explain his
    a terrible animal character and success in battles

    "And in those days there were giants on the earth, and also afterwards(after the flood), when the sons(fallen) of God came near to the daughters of man(womankind), these gave birth to them. So these were the mighty men of renown in those days of old." - Genesis 6:4

    kind regards

    1. oh that's right! but there's a loophole somewhere in all of this. Nimrod was supposedly Noah's grandson. So how could he be the child of the fallen one? Well, unless Noah's wife was raped which would already be sciene fiction. However, I have a super text about Nimrod from the book of Yisher and will post it in a moment.

  5. Krishna, Horus, Mithra or Dionysus were not born of a virgin nor were they born on December 25 - this is some weird internet myth

  6. Horus=Horon as well as most born of a virgin. Still an interesting source is the Lost Book of Enki and Horon's duel with Satu. - Asta downloaded
    The seed of life from Asar's phallus. And she fertilized herself to give birth to Asar as heir and avenger. To Enki and his sons....
    It sounds funny but these are texts from Sumerian tablets from where many religions etc. originated.

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