Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

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Nuns in hell worship 'holy' figures and the demons behind them

I posted a video about Angelika's vision over a year ago:


Unfortunately the video was ruthlessly removed by YT (google). Angelika had a vision of kidnapping people and JPII in hell. It's a pity that it doesn't exist anymore because there was an interesting scene from the abduction.


I remind you of the second video:


One may disagree with the vision of hell, but unfortunately in other respects the case is indisputable and biblical.


From the movie description:


"This video reflects an excerpt from a longer documentary available on YT which describes the experience (vision) of a young Christian woman from Ecuador. It is part of her so-called First Experience. Also available on YT are the Second and Third Experiences of Angelica Zambrano in Spanish and English. Well, this girl, while at home, died for 23 hours and during that time she was taken by Jesus to Hell and Heaven. In hell she saw Pope Karol Wojtyla, Michael Jackson and singer Selena, among others. She was also shown what the Rapture of the Church will look like during the return to earth /parousia/ of Jesus Christ.
The video is not meant to offend or attack anyone, but merely documents something that happened. Judgment and conclusions are up to the viewers. John Paul II, according to some evangelical theologians, in his 1999 encyclical rejected the reality of hell. He regarded it as a state of the soul-a state of rejection of God, even in this life, rather than a real place of suffering. This is only a part of the truth, for hell is the punishment for such a rejection of God. You can find out about it by watching the film 'John Paul II - Hell as the final rejection of God' and reading his encyclicals.
In Christianity there are roughly 3 views of man's fate in hell: 1. man remains there forever, without end. This view has been adopted by the Catholic Church. 2. annihilationism - proclaiming that souls in hell are gradually annihilated until they disappear 3. universalism - professing the principle that souls after serving their punishment in hell will return to God. Despite appearances, many Church fathers held universalist views, e.g. Clement of Alexandria, Gregory of Nyssa, and Basil the Great. The Greek word 'eon' meaning 'eternity' was not necessarily understood then as 'infinity', but more as a very long period of time.
Tertullian proposed the idea of purgatory, though he was not entirely sure about it.
Some reject the idea of a hell (lake) of fire at all, but this approach makes Jesus someone he is not, since he spoke many times in his earthly pilgrimage about gehenna, or weeping and gnashing of teeth in a fiery furnace. Did he want to deceive and just scare his listeners?
As for the video, the previous one was removed by YT at the request of someone named Samuel Dominguez after being online for a year. This is strange, because other videos by other users featuring Angelique Zambrano have sometimes been removed at the request of Mr. Olson or someone with the email address prizemanrobert xxx dot com, while videos that are critical of Angelique and use the same materials remain. I apologize if I have indeed violated anyone's copyright, but it seems to me that Angelika's message was meant to reach the entire world. So why did the author of this report make it at all? Was it so that it would not be known in certain countries? For this reason I decided to make my own video about it using widely available materials and a speech synthesizer.
Greetings and I announce that if YT will remove this film, each subsequent will be only better. More in Polish here:…

Updated: 10 December 2014 — 12:14


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  1. Something must be up since Satan's angle is already revealing that 'mother god' worship is evil. As usual, a little truth mixed with a lot of lies. I don't know about you, but the very attitude of this girl towards her guide shows that she doesn't fully trust God, and her guide seems to go on regardless of her condition and resistance. Also, the stretched description of hell, and the description of what is to happen after the rapture of the elect- gives no one hope- then where is the great tribulation and the countless multitude to be whitened in the blood of the Lamb!
    And apropos, from a 'divine' apparition website where even 'god the father' appears to the visionary, the 'divine mother' states that she can no longer 'defend' us from divine punishment because only a handful do what she wants:
    "The cloak of My protection has already been removed from your Nation, do you not see this?"

    So if this spirit is not lying, it is very possible that our dethroning is effective and we need to bring the matter to a conclusion 🙂

    1. "mother god" states that she can no longer "defend" us from divine punishment because only a handful do what she wants" - it is clear that God is Just and must satisfy that justice, but some protective mantle of mother makes God into a sort of fleshly man-father wanting only to chase children with a belt, and God is not a man after all....

  2. I do not trust people who speak in a state of ecstasy and on the verge of hypnosis, this girl speaks like Kalashnikov on continuous fire. If she was under the influence of the Holy Spirit, she would speak briefly and to the point. It looks multithreaded and chaotic, people who would suffer in hell would blaspheme God forever, not convert the rest. Punishment is annihilation, not eternal pastoring of the sinner.

    Words of God :
    " Do ye think that I delight in the death of the ungodly, and not rather that he repent and live ? " Ezekiel 18

    1. Just so . I agree that the punishment is annihilation in the fire of gehenna engulfing heaven and earth 2Pt 3 before God makes a new earth and a new heaven

  3. Question for admin have you read JPII's encyclicals?

    1. one a long time ago and I don't remember

  4. This video is weird. It gives the impression that the girl is talking from hell, not about hell. Perhaps this form is meant to reach quite deceived Christians and become the first step towards their conversion, because nothing else reaches them. The message itself seems biblical. But could she have seen anyone in hell?

  5. Bushi where in the Bible does it say that the punishment is annihilation?

  6. Bushi where in the Bible does it say that the punishment is annihilation ?

    1. See Genesis 2:7,17; 3:19-24.Death is the reverse of the human creation process. If you believe in an immortal soul after death then you have a problem accepting the biblical teaching of eternal death second to resurrection in judgment. The burning of Sodom and Gomorrah is a prophetic foreshadowing of the burning of the earth polluted by the power of Satan and his kingdom 2Pt.3:7-13 before the new heavens and the new earth Revelation 21:1 PEOPLE WILL BE BURNED TO LAMB, CUT DOWN AS CIRCUMSTANCES THAT WILL BURN IN FIRE Isaiah 33:12 . .... they will be annihilated....Isa.41,11-12 They will fall asleep in an eternal sleep from which they will not awaken Jer.51,39,57 says the LORD. The share of the people of this world is only this life...Ps.17,14The dead will not come to life, the spirits of the dead will not rise from the dead, because you have visited them and destroyed them and obliterated all memory of themIsa.26,14 here it says 2 death. ".... fear him who can destroy soul and body in gehenna" (gr),The Valley of Ben Hinnom (Hebrew) used by JESUS as a synomim of eternal destruction, Matt.10,28.Sinners await judgment and the heat of the fire that will consume them Heb.10,27.For the wages of sin is death and the gift of GOD's grace is eternal life...Rom.6,23 And death is the opposite of eternal life. Immortality can only be possessed by those who pursue it through a relationship with GOD THROUGH CHRIST OUR MEDIATOR AND CHURCHAPLAIN

  7. And what happens to demons and Satan in Hell?

  8. Hell lasts until the Last Judgment according to Revelation people will come out of hell to stand in judgment and those whose names are not written in the book of life will be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where hell will also be cast. So I don't know how to understand this.

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