Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The True Story of the Roman Catholic Church

The chronological ordering and collection of facts is by someone named Maestro from the link below:,166598,ugc





  • HISTORY ... We look with great pity on all scenes of absurdity and horror; and find them neither in the Romans, nor in the Greeks, nor in the barbarians. Wand here we have the fruit of the most wicked superstition that has ever stupefied men....

    ...It wasn't that long ago that we came out of that awful darkness. But still, and until now, all is not sufficiently illuminated for us.... However, we no longer fear that Presbyterians and Anglicans in London will quarrel over liturgy and communion and shed the king's blood on the scaffold 

    Ireland will no longer see her "Catholic citizens" sacrifice "Protestant citizens" to God for two months, burying them alive, hanging mothers from gallows, tying daughters to mothers' necks and watching them give up the ghost together, opening pregnant women's bellies, They put a dagger in the hand of the tied prisoners and point their arm in the breast of their wives, fathers, mothers, daughters, in the conviction that they are making criminals of them, mother-killers or child-killers, that by cutting everyone to pieces they are condemning everyone to eternal damnation... 

    And yet Christianity was supposed to be better than paganism.

    However, throughout church history we are introduced to cruel bishops, promiscuous popes, or power-hungry patriarchs.... The tendency of the Christian religion, which caused the greatest number of massacres, was its aspiration to become a universal religion." And I would even say with - totalitarian - covering all areas of life and all people living in the area of the Christian "empire". If Christianity was supposed to be better than paganism, why has it committed so many atrocities over the centuries?

    Why were more than 9 million witches, mostly old women, sentenced to death at the behest of the Church? No other part of the world has fought bloodier wars, and no other part of the world has been the scene of more devastating wars than those that originated in the Christian West. Why did the conquistadors slaughter over 12 million Indians in 40 years of evangelizing South America? Why has the Catholic Church fostered and continues to foster anti-Semitism...? Why, in a barbaric Christianity closely tied to secular politics, was power held by men whose temporal aspirations had little to do with the spirit or even the letter of Christianity?

     Since the fourth century Christianity has become not only the religion of the little ones, but above all the church and the organization of the "great ones of this world".  From the time of Constantine the Great, the hierarchy of the Church, acting in tandem with the administration of the empire, was one of the main forces sustaining the slave system.

    The state assisted the Church in thinning out heretics and the Church assisted the state in fighting various dissatisfied rebels...heretics....Christianity, greedy for power, has not hesitated throughout the history of the West to use violence when it came to forcing its doctrine against the resistance of those who did not share the Christian faith. Religious slogans were often only a pretext, and the real motivations - not at all sacred that is, such as ; to grab lands, property, to break resistance to authority - but not to the Lord God !!! The theological slogans of the church have often served only as a smokescreen for purely political games; the church has constantly fought for power and wealth to this day. And nothing has changed in that regard.

    It may have taken more camouflaged and covert forms of action.

    Let's take a slightly different look at the church of Christianity over a thousand years to the present day. You may come to some very interesting and puzzling conclusions and reflections...

    178 r.Roman philosopher Celsus attests to falsification and modifying the content Gospel, which anyway, in his opinion, continue to be full of contradictions. (`They prescribed and reworked the scriptures from their original form and they removed everything that allowedto counter the allegations.
    2nd c.Followers of Christendom begin to preach the doctrine of Mary's eternal virginity. No one had heard of it before.

    3rd century. - By introducing the ordinance the "clerical state" is established“. Christians have been divided into clergy and laitybefore all were equal, being both followers and priests.
    220 r. - Adopted dogma on the need to perform certain church activities, necessary for salvation. Baptism proved to be insufficient.
    250 r.The doctrine of eternal torment was introduced.
    4th century.St. Augustine (founder of the first philosophical doctrine of the Catholic Church) teaches that slavery is a state consistent with nature (that is, the opposite of Roman jurists and thinkers) and convinces the Christian slaves that their position is in accordance with God's will. At the same time, he chastises `uninformed' captive state Christians citing the Old Testament (which predicted liberation after six years of captivity). And to the masters he speaks of the temporal benefit of the Church, which influences the consciousness of the slaves in this way (In Psalmos 124:7).


    312 r. - Battle of the Mulvi Bridge, in which Emperor Constantine won and killed Maxentius. Because of a dream visionthat Constantine saw before the battle (he was supposed to win thanks to to the symbol of the cross), A year later, he issued the Edict of Milan equating the Christian religion with pagan religions.

    314 r. - Resolved excommunication for deserters. So far Christian churches forbade killing even in necessary defense.

     319- Emperor Constantine enacted a law exempting clergy from paying taxes,
    321 r. - Roman Emperor Constantine orders Sundays to be holy instead of the previous Saturday.
    325 r.Council of Nicea. As a result of the vote 250 bishops provoked the teachings of Father Arrio of Alexandria (who proclaimed that Jesus is not God, but a lower class deity) it is established that the Jesus sent to earth and the God who sent him are the same person. It stays Faith in the Holy Spirit introduced. Jesus of Bethlehem to replace previously revered Mithras. The Assumption of Mithras at the spring equinox becomes the Christian feast of Easter.


    The birth of Jesus (January 6) to oust rival Mitra are delayed until Dec. 25 (Birth of Mithras). In Rome on the Vatican Heights, Christians take over the sacred grotto of Mithras, making it the seat of the Catholic Church (later Lateran). New churches are being erected in places of Mithraic worship. (The underground sanctuaries of Mithras can be visited today under the church of Santa Prisca and San Clemente, among others) . The occurrence of clear similarities to Mithraism, the fathers of Christianity explain the activity of the devil. The cult of Mithras was based on the belief in the immortality of the soul and 10 Jewish-like commandments. Mithras sacrificed bread and wine or water (and animal sacrifices), and his followers were united in communities headed by fathers. Unlike Christians, followers of Mithras did not consider slavery to be a state in accordance with God's will, but the result of violence.

    355 r. - Bishops freed from the supervision of secular courts,
    357 Rome introduces tax on freed slaves. In response Bishops issue ban on freeing slaves owned by the Church. Although priests still prophesy to slaves the prospect of a happy afterlife, only obedient and submissive slaves can count on it. Punishments for disobedient slaves predicted the Revelation of Peter (considered a canonical scripture by Christians in the second and third centuries), which announced that such "will anxiously bite their tongue and suffer from eternal fire." (Rev. P 11). And the teaching of the twelve apostles which instructs slaves to relate to their masters as to God himself and to show them "humility and fear" (Didache 4:11).
    364 r.At the synod of Laodicea, the Church forbade the celebration of Saturday. "Christians should not Judaize and idle on Saturday, but should work on that day; ... But if they Judaize on that day, they will be separated from Christ" (Canon XXIX) (C. J. Hefele, History of the Councils of the Church).

    380 r. - After the accession to the imperial throne of Theodosius I, Christianity becomes the official religion of the Empire, while the Church becomes a political organization, always supporting the Kaiser's actions. The Roman Church becomes the mainstay of the existing political, social and economic system, even though it was considered by many Christians to be a departure from the principles preached by Jesus and the apostolic tradition.

    388 r. - prohibition of all disputes on religious subjects!!!



    381r. - At the Council of Constantinople, Emperor Theodosius adds a third person to the "Holy Two" the so-called "Holy Spirit". We have the holy trinity.
    382 r.Synod in Rome convened by Damasius establishes the supremacy of the Roman Church over the others. The resolution states: "the Roman church has been exalted above all churches. By God." Until now, there has not been one great Catholic Church, but many minor Christian churches, sometimes competing with each other. The emperor gains indirect authority over all Christians.
    385 r. - For the first time, Catholic Bishops ordered to behead other Christians for religious reasons. This took place in Trier.
    390 and 393.The Synods of Hippo and Carthage select appropriate gospels and legends to form a canon of "Holy Scripture."
    391 r.In Alexandria in the largest library on Earth, where some 700,000 ancient scrolls have been stored for centuries, Catholics burned `non-Christian' writings and books. Coming soon the ancient academies were closed, the teaching of anyone outside the walls of the churches ended. The stagnation caused by the actions of the holy church stunted the development of civilization and delayed scientific progress by one thousand five hundred years.
    4th century.The first celebration of All Saints initiated by the church in Antioch.

       4th century. - The beginning of the period of murdering pagans and the plundering of their temples by Christians instigated by bishops, abbots and monks. In 347, Church Father Firmicus Maternus encourages the rulers: "Let the fire of the mint or the flame of the smelting furnace melt the statues of these idols; turn all the votive gifts to your own advantage and take possession of them. After destroying the temples, you will be exalted by God."
    431 r.The Council of Ephesus affirms the principle of belief in the divine nature of Jesus and finds that man gave birth to God. Xristo Tokos - Mother of Christ - is replaced by Teo Tokos - God the Parent.


    The rise of the Vatican and the papacy


    449 r. - Emperor Leo And consolidating his power over the Christians introduces the primacy of the bishop of Rome over other bishops. Until then, there were many scattered theses of primacy, and every bishop of a major city was called a pope, or "papa."
    Vw. - St. Augustine argues that abortion does not constitute an act of murder. Abortion therefore requires repentance only because of the sexual aspect of sin.. Augustine writes: " it cannot yet be said with certainty that there is a soul in a body devoid of sensation, since it is not fully formed and therefore not endowed with senses."
    5th v.In the middle of the 5th century, August 15 becomes the feast day of M.B., and the Emperor Maurice establishes this a day a holiday for the entire Empire. 



    10th century.

    Odo of Cluny proclaims: "To embrace a woman is like embracing a sack of dung..." All of Europe is Under the rule of the popes. Ninety-five percent of the population can neither read nor write; people live in darkness and filth; water was considered detrimental to health and washing was considered a sin; superstition and superstition flourish. Activity in the fields of medicine, technology, science, education, art, and commerce collapses. A dark period in European history continues.

    The beginning of the medieval Crusader Wars.


    593 r. - for healing the curia's finances by selling indulgences, Pope Gregory and invents purgatory. Henceforth, at the final judgment, god does not place souls on the right and on the left but on the right, on the left and in the middle. In purgatory, the souls of the dead suffer until they pay their debt or are redeemed by the sacrifices of the living. Tentatively at first, the trade of salvation begins.

    VI - centuryAt the synod of Macon, the bishops voted on the question of whether women have souls. They decided that they did..

    Holy Confession.
    6th century. - Through Irish monks, confession by ear began to spread throughout Europe. Until then, confession was generally done in public and very rarely during a lifetime.
    6th century. - By imperial decree, all The pagans were regarded as people without property or rights: "that they, being robbed of their property, should fall into poverty". This decree gave the right to murder and plunder non-Christians with impunity.

    600 r. - Introducing Latin to the liturgy and "hours" to M.B.

    665 r. The Ninth Council of Toledo passes a resolution that was the source of the influx of slaves for the Church: "Whoever, therefore, from a bishop to a subdeacon, begets sons with a free woman or a slave, shall be liable to canonical punishment; the children of such a shameful union shall not only receive no inheritance from their parents, but shall forever, as slaves, be the property of the Church, since they begat them under reprehensible circumstances" (canon 10).
    694 r. - Seventeenth Council of Toledo recognizes all Jews as slaves. Their capitals are confiscated and their children from the age of seven are taken away from them.
    715 r. – Prayers to the saints were introduced.

    Falsifying Scripture.

    726 r. - the second commandment was removed from the Ten Commandments, which reads:
    "You shall not make for yourself an engraved image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath, or of those things that are in the waters or under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them." This opened the way for trade in images, scapulars, crosses, dowries, etc. The Ten Commandments, however, had to remain. So the Church divided the last commandment, about not wanting a wife, a donkey, or a will, into two parts.

    "Until heaven and earth pass away, not one letter or line can be changed in the Law" [Jesus].
    'Even if I should come and try to make a small change to what I originally gave, let me be accursed' [St. Paul].

    769 r. - The Lateran Council established a new decree concerning the election of popes. Only the clergy could apply for election. Lay people, and above all Roman oligarchs, were completely excluded from the election.

    835 r. - Pope John XI establishes a separate feast in honor of All Saints, designating November 1 as the day dedicated to them.

    897 r. - synod of corpses. Pope Stephen VII digs one of his predecessors out of his grave (with whom he competed for the papacy) and gives him a few days trial. The indictment contains three charges: Perjury, unhealthy ambition, violation of canons. As punishment The executioner chops off three fingers of the dead pope Formosus, then throws the corpse off the throne, dresses him in ordinary clothes and drags him through the streets of Rome before throwing him into a mass grave with the poor. After a few days, however, Pope Stephen came to the conclusion that this was not enough and ordered the remains of Formosus to be retrieved again and thrown into the Tiber. A few days later Stephen dies a `rapid death' and the people of Rome retrieve the remains of Formosus from the river.


     904 r. -the so-called "pornification period" begins in the church, comprising 12 successive popes, which contributes valorously to the definitive the breakup of Christianity into eastern and western parts. Several women for several decades takes possession of the Lateran. Unable to wear the papal crown in person, rule the Church through their lovers and sons, becoming de facto popes. To the main heroine of the pornocracy period is considered Marozia Mariuccia, Senator and patrician of Rome born c. 890 r., daughter of Theodora, mistress of Sergius III, mother of John XI, grandmother of John XII, aunt of John XIII, great-grandmother of Benedict VIII (1012-24) and John XIX (1024-32). It was also part of her policy to change husbands, with two of them, Guido and Hugo, being her birth brothers !!! (successive popes legalized these unions).
    904 r.Pope Sergius III murders his predecessors (Leo V and Christopher) and, through the patronage of Theodora the Elder, assumed the papacy. Sergius soon seduced the daughter of his patroness and mistress, the fifteen-year-old beautiful Marozia, who gave him a son, one of the future `fathers of the saints' John XI.
    911 r. - Pope Sergius dies a "sudden death" and is succeeded in turn by three figures commissioned by Theodora and, at the same time, her lovers: Anastasius III (911-913), Lando (913-914) and John X (914-928). After this pontificate, the main violin in papal politics belongs to Marozia alone (her mother died).
    955 r. - throne the eighteen-year-old Octavian enters the papacy (grandson of Marozia), who took the name John XII. The young Octavian, unlike his predecessors, exercises both clerical and secular authority in Rome. Octavian believes in the god Jupiter and the goddess Venus, and wears a bag of protective amulets around his neck. During his pontificate debauchery and debauchery reaches its zenith. He makes the Lateran palace a brothel for `the golden youth of Rome' (sons and daughters of patricians) and `the sorcerer's temple'. John XII pays for the services of courtesans and fortune-tellers with Mass wine chalices and other devotional items. Ma he's crazy about horses. He says masses in the stablesmakes a ten-year-old stable boy a deacon. Like Caligula, his favorite mare appointed senator. John XII crowned King Otto I of Germany as emperor. He died at the hands of his lover's husband.



    966 r. - Introduction of Christianity in Poland.

    Christianity does not tolerate the coexistence of other religions, beliefs and gods. At first this is met with surprise by the tolerant polytheism of the Slavs.

    All signs of native faith are destroyed. On the sites of burned sacred groves and demolished temples churches were built, church holidays were introduced on traditional feast days, local deities were replaced by the cult of saints (e.g., Brigis St. Brigid). According to Bishop Thietmar: `In the [Polish] state the people need to be guarded like cattle and whipped like a stubborn donkey (…) So if someone was found to have eaten meat [a great fast] after the "Seventide", he was punished severely by having his teeth broken out. For the law of God, newly introduced in this country, acquires greater force through such compulsion than through fasting instituted by the bishops". (VIII,2). By the end of the eighteenth century this process had culminated in the erasure from public consciousness of the entire Slavic religious tradition, which was partly destroyed and partly reformulated and absorbed into the Christian system.
    983 r. - Great Slavic uprising against Christianization.
    993 r. - Pope Leo III began canonizing the dead.
    1000r. - Christians believed in the imprisonment in 317 of Leviathan in the vaults of the Lateran (then the seat of the popes) by Pope Sylvester I.

    Sylvester and Carnival.

     The magic of the round number 1000 had us expecting extraordinary events.

    The Sibylline prophecies foretold that at the turn of the millennium a monster would break out of its prison and destroy the earth and the sky. The sign of the catastrophe was also seen in the person of the contemporary pope, who allegedly practiced witchcraft (he built clocks and astronomical instruments) and at the same time took the name of Sylvester II, which evoked the association "one Sylvester trapped the dragon, the other will release it". When the disaster did not come the Pope ordered a great fete and a time of revelry and thanksgiving to the Lord for his goodness and rescue of the world. This is how Carnival was born





    1015 r.

    Establishment of Celibacy for Clergy

    - After the experience of the pornocracy, forced celibacy for clergy was introduced to solve the problem of their families taking over church property. Until then, clergy had wives and children.
    1054 r. - Michael Cerulius, Patriarch of the Eastern Church, and Leo IX (indirectly) heaped curses on each other.
    1077 r. - Pope Gregory VII instituted a formal "curse," or cursing by the institution of the Church (not to be confused with a simple curse).
    1095 r. - Urban II, offering divine salvation, called on the knights of Europe to unite and march on Jerusalem,. He thus initiated the first crusade.
    1096 r. - Under the influence of Urban II, the First Crusade of the Poor led by Peter of Amiens sets out. The number of participants in this "people's crusade" is estimated at up to 180,000. The crusaders mark their way with pogroms against the Jews: in Worms, Mainz and Cologne, they commit robberies, massacres and rapes, no different from the hostile Saracens. A quarter of the unfortunates die of exhaustion and starvation. Part of the crusade capitulates at Xerigordon. Those who converted to Islam are sold into slavery, those resisting are deprived of life. On October 21, the main force of the crusade suffers a pogrom at Civetot. About 3000 men escape from the crusade to Constantinople with their lives.

    The beginning of the hatred of Jews for Muslims.



    1099 r. - Massacre of Muslims and Jews in Jerusalem

    (including about 70,000 Saracens). The chronicler Rajmund d'Aguilers wrote: "Heaps of heads, hands and feet lay in the streets. Some were killed by arrows or thrown from towers; others tortured for days were finally burned alive. This was the true, astonishing judgment of God commanding the place to be filled with the blood of infidels" ("Historia Francorum qui ceperunt Jerusalem").
    11th century. - The Pomeranian Slavs (Stettinians) declare to Bishop Otto Mistelbach: "You Christians are full of scoundrels and thieves; you cut off people's arms and legs, gouge out their eyes, torture them in prisons; with us pagans, all this is absent, and therefore we do not want such a religion! With you priests take tithes, while our priests support themselves, as we all do, with their own hands." (Life of Saint Otto) !!!
    1109 r. - Another battle for Jerusalem. Here is an eyewitness account: "Soon all the defenders fled from the walls through the city, and ours pursued them, driving them before them, killing them, slaughtering them, until they reached Solomon's temple, where there was such a slaughter that ours were ankle-deep in blood... Soon the crusaders ran throughout the city, appropriating gold, silver, horses and mules; they plundered houses full of riches. And then, happy, weeping for joy, our people went to worship the tomb of our Savior. (...) The Saracens who remained alive dragged the dead out of the city and laid them on pyres as high as the houses. No one had ever before heard or seen such a slaughter among the Gentiles.
    12th century. - The scholar and philosopher Saint Thomas Aquinas (founder of the second Catholic doctrine) proclaimed that animals have no life after death or inherent rights, and that "by the irrevocable command of the Creator, their life and death belong to us." Saint Francis, however, claims otherwise.


    Sanctioning confession by ear.


    1116 r. - The Lateran Council established confession "by ear."
    1147 - a crusade against the Slavs (the Elbe crusade). The crusade ends in failure but it initiates a process resulting in the extermination and wiping off the maps of those Slavic peoples who did not submit to Christianization.
    1140 r. - A list of 7 holy sacraments was arranged and adopted. Until that time, the sacraments were administered in a disorderly manner (e.g. Slavic priests regarded the crucifixion as one of the sacraments!).
    1140 r. - Gracian compiled the first code of canon law. This collection was used as an instructional manual for priests until 1917, when a new code of canon law was created. In the canon "Aliquando," Gracian states that "abortion is only homicide when the fetus is formed. As long as the fetus is not yet a fully formed human being, abortion is not an act of homicide.
    1204 r. - The Holy Inquisition began to operate.


    Servants of the Church have martyred or burned alive millions of people around the world.
    1202-1204 r. - Fourth Crusade initiated by Innocent III to support the Crusaders in Palestine. As a result of Henry Dandolo's policies, the soldiers of Christ turned against Byzantium and captured Constantinople, viciously pillaging and slaughtering the inhabitants (Christians). In the end, they burned the city. An unheard of amount of gold and silver was looted, and the violence again exceeded all wartime norms. On the conquered territory, an ephemeral state called the Latin Empire was created. This sealed the schism between Eastern and Western Christianity.
    1208 r. - Innocent III offered the lands and property of the heretics and their allies to anyone who would take up arms, in addition to an extension of repayment and divine salvation. A crusade was launched to slaughter the Cathars. It is estimated that the crusade claimed one million lives, not only of the Cathars but of most of the population of southern France. The commander of the crusading armies, when it was complained to him that it was difficult to distinguish between believers and heretics, replied: 'Kill them all. God will distinguish them.'

    The rise of the Holy Inquisition, the banning of Bible reading, and the great persecution.

    1229 r. - Pope Gregory IX banned the reading of the "Bible" under penalty of inquisitorial punishment!!! 1231 r. - Pope Gregory IX establishes the Inquisition.
    1231 r. - A papal order recommended burning heretics at the stake.
    1234 r. - Pope Gregory IXnaknakes a crusade against the peasants of Steding, who refuse the Archbishop of Bremen's excessive tribute. Five thousand men, women, and children are killed by the crusaders, and the homesteads of these peasants are occupied by murderers bestowed upon them by the Church.

    1244 r.- At the Council of Narbonne, it was decided that no one should be spared in the conviction of heretics. Neither husbands for the sake of their wives, nor wives for the sake of their husbands, nor parents for the sake of their children. "Sentence should not be commuted on account of illness or old age. Every sentence should include scourging."
    1252 r. - In the bull "Ad extripanda" Pope Innocent IV likened all Christians but non-Catholics to robbers and obliged the rulers to have these `heretics' murdered within five days at the latest!!!

    Establishment of Holy Communion.
    1263 r. - The reception of communion under one form was approved.

    Corpus Christi
    1264 r. - The feast of Corpus Christi was established.


    1275 r. - Discussions arose over the payment of tribute. In response, the Pope excommunicated the entire city of Florence.
    1313 r. - The Council of Zamora again orders the enslavement of the Jews and, under threat of excommunication, demands that the secular authorities carry out the order. Anti-Semitic church decrees would continue to appear until the 19th century.
    1326 r. - The incompatibility of the Church's exaggeratedly wealthy organization with the ideas of Jesus Christ it preached led to the promulgation of the papal bull `Cum inter nonnullos', which regarded as heresy the claims that Jesus and his apostles had no property in the form of material goods. They were said to have had a pile of money.
    14th century. - An epidemic of the Black Death breaks out. The Church explained that the Jews were to blame, while encouraging the onslaught against them. Exterminations begin.

    1349 r. - In more than 350 German towns and villages, almost all Jews are killed, generally burned alive. In one year, Christians murdered more Jews than Gentiles once murdered Christians in two hundred years of persecution. This is only one of many episodes of pogroms against Jews, for similar events occurred throughout the reign of Christianity.

    The armed struggles of the Popes.

    Robert of Geneva is the later Pope Clement VII !!!
    1377 r. - Robert of Geneva hired a band of mercenaries to advance on Cessna after capturing Bologna. For three days and nights, beginning on February 3, 1377, at the closed gates of the city, the soldiers slaughtered its inhabitants. In 1378, Robert of Geneva became Pope and took the name Clement VII.In the same year, Pope Urban VI became Bartolomeo Prignano and the Church had two warring popes !!!

    Witch Hunt.

    1450-1750 r. - The period of the witch hunt. Hundreds of thousands of women suspected of witchcraft were tortured with horrific tortures. Standard tortures included: hanging by the hands, whipping, breaking joints and bones with a wheel, burning, boiling in oil, spiking eyes, pouring boiling water into ears, tearing out breasts and genitals with pincers, planting on red-hot iron or coals. Children could also be accused of witchcraft: girls from the age of 9.5, boys from 10. Younger children were tortured to obtain confessions incriminating their parents. In witchcraft trials, the `testimony' of two-year-olds was taken into account!

    Establishment of the First Papal Public Houses.

    1466 -Pope Paul II, a homosexual or transsexual, called "good Mary" by his predecessor, Pius II, and "Our Lady of Sorrows" by the cardinals, began a crusade against the Hussites.
    A tax on harlotry!!! - To improve the finances of a curia accused of incest with his sister and participation in homosexual orgies, Pope Sixtus IV taxes prostitutes.

    1483 r. - Giovanni Giacomo Sclafenatiw at the age of 32 becomes the world's youngest cardinal. He owes his appointment to his affair with Sixtus IV.
    1484 r. - Pope Innocent VIII officially orders domestic cats to be burned at the stake along with witches.The custom was practiced for a witch hunt that lasted hundreds of years. The pope earns the nickname "father of the fatherland." Despite his celibacy, he has 16 children!!!

    The Holy Inquisition is attacking America.

    1492 r. - Columbus discovered America. The Inquisition quickly followed in the footsteps of the explorers. Natives who refused to convert to the Christian faith were murdered. When given the opportunity, resistant Indians were forcibly baptized before being killed. During this time, Pope Alexander VI held public orgies with his own daughter Lucrezia (Borgia) and son Cesare.
    1493 r. - A papal bull legitimized a declaration of war against all peoples in South America who refused to accept Christianity. In practice, men and women were ratted out with dogs fed human flesh and Indian infants quartered alive. Pregnant women were impaled, victims were tied to cannon barrels and let go. They were murdered, raped, mutilated and robbed. When the Catholic "missionaries" arrived in Mexico, there were about 11 million Indians, but a century later, only 1.5 million. It is estimated that at least 30 million people were killed in 150 years.While there, Pope JPII called this crime against humanity "a work of evangelization and peace"!!!

    Pope's prosciutto balls.

    1493 r. - Pope Alexander VI contracts syphilis
    Collective papal orgies with ... prizes
    1501 r. - The son of Pope Alexander VI (Cesare Borgia) gives the 'Chestnut Banquet', also known as the 'Chestnut Ballet', at the Apostolic Palace, where fifty naked prostitutes and courtesans gather chestnuts scattered among the candlesticks on all fours. The event ends with a group orgy and sexual competitions between guests and courtiers. Prizes are provided for the best stallions.

    Papal heresies!!!
    1513 r. - Leo X becomes pope, and upon assuming power he made a very peculiar appeal to the cardinals: 'Let our pontificate be a joyful one'. In the face of aristocratic company, Leo X always remained himself: "How much benefit this fable of Christ has brought to us and our people is known." (after Horst Hermann, Princes of the Church. Between the Pastoral Word and the Lambs' Hymns, Uraeus, Gdynia 2000, p.145)

    1475 r.


    1542 r. - Pope Paul III strengthens the position of the Inquisition.

    The Inquisition is given the same power over all Catholic territory that it previously enjoyed in Spain.
    The tradition of the church more important than the Word of God!!!???


    In 1535 Tyndale, a modern translator of the Bible into English from the original Hebrew and Greek, was arrested and imprisoned for more than a year in Vilvoorde Castle near Brussels for violating the Catholic Church's ban on translating the Bible into native languages. His trial took place there, as a result of which he was convicted of heresy, strangled by beating, and then burned at the stake.1545-1563 r. - The Council of Trent declared that the tradition of the Church was a more important source of revelation than the Word of God, and that the sole and exclusive right to interpret Scripture rested in the hands of the Catholic Church. It recognized that the sacraments were necessary for salvation. An index of forbidden books was created that would fetter freedom of thought, conscience, and learning for 400 years.The Council of Florence and Trent finally approved the dogma of purgatory. The practice of selling indulgences from the punishments of Purgatory flourished in full swing. Today Most Christian denominations consider the teaching on Purgatory to be unbiblical and reject it!!!



    1568 r. - The Spanish tribunal of the Inquisition issues a death warrant for three million Dutch people who, as the slogan inscribed on the hats of the "gezes" reads, would rather be "Turks than papists." Pope Gregory XIII slaughters Protestants!!!
    1572 r. - In France, 10,000 Protestants were murdered on August 24 in a massacre known as Saint Bartholomew's Day. Pope Gregory XIII later wrote to King Charles IX of France: "We rejoice with you that with God's help you have freed the world from these vile heretics.

    1584 r. - Pope Gregory XIII in the bull "In coena Domini" equates Protestants (Christians) with pirates and criminals, allowing Catholics to murder them.


    The hidden truth about the Vatican...


    1600 r. - On February 17, Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake for proclaiming that the universe was infinite and homogeneous (from which came the idea that humans were not the only intelligent beings in the cosmos). He regarded religion as a simplified version of philosophy and liturgy as the result of superstition. The Church convicted him of the heresy of docetism.
    According to the church, the earth is flat!!! - The Inquisition tribunal forbids the preaching of the heliocentric theory. The earth is flat and elephants float it on their back - these are the views of the Church. The Church's scientific approach to the world reflected the views of St. Augustine: `It is impossible that there should be human beings on the opposite side of the Earth, for there is no mention in Scripture of such a lineage among the descendants of Adam'.

    1615 r.


    1633 r. - Inquisition tribunal convicts 70-year-old Galileo of preaching the principles of heliocentrism . Had it not been for a deal he made with the Inquisition involving a public recitation of a formula revoking and cursing his "errors," he would have been sentenced to the stake. Galileo, imprisoned, was under the supervision of the Inquisition for the rest of his life.
    1648 r. - In a wave of Catholic anti-Semitism, some 200,000 Jews were murdered in Poland.
    1650 r. - In New England, clothing with "short sleeves was forbidden by law, as naked shoulders might be exposed." Christians began to believe that anything that drew attention to the physical world was ungodly.

    Cardinal Richelieu
    Prime Minister of France 1585 - 1642 , "If you give me something on a man even the most honest, I will still find something on him for which to hang him".

    1789 r. - Pope Gregory XVI rebukes freedom of conscience as "folly," a "contagious error," and speaks out against the freedom to trade books.
    1791 r. - The National Assembly of France declared the pope, aristocrats, and resistant priests to be the nation's greatest enemies.

    1793 r. - The National Convention of France passed a motion addressed to the Committee of Public Enlightenment `with a proposal to erect a monument to the parish priest John Meslier ... the first priest who had the courage and strength of conviction to renounce the religious errors of the Catholics. To John Meslier, after his death, he left the parishioners his life's work, a spiritual testament in which he confesses the whole truth about the religion of which he was an officer. Meslier wrote: "The Roman religion in its very essence is the enemy of the joy and prosperity of men. Blessed are the poor! Blessed are those who weep! Blessed are those who suffer! Woe to those who live in abundance and joy! These are the rare discoveries proclaimed by this Christendom! (...) I think, dear parishioners, that I have sufficiently protected you from these madnesses. Your reason will do more than my arguments. (...) In conclusion, I beg God, so insulted by this sect, to deign to restore us to the natural religion of which Christianity is an open enemy, to that holy religion which God has put in the hearts of all men and which teaches: that we should not do to our neighbor what is not pleasing to us. And then the world will consist of good citizens, of just fathers, obedient children and affectionate friends."
    They are finally taking on the Catholic Church !!!

    February 21, 1795 - France's National Assembly proclaims freedom of religious worship (influenced by negotiations with Spain and Tuscany) and the separation of church and state. A new era begins in human history.



    1836 r. - Gregory XVI, in a new edition of the Index of Prohibited Books, makes the reading of the Bible in national languages subject to the approval of the Inquisition. The ban remained in effect until 1897.


    1846 r. - On June 1, an order was issued forbidding absolutely anyone, even cardinals, to enter the Vatican archives without special permission from the Pope.
    1852 r. - The May devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary is introduced.
    1854 r. - The Immaculate Conception of the N.M.P. is invented.

    1855 r. - The Church's opposition to the Constitution of the United States. The Church proclaimed: "Liberty is blasphemy; liberty is to dissuade others from the true God. Liberty is to tell lies in the name of God." Earlier, to the U.S. Congress, the Church had filed a bill prohibiting the extraction from the womb of the earth of the oil that God had placed there so that `the blacks in hell would have something to burn under their boilers.
    Ban abortion !!!
    1869 r. - Pius IX at the Vatican Council condemns abortion; since then it has been considered a mortal sin.
    1870 r. - The dogma of papal infallibility was introduced.
    1897 r. - Pope Leo XIII adds the "Bible" to the "Index of Prohibited Books". !!!

    The Church is for the death penalty for church rebels!!! Early 20th Century. - Pope Leo XIII justifies the death penalty: "The death penalty is a necessary and effective means for achieving the purpose of the Church when rebels act against it and violate spiritual unity."

    Early 20th century. - Pius X declared literally: "The Jewish religion was the basis of our religion, but it has been superseded by the teachings of Christ, and we cannot recognize the continued reason for the existence of that one."
    1910 r. - On September 1, Pius X ordered Catholic clergy to take the "Modernist Oath," which instructs them to believe that "the Church ... was directly and directly founded by ... Christ," and orders them to condemn "those who claim that the faith, as given by the Church, can contradict history" and "a way of understanding and interpreting Scripture which, disregarding the tradition of the Church, the analogy of faith, and the guidance of the Apostolic See, consists in rationalistic ideas." The oath was intended to prevent "confusion in the minds of the faithful as to the substance of dogma" resulting from the progressive education of society. The oath was abolished in 1967.

    The church got scared of communism and put up with torture!!!

    1917 r. - Heretics can breathe a sigh of relief. After almost 700 years, the new "Codex Juris Canonici" abolishes torture! A big influence on the decision was the rise of communism in Russia, which the Church was frightened of.






    Strange behavior by Pope...Pius XII during World War II....
    1939 r. - Pope Pius XII, in a letter to the US church hierarchy, sees the cause of "today's misfortunes" not in fascism, but, among other things, in the short skirts of ladies.The Pope supports Hitler!!!



    October 20, 1939. Pius XII expresses support for the Nazi invasion of Poland. The pope saw it as "a struggle of interests for a just distribution of the riches with which God has endowed mankind."



    1941 r. - Shortly after the Third Reich's aggression against the USSR, large shipments of Ukrainian and Russian prayer books were sent from Vatican printers to the German army headquarters.




    The Vatican subordinated the conquered areas of the USSR to the Berlin Nunciature, officially accepting Hitler's seizure of these lands.


    1941 r. - The Vatican accepts the anti-Semitic actions of the Vichy government and agrees to pass the so-called "Statute of the Jews". It is hoped that it will not restrict the prerogatives of the Church.



    Pope Pius XII defends Nazi criminals!!!



    1945 r. - Pius XII stands up for the main accused of crimes against humanity in his Christmas Eve address. The Roman Curia intervenes to pardon 200 Nazi criminals, including the executioners of the Polish people, Frank and Greiser, among others. This is a small episode in a wide-ranging campaign to save Nazis from criminal prosecution.





    US students accuse Pope PIUS XII
    1946 r. - Law students at Cardiff University, consider whether Pius XII should sit on the bench at the International Tribunal at Nuremberg for all of the Vatican's pro-Hitler policies during World War 2.
    1950 r. - In a petition to the Vatican, Catholics ask for the dogmatization of Mary's physical Assumption. In response, the Vatican enacts the dogma of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, although there is no word of it in the Gospels!!!

    1954 r. - Pius XII instructs: "That which is not in accordance with truth or with the norm of morality has no right to exist." What is meant, of course, is truth and morality in accordance with the teaching of the Church.
    1962 r.

    1977 r. - Pope Paul VI explains that a woman is prohibited from entering the priesthood because "our Lord was a man."
    1978 r. - Albino Luciani becomes pope, a man who is extremely modest, progressive and loved by the masses, whose pontificate lasted only 33 days.He agreed to the use of contraceptives, allowed the priesthood of women, opposed celibacy.He decides to destroy the mafia structures of Vatican finances, and then purge the Vatican and the Church of frauds and affaires. He draws up a list of 121 Vatican purlators for immediate dismissal.Just before the planned purges begin, he dies on September 28 after "eating an indigestible meal" (he is poisoned). No autopsy was performed. His will is lost in mysterious circumstances.

    Pope John XXIII issues the document "Instructio De Modo Procendendi In Causis Sollicitationis" forbidding the disclosure of cases of pedophilia among priests under threat of a curse. The document orders victims to be induced to silence, also under the threat of a curse. In other words, if the parents of a raped child want to expose the crime, then they (and the child) face a curse and expulsion from the church.

    1966 r. - The Vatican abolishes the Index of Prohibited Books because it no longer serves its purpose and only exposes the Church to ridicule.
    1968 r. - Pope Paul VI promulgates the encyclical "Humanae vitae," the effects of which Catholic families still struggle with today. The only means of birth control allowed by the church remains sexual abstinence and the calendar method, and all sexual intercourse is intended to conceive life. The papal encyclical, however, does not prevent the Vatican from owning shares in and profiting from the products of the company "Instituto Farmacologico Serono," which markets a highly profitable contraceptive called "luteolas."
    1971 r. The FBI is on the trail of $14 million worth of securities forged by New York mobsters. The recipient turns out to be the Vatican Bank. The FBI determines that it was a test run before the target operation in the amount of 1 billion dollars. 

    1975 r. - Pope Paul VI explains in a letter to Archbishop Coggan that a woman is prohibited from entering the clerical state because "the exclusion of women from the priesthood is in accordance with God's design for his Church," although a specially appointed Pontifical Biblical Commission (composed of eminent biblical scholars) had previously ruled that there was no contraindication.


    The pope's opinion still overrides the conclusions drawn from reading the Bible. Paul VI was supported by John Paul II.


    Exalting and sanctifying murderers
    1980 r. - Beatification of Jesuit José de Anchieta, who claimed: "The sword and the iron rod are the best preachers." During the beatification of the mass murderer of Indians, Pope John Paul II called him the apostle of Brazil, a model for a whole generation of missionaries and himself. This is not the first time a criminal has been elevated to the altar.

    Rehabilitation of Galileo...what about Nicolaus Copernicus?
    1992 r. - Pope John Paul II announces that it was wrong to condemn Galileo for proclaiming the heliocentric view that the Earth revolves around the Sun (and not the other way around). Galileo's rehabilitation took 359 years.

    1993 r. - The Vatican recognizes the existence of the state of Israel. The Pope asks forgiveness for his mistakes...!!!
    2000 r. - March 13 The Church acknowledges that it has committed many sins over the centuries in the areas of human rights and religious freedom. Forgiveness is asked of Jews, women and indigenous peoples, among others. Forgiveness is not followed by any acts to right or memorialize the wrongs done,

    But for that the image of the Church improves in the eyes of the faithful.

    Where do the learned theologians think unborn children go ?
    The 21st century. - To the learned theologians the whereabouts of unbaptized and prematurely deceased children has been revealed. Until now, it has been assumed, the Lord intended for them limbus puerorum, a place that is neither heaven, nor hell, nor even purgatory. Theologians, however, after tracing the paths of the Lord's reasoning for a thousand years, have concluded that there is no basis for postulating this "abyss of children," and that they must be placed somewhere else. Thank God they chose heaven.

    2006 r. - On July 2, the president of the Pontifical Council for the Family, Cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujillo, says in an interview with the daily newspaper Il Tempo that abortion "is a crime more horrific than all the world wars." That is, the removal of a fertilized egg is worse than, for example, the murder of conscious children in the death camps.Who established the papacy - or did it - Christ?

    "From Peter, the first Bishop of Rome, to our current Pope, John Paul II, stretches a long line of supreme pontiffs. In all, there have been more than 260."

    This view was expressed by clergyman Anthony Foy in the pages of a Catholic weekly TheSouthernCross, published in southern Africa. He further added that : "We confidently invoke this unbroken series of popes when someone asks for proof that the founder of the Catholic Church was Jesus Christ".

    Is it really possible to claim with absolute certainty that the Apostle Peter was the first pope?

    (Information for the very inquisitive...) According to Catholic theologians, by 100 AD. Peter had four successors, Linus, Anacletus, Clement I, and Evaristus.The Bible does state that a Christian named Linus lived in Rome (2 Timothy 4:21). However, there is no indication that this Linus or anyone else became pope in place of Peter. The apostle John, who wrote five books of the Bible at the end of the first century, made no mention of any of these supposed successors to Peter.Moreover, if someone were to succeed Peter, would it not be expected to be the apostle John himself?

    As for the claim that Peter was the first bishop of Rome, it is helpful to know that there is no evidence that he was in that city at all.Peter himself stated that he wrote his First Epistle in Babylon (1 Peter 5:13). The argument cited by Catholics that "Babylon" is a symbolic name for Rome is unfounded. In those days literal Babylon still existed. Moreover, a large Jewish community lived there. Since Peter was appointed by Jesus primarily to preach to circumcised Jews, it is quite possible that he went to Babylon for that very purpose (Galatians 2:9).

    It is also worth noting that Peter never considered himself more than one of Christ's apostles (2 Peter 1:1).No Bible verse refers to him as "Holy Father," "Pontifex Maximus," or "Pope" (from the Latin papa(a diminutive form of the equivalent word for "father"). On the contrary, Peter humbly remembered the words of Jesus recorded in Matthew 23:9, 10:

    "Call no one ... on earth your father; for one is your Father, the One in heaven. Nor would you want to be called masters, for there is only one Master, Christ." (BT).This apostle did not accept tribute. When the Roman centurion Cornelius "fell to his feet and worshiped him . Peter lifted him up with the words: 'Arise, I too am a man'" (Acts 10:25, 26, BT).As for the previous 260 popes, Foy admits: "Some were not worthy of this high office.  

    NewCatholicEncyclopedia attempts to justify this fact as follows:"What mattered from a governance point of view was the office, not the character of the pope in question. He could have been a saintly man, an average man, or even a despicable man."

    But do you think Christ would have wished to be represented by such individuals? Either way, Scripture does not at all support the view that the founder of the papacy was Christ.

    According to EncyclopediaofReligion, even modern Catholic theologians admit that "there is no biblical evidence that the papacy as a permanent ecclesiastical office was established by Jesus."During the Easter Vigil Mass at St. Peter's Basilica on Holy Saturday, Pope Benedict XVI said that "the greatest darkness truly threatening to man" is that he does not know where the world is going and does not distinguish between good and evil. It is faith that is the true enlightenment," he pointed out. He warned that "blindness to God and values" is a real threat to human existence and the world.

    by : maestro1955 on 10.02.2012


    Updated: 3 December 2014 — 11:49


    Add a Comment
    1. Hello, There should be a History of the "Roman Church". God is true; There is one history of the Vatican. So few know it, but it must be so. God will choose from them one hundred and forty-four thousand, that is, those who will receive the greatest mercy, the honor that can be imagined until and only. Greetings.

      1. How do you know that ? Is it a myth or a story again?

    2. I burn with anger when someone refers to "Catholics" as Christians. It is blasphemy to God and to us.

    3. Nice work.
      PS 1.I once came across a certain Catholic forum, the topic was about - the queen of heaven. People debating there were wondering.... what arguments to use to defend mother goddess against those evil protestants... and some of them said that pro-tenant arguments are more sensible and logical 😀 .
      I bless these people, but..... Well, it's a travesty 🙂 To what intellectual heights can people be led by the holy apostolic church... Atheists have great food thanks to it.
      2. has anyone also noticed that the "Protestant side" generally is represented by more educated and knowledgeable people e.g. Dave Hunt, Derek Prince, Chuck Missler, while the KK is represented by guys in black raised in rural traditions and fables?
      Not that I have anything against rural areas per se 😀

    4. I just with a quick question.

      How to unsubscribe/unsubscribe from the NQF?

      Admin, you once wrote about this, that you made this decision yourself. I also want to do it myself.

      1. What matters most to God is believing that God's Son gave His life for us and accepting Christ as Savior, Messiah. It is necessary to have reason that rules over the heart
        and with the tongue, and the fruits are the deeds. Then you will come out of Babylon the Great, and for that you don't need a paper. And so you were put into it without your will. You can't even say against it, because you didn't have one. I don't know if signing out
        From the Roman "church", that is, apostasy can help you feel better. I don't need it; free will.

        1. Yes, you need to change your lifestyle - instead of Hail Marys, rosaries, litanies, long ceremonies - the Word of God and sincere supplementation of knowledge in this area.

    5. What this article describes is the history of the Catholic Church which was founded in the 4th century AD. Catholics have nothing in common with Christians. It is a confusion of the Christian and pagan faith (as evidenced by the cult of Mary). For the rest, whoever is at least a little inquisitive will learn the history and the truth. And the whole truth is in the Bible :). Greetings

    6. the catholic church is a luciferian sect .

    7. I am 70 years old,I have had a negative view of church representatives for about 40 years,and after reading w.... I will say yes-I WAS RIGHT.

      1. I agree with your opinion. I'm 52 years old, and I've been comparing the two religions since I was a kid. Catholic and the Witnesses of Yehovah. I know what most people think of the Witnesses and how they treat them. But I owe it to them to know the truth, the real truth about God Almighty and One and His son Jesus Christ. The truth from creation to the present and the end,has nothing to do with the truth. The 1000-year-old Bible of the Old and New Testaments proves it.

        1. But you don't believe in the son of God Jesus Christ but you describe him as one of the angels which is nonsense... and God's name is not Jehovah because it is just a word formed from the Aramaic term I am - the true God has no name because nobody gives him one and he doesn't need one as well as to have an image because he is the Spirit and the creation of this world. He is the source of all existence. So your teachings too are illogical and doctrines without support.

    8. jeeey tell me how you got so many dates? i would love to learn everything 😀

    9. Dear God, people, think for yourselves: in which wars were there the most human victims? The last two world wars, which systems maimed and murdered the most people? Totalitarian and revolutionary. This is how it has been statistically calculated and dealt with by really smart heads of historians! When there are no universal moral references to life and people, they are eliminated. The Catholic religion is in itself wise and good oriented, people rarely understand what it is about and I have the impression that more and more rarely...

    10. Piotr Andryszczak

      One big lie and manipulation. I hope that the author of this lampoon will answer before God. But he always has the opportunity to retract, apologize and repair the damage he caused to others with his texts.

      1. It's not enough to write in the emnotations: pasquinade. You have to prove it. And Peter, what do you think of this:

    11. Well, Peter is told by Admin to prove things. I provided a link for a collection of proofs, but Admin removed it 🙂 .

      1. I removed it just like I remove ads in the web address field.
        If you had posted text with an argument against my position and a link to a CONCRETE answer, proof and not an advertisement for a book then ok.

    12. As you can see, comments that you don't like are deleted too 🙂

      1. according to the regulations.

    13. I started to read a lot about religion... I don't recognize the church and all its politics! This article only confirms how many people are wrong and go to church every Sunday because it is necessary.

      Fortunately, God put people on my path, who opened my eyes and soul. Only one religion gives clarity, joy of connecting with God only without any mediators. It also has only one book, the same for centuries, without changes, without additions and without corrections.
      I hope more people learn the truth.

    14. Of course, the list of accusations is written for the audience, without historical context and with mistakes and insinuations. It blows in the face the first time and fades away when you get deeper into the subject.

      1. if you could substantively refute an argument, please.

    15. Ever since the Jesuits began ruling the Vatican in 1534, their policies have begun to distance people from God who serve lucifer. NA$A (and other "space" agencies) were founded and are controlled by the Jesuits. They are the ones who began intensively lying to people about the Earth being a spinning ball. The indoctrination continues to this day. The truth is that the Earth is not and never has been a spinning ball. Read more:

      1. Please also check the forum:

        1. Maybe the earth is not a sphere..or maybe it is...we know from the Bible that it is a circle and that is enough for me.

          What bothers me more than nasa's lies is littering people's minds with such a worthless topic. A conspiracy theory that means nothing. Let's assume that nasa really is lying and the earth is flat. We should ask ourselves one question...what does that change? This channel is typical fodder for so called "truth seekers" and "informed" proclaiming some conspiracy theories and no counteraction. And our only counteraction is to believe the almighty Yahweh God and the one he sent, Jesus the Messiah.

          I watched this video for myself "why would they lie about the shape of the earth". the man admitted that it doesn't matter the shape but the fact of lying to us..and I don't even care that I am being lied to about the flat earth because..I don't care. if someone told me it was raining in New York and it wasn't true I wouldn't care.

          I'm more concerned about the lies of the Vatican about the true Gospel, the Word, and the righteous Laws of the almighty Yahweh God..That's what worries me, not the shape of the earth.

          1. How does it not matter? It does and it is crucial. The theory of the heliocentric system (spinning spheres) was created to lead people away from God. The earth is the center of the universe, with one fixed point the polar star. They tell people that we are insignificant beings in the entire universe because there is a mass of other spinning balls and galaxies, spinning and flying through space at unimaginable speeds. Add to that the theory of evolution and the big bang theory and poof... everything came into being without God, all by itself. NA$A, the CIA and other organizations report directly to and are run by the Vatican (Those people who control the NCC).

            Here's a bit of history about Earth:

          2. I am glad that you want to know what in this book, about whom and for whom it is addressed. Certainly not to us Slavs. (Imagine if you found a similar book in the jungle and there it would write about the God of these peoples. It is their business)
            You're welcome. I recommend YTube
            The Bible and Roman Catholic Doctrines 7 x 20 min
            The Bible You Don't Know (Mauro Biglino)
            3. the Catholic Church, genocide deception.

            I wish you an open mind desiring the TRUTH, for the truth will set you free, as Jeshua said (this is the true name of Christ, our Teacher from Nazareth)

    16. Can you get the sources from which the author of the article drew his knowledge?

      1. With such a plethora of arguments you need to verify it on the internet. Everything within reach of the keyboard

    17. The article is good, only some things don't fit me here. The admin probably considers Jesus to be God and there was even an article about it and here it is as if it was condemned. Secondly, the information about Mithras is very questionable, as if the author of the article was trying to prove that Christianity was taking from Mithraism. And also the date of birth of Jesus (January 6th), wasn't Jesus born on the Feast of Tabernacles? (at least that is what I heard)

      1. This is not my text, I found it on the internet a long time ago.
        Yes, because he took Christianity from Mithraism, for what is present Christianity but Rome?

        "Christianity is one of the great monotheistic religions, adhered to ob. by about 30% of the world's population. Of the nearly 1.8 billion Christians, about 970 million are Catholics, 300-450 million Protestants, about 150 Orthodox, about 60 million Anglicans."

        so he was partly right. The rest are the daughters of Rome celebrating sunday and Sol Invictus...

    18. There is an inaccuracy regarding the so-called "corpse court."
      Other sources state that this is Pope Stephen VI, not Stephen VII.

      1. All the inaccuracies and most importantly the confirmation of the above article can be found in Eric Frattini's book, PAPIERS AND SEX, as a no-holds-barred view of church leaders.
        To buy on Allegro or directly in S.A. Bellona Warsaw

    19. May this Vatican mafia be cursed for all time. Greedy, butch and so far unpunished.

    20. I suggest watching a short video on dream interpretation from the book of Daniel. It gives much food for thought!

      1. familiar interpretation and the film is a bit infantile due to the music as if it were the Lost Ark Seekers series.

    21. All the inaccuracies and most importantly the confirmation of the above article can be found in Eric Frattini's book, PAPIERS AND SEX, as a no-holds-barred view of church leaders.
      To buy on Allegro or directly in S.A. Bellona Warsaw

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