Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The Way of Revelation. The beginning of the end - Revelation - film

A film about the time just before the Great Tribulation and the rapture. I was most impressed by the moment of the rapture, and when Jesus rescues the stranded Christian woman from the motorized bandits.


A very plausible rapture scene, although I would make it more biblical, i.e. show Christians doing various mundane activities and not going outside the house to wait to be raptured.

I may take this opportunity to tell you about a dream I had about 2 weeks ago:


"I don't remember the details, but I was in some town in some building on the first floor, I don't know if not among the soldiers. Anyway someone suddenly gave the word that the war had started and everyone started approaching the door, when I also approached I saw a light on the road and suddenly I shouted with great indescribable satisfaction "Jesus" and some force pulled me as if into this light like a vacuum cleaner :-), as if I were being pulled and sent like a ship into space. "


Today as I was watching an excerpt from this video regarding a kidnapping there was one thing in common - a light that attracted me in a dream. I don't want to use highfalutin words and I don't consider myself any kind of prophet, but I've never watched any video before in this way showing a rapture like this light in a dream. If more people have similar dreams, it will absolutely mean that this is the time.



Updated: 24 November 2014 — 20:51


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  1. I like this movie very much. I watch it again and again and see something new each time. As Jesus said: Everyone has a role in God's plan.
    Amazing, right? For me, it's faith, hope and love.

  2. The doctrine of the Rapture puts people on alert (after all, if there is persecution, we will be gone) and makes Christians lukewarm and unwilling to suffer for their faith in Christ. They feel superior and set apart from the crowd. We must walk in the way of our Lord who did not miss His cross. Persevere to the end, not to the "penultimate day."

    1. The problem is that the present newborns are already being burned in the fire, smelted.The tribulation will be for the rest

      1. For which rest? The ones who don't believe and don't care? After all, God will not force anyone to believe. Oppression had been around since the first century. It was coming upon anyone who believed in Jesus.
        I wonder what kind of merit one has to have in order to be caught?
        Could it be that Jesus is coming two more times. For a minute for His own, and then in 3 1/2 years for the rest who burn in the fire and decide that they have already believed Him?

    2. I would say the opposite. If the Lord Christ is to come at any time, it is an incentive to always do what is in accordance with the Will of God, an incentive to abstain from evil, to be vigilant, to study the signs of the times, to fear God, etc. The apostles themselves had oppression early on in Jerusalem, and oppression has always existed in church history, depending on the place and environment. First the Judaic Jews oppressed, then the emperor, then the CC, then atheistic intellectual oppression, Islam etc.

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