Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The battle in the celestial circles part II

In the previous section, the author emphasized the importance of prayer. I would like to add that I not only pray for others, but I also start my day more often with prayer.



The person who prays on earth feels that prayer suddenly becomes so smooth and light, so full of joy, very powerful and intense.
And I've found that at this point we tend to lose track of time and other things. I'm not talking about messy or disorderly. God takes care of our time. But it's like you leave everything and surrender to God. And this man said that when prayers break through (pass through), from that point on there is absolutely no resistance, no barrier and the person praying will continue praying as long as he wants to and no resistance, no obstacle can stop him. He also said that when such a person finishes praying, the hole - the opening above her still remains open. And when she rises from her place of prayer and leaves, the open space above follows along with her. Then we are no longer operating under a blanket (covering) - we are operating under an open sky! He said that in this state the devil can do nothing against us.
The presence of the Lord is like a pillar, a pillar from heaven that rests on their lives and by that they are protected. There is a great power inside those pillars, pillars, so that when they turn around, that presence touches other people and we can discern what the enemy is doing in other people's lives. And as they talk, those people standing with them can go inside that pillar. And as long as they are inside that pole, all the impotence and bondage of the enemy is weakened. Therefore, those people who have broken through in prayer share Jesus with sinners and there is little resistance. It is then very easy to bring such a person to Jesus. When they pray for the sick, or for other things the presence that is there makes a difference.
The man said that the devil hates such people. And if there are places where prayer is offered regularly in such a manner, that presence descends upon that place and does not depart from there! Even people who do not know God, when they enter such a place, experience a weakening of all their ties. Then, when someone is found who cares for such a person and ministers to him in love and patience, he will see a quick conversion. Not by force, nor by power, but by the Spirit of God who is present. Even if no one takes any interest in these people, they enter into this (His) presence and feel convinced of their sins and begin to be cleansed of them - they submit to it or not, but if they do not submit to the cleansing, then after leaving that place, their bonds become stronger and the devil tries to prevent them from returning back to such a place.
You can picture it as we sat there looking at this man and he told us things that he used to do and he saw them with his own eyes. He also told us what they did with people who broke through in prayer. He said that they marked such people and studied their lives. They dug into everything they could find about such people and learned about their weaknesses. And when someone defeats them in prayer and breaks through, then they communicate with other spirits on earth and say, "Attack him in such and such a way because these are his weaknesses."
When that person comes out of the prayer chamber, the spirit of prayer is over her, the presence is upon her, her spirit is strong, the joy of the Lord is her strength. As she goes, the enemy tries to bring those things that can take her away from focusing on the Lord. If she has any weaknesses, then the enemy will put people to do things that will make her very angry, etc. And when she is not sensitive to the Holy Spirit, then she lets her moods get carried away and takes her eyes off the Lord. She gets angry and feels angry. But a few minutes later, she wants to make amends and be further in the joy of the Lord, but she no longer feels it. He tries to return to her again, but is unable to. Why? Because she gave in to that temptation, and they worked hard to close the hole in the mountain. When they succeed in restoring that rock, the presence is cut off. The person does not cease to be a child of God, but that special anointing that was over her life is cut off. That presence that could do things without its interference is cut off. They look for our weaknesses. If they find them in sexual temptations, the enemy will prepare people, events, something that will suddenly pull you to go toward that temptation. If a person succumbs to temptation and opens his mind to evil thoughts and accepts them, then when he wants to be under the anointing again he discovers it is no longer there.
You may be saying, "That's not fair!" Remember what the Bible says: "Put on the helmet of salvation. Put on the armor of righteousness." Normally we do not see the position and place of these tools of spiritual warfare. Jesus said in His prayer: "And do not let us yield to temptation, but save us from all evil." Whenever you have a breakthrough in prayer and break through, remember that you are still a weak person and you are not yet perfect. Ask the Lord:

"Lord, I rejoice in this time of prayer, but I will be going out into this world now, so give me strength in temptation, do not let me fall into the devil's trap. Wtem that the enemy sets up a trap in the mountain but I do not know in what form it will come. Secondly, that I am still weak in some areas in my life where I give in. Protect me Lord when you see me turning in the wrong direction where the trap is. Intervene Lord! Don't let me, move in my own strength and abilities. Deliver me from all evil."
God is able to do this. He is able! That is why sometimes things happen for which we are only able to say, "Thank you Jesus." That is why the Apostle Paul wrote to the Thessalonians, "Thank God for everything, because it is God's will for you." Some things are bad, painful, and we wonder why God allowed it, but if we only knew what He saved us from, we would thank Him. When we learn to trust the Lord, we will thank Him for everything.
Dear Friends, I don't know if I can go any deeper because I don't want to start something that I won't be able to finish. Let me try to take one step forward.
This man said that when we break through prayer in this way the answer always comes. He did not know of a time when prayer broke through and the answer did not come. The answer always came, but in most cases it never reached the person who asked! Why? Fighting in the Districts of Heaven!
You see, as long as they are successful in closing the open sky and restoring the rock, they are watching that person. They are waiting because they know the answer is sure to come. And this man said something that really shook my faith. Because of this, I had to fast for ten days to ask: "Lord, is this true? Can you prove it to me?" This man said that every Christian has his own personal angel who serves him. We know that the Bible says that angels minister to us. He said that when people pray, an angel brings an answer, as we read in the book of Daniel.
But then he said something very important, if the person who prays is aware of the need to put on armor and wears it, then the answer comes through an angel who is fully equipped for battle. Christians, on the other hand, who do not see the need to wear armor, lead to their angel also coming with the answer, but he too has no armor and is not equipped for battle.
Christians who are unconcerned with the thoughts that entice them and allow their minds to wander without putting up a fight and controlling them, cause their angel to come without a helmet. If you disregard any spiritual weapon (armor piece) on earth, it causes your angel to not be equipped to serve you! In other words, our spiritual armor does not protect our physical bodies, but protects us in the spiritual world. This man said that when an angel comes they look at him so as to see areas that are not covered and these are the areas they attack. If he doesn't have a helmet, they strike at his head. If he has no armor, they shoot at his chest. If he doesn't have any boots, they light a fire so that he walks on a lit fire.
I am just repeating what the man said. We actually asked him, can angels feel fire? He went on to say. Remember, this is the spirit realm. These are spirits dealing with spirits. The battle is very intense. And when they take possession of an angel of God, the first thing they have in mind is the response that he carries. If they receive that answer from him, then they give it to the sorcerers and the people who have contact with them say, "I got from say through sorcery, magic."
Remember what the Bible says in the Letter of James: "All good things come from God." So where does the devil get the things he gives his people? Some people who can't have children go to quacks and satanists and they make the wife sulk. Who gave them that child? Is Satan the creator? No; he robs those who do not pray to the end.
Jesus said: "Pray without ceasing," and: , "But when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith?" Will he find you still waiting or will you give up and the enemy steal from you what you prayed for?
Then the man said that they are not content with just stealing the answer, they are also interested in stopping the angel, so they start fighting with him. And when they gain victory over the angel, then they bind him. When this happens, then the Christian for them becomes a sacrifice on earth. They can do whatever they want with him. because he is completely left without spiritual help.
And we asked him: "Does this mean that an angel can be taken captive by demonic forces?"
This man did not even know the relevant Bible verses, he shared his experience and said that they are not able to hold the angel for a long time because other Christians pray elsewhere and meals come and the angel is released. However, if this does not happen, he remains a captive. Then the enemy sends his own angel as an angel of light to that person. From there come false visions and prophecies, false leadership, deception, and I mean spiritual guidance, wrong decisions of all types. And many times that person is open to all kinds of attacks and bindings.
I asked the Lord: "Lord, I don't even want to try to believe that. It undermines all my confidence, my security." When I went to seek the Lord in those ten days, the Lord did two things. He not only confirmed what I had heard, but He opened my mind to understand it more. We need to know three things and really act on them:
1. how to use our spiritual weapons. The Bible calls it the armor of God. It is not our armor, it is God's armor. When we use it, we allow God to fight our case.
To understand the dependence of serving spirits, angels in our spiritual life. To be sensitive to what is going on in our hearts because that leads us to what is going on in spirit that concerns us.
3 This leads us to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is not given to us as our servant who brings us things. He does not run back and forth to the Father to tell Him what we need. That is the work of angels. He gets on our side. And what does He do? He directs us, He teaches us, He guides us, helping us pray the right way. And when these things happen in the spiritual realm, He tells us about them. Sometimes he wakes you up in the middle of the night and says: "Pray!" and you say, "This is not the time to pray." He says again, "Now pray!" Why? He sees what is happening in the Spirit. Sometimes He says: "Fast tomorrow!" You say, "Well not now, I'll start on Monday." But He understands what is going on in the spiritual realm. We should learn to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit. He directs us in the paths of righteousness.
Once we achieve spiritual breakthrough, prayer becomes a pleasure. Then we will learn one thing: the battle is not ours. The battle belongs to the Lord! Now look someone in the eye and think how many times that person has missed what God had for them. Tell yourself that there is no reason to lose any more! We can overcome! There is enough power to overcome. Jesus has already done that for us! Amen. Pray for yourselves. Pray that the Lord will help us to overcome. We should not lose, there is enough grace and power to win! Thank you Jesus!

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Updated: 16 November 2014 — 14:50

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  1. I wrote a post on my blog relative to this man's account. I find this story a bit suspicious, why ? :

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