Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

More about the curse weighing on Poland. Updated 12.11.2014

God's blessing must be earned and waited for patiently. In contrast, the punishment for sin is immediate.

I have written about Marian devotion, posted texts, links several times.

This time I am providing specific dates and links to argue for the facts that Poland was blessed and then cursed. This is for you to present strong arguments to your opponents without dwelling on the cult of Isis in Poland.

Before the Reformation this is how Poland looked like in the photo below. Period before and after the Battle of Grunwald> Not much bigger than 3 present-day provinces.



Reformation time:






Poland from sea to sea:,14863275,img,14863521,page,3,title,Jak-zmieniay-si-granice-Polski,galeriazdjecie.html?smg4sticaid=6134a9

Early 16th century


Reformation in Poland:

Early 16th century

To be closer to God is to be blessed.

Acceptance of Mary as Queen of Poland


from wikipedia

The history of the flourishing cult of Mary Queen of Poland is connected with the period of the Counter-Reformation.

On August 14, 1608, an Italian missionary living in Naples, 71-year-old Father Julius Mancinelli of the Order of JesuitsHe had an apparition of the Mother of God. Mary told him to call her the Queen of Poland: "Why don't you call me the Queen of Poland? I have loved this kingdom very much and I am going to do great things for it, because its sons are filled with peculiar love for Me. Then, on 8 May 1610, while staying in Wawel Cathedral in Cracow, Our Lady appeared to him again, saying: I am the Queen of Poland. I am the mother of this nation which is very dear to me. The news about this apparition started spreading the cult of the Assumption Queen of Poland. The third such apparition took place on August 15, 1617 in Naples. The content of these apparitions was distributed, among others, by the Great Chancellor of Lithuania Albrecht Stanislaw Radziwill of Nesvizh where he was assisted by St. Andrew Bobola, later author of the text of the Lvov Vows, who, not allowed to take the priestly vows, was able to appreciate the necessity of the vows of the whole nation.

Demonic orders for Jesuit.



What happened next:


Counter-Reformation in Poland - actions taken by the Roman Catholic Church in the First Republic and supported by Polish monarchsIt was a reaction to the Reformation in Poland. It was part of the Counter-Reformation carried out in Western Europe, but its Polish specificity was the relatively low level of repression against dissenters, conditioned by the centuries-old tradition of tolerance in the multi-confessional and multi-ethnic Polish-Lithuanian state. It lasted from the mid-16th century until the mid-18th century.


It was then that the so-called聽 Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth a state without stakes.



April 1, 1656 In the cathedral in Lvov, surrounded by bishops and senators, in the presence of the papal legate, King John Casimir made his vows before the picture of Our Lady of Grace and solemnly proclaimed Mary Queen of the Polish Crown. At that time, during the public recitation of the Litany of Loreto by the Papal Nuncio Peter Vidoni, the following invocation was repeated three times: Queen of the Polish Crown, pray for us

As judged by historians of John Casimir:


"His contemporaries judged him very harshly. From the first letters of his monogram 'Ioannes Casimirus Rex' he was referred to as 'Initium Calamitatis Regni' - the beginning of the kingdom's misfortunes.

After 80 years of reign of the Vasa dynasty the Republic of Poland was in a deplorable state. The wars in the south-east, in Livonia, and especially the "Swedish deluge", which flooded almost the whole country, ruined the economy of the country very seriously. The population decreased by about 30% and amounted to 6-7 million, most of the land lay fallow, the production of grain decreased so much that, despite several times less grain exports than at the beginning of the 17th century, there were years of famine when there was not enough grain for the population's own needs."


The last success in Polish history, up to and including today, was the Siege of Vienna dated 1683.


What happened after the victory of the Counter-Reformation in the 18th century:




We know what happened next. First and second World War, bloodshed of Poles on the European fronts, Poland totally destroyed and at the end sold in Yalta. After that there were almost 50 years of communism, crowned with the Round Table and the plunder of Poland, which Lepper spoke about.


Dear Friends, in the 18th century the Counter-Reformation won and Poland stopped being Poland once and for all.

We should apologize to God for the sins of our ancestors, for getting along with the Jesuits and the clergy. It is our ancestors who are guilty of this.


We were a power, we were close to God then. All we had to do was not get along with the church, read the Bible, and live right.






Updated: 1 February 2016 — 15:11


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  1. The interesting thing is that the so called western lands did not belong to Poland but to Germany and therefore the question arises - will the Germans want to regain these lands since PKWN and PRL stole them? In the times when we were ruled by protestant nobles we were called the granary of Europe. It would be so also today, if we had the former eastern lands with extremely fertile black soil. Unfortunately, we were deprived of our dreams by the intervention of the USSR, and then the creation of an artificial state called Ukraine. Then the communist system of the European Union was created and healthy, natural food was definitely replaced with gmo. God also gives blessings to nations that follow the Gospel to the thousandth generation. Today's Germany or the UK as a whole is not the best example of Christian conduct, but thanks to the Reformation there are many Bible-believing Christians there who are engaged in evangelism and the economic blessing continues despite the destructive activities of the satanists of the European Union (Exodus 20:4-6). We spit in Jesus' face with Marian worship, pagan holidays and customs, and the worship of images (Jeremiah 10:1-16)

    1. "economic blessing" you say hmm... maybe so
      But not really.
      The world nevertheless has "quantifiable wealth"
      if everyone in the world /all countries, every person/ had equally
      then I assume everyone would have a prosperous and comfortable life...

      The problem is people's greed and desire for power / indirectly through money/
      so the stronger countries /at one time/ simply stole and robbed at the same time
      committing other crimes,
      today's germany? their ancestors plundered europe and consolidated their positions to this day, today they continue to do so but in a "more subtle way"

      UK? also made their fortune on other people's hump, colonies, slavery, reneging on commitments, selling friends... here too evil was the foundation, now they just sustain and exploit the position by profiting,

      France ? the same, you can still add Spain and Potrtugal but on two was sacrificed, signs of the times ,
      so I wouldn't go overboard with this blessing

      1. "if everyone in the world / all countries, every person/ had equally
        then I assume that everyone would live a prosperous and comfortable life..."

        This is the communist idea. Whether you sleep or lie down 3 sticks are due....ehhhhh

        "The problem is people's greed and desire for power / indirectly through money/.
        so the stronger countries /at one time/ simply stole and robbed at the same time
        committing other crimes,"

        Every country has plundered. Poland is no saint.

        "UK? they also made their fortune on someone else's hump, colonies, slavery, reneging on commitments, selling friends... here too evil was the foundation, now they just sustain and exploit the position by profiting,"

        Yes it is true that they got rich at the expense of colonization, but not for ever. They owe the current system to low taxes and transparent tax laws.

        "also with this blessing I would rather not exaggerate'

        If you don't want to believe in God's blessing, then don't believe, that's your business Mate. You have free will and.......mentality of a slave

        1. "you don't want to believe in God's blessing, then don't believe" ???

          When I wrote "also with this blessing I would rather not exaggerate" I meant whether God really blessed them in their actions then

          and again:
          "if everyone in the world / all countries, every person/ had equally
          then I assume that everyone would live a prosperous and comfortable life..."

          Where did I write that it should be so? I meant that something is always at the expense of something, not that everyone can have everything because it is impossible ...

          and again :
          "this is the communist idea. Whether you sleep or lie down 3 sticks are due....ehhhhhhh"
          Who is writing here that someone is entitled? in my opinion
          neither the one who does not work is entitled to anything, nor the one who wants to multiply what he earns with his combinations ... is also not entitled to anything (not even what he earned, because he does not understand the idea of work ... toil and the meaning of work, it should be hard and not easy! )

          I see I'm not the only one who has a problem with reading comprehension, yes I know if it doesn't fit you have to change the blog ;/

          1. You are a troll slony. Jesus himself even said to increase capital with bankers, and you pretend ...

            Even Israel had slaves that they certainly made money off of.

          2. Japan is doing well and she doesn't believe in the true God

          3. Grazyna, this post is somewhere around a year old. You think no one has boosted/changed their views in all that time 馃槈 .
            P.S: Japan is rich mainly because after WWII the Yanks put some of their factories there and developed the economy. Something like Marshall Plan for Asians. Secondly, the Financiers, i.e. central banks, did not destroy it. After all (in my opinion) it is one of the most corrupt nations. One could say that it is even a testing ground for the Freemasons. What do you think, would such a country be disliked by the Great Architect? 馃槢

    2. German lands belonged to the Slavs and centuries ago, before Christianity, the Scandinavians settled them by murdering the Slavs.

    3. It is not true that Marian devotion has pagan sources and does not please God! It has strictly biblical sources. It is anti-Catholics, especially Jews with their rabbinical Judaism and Protestants, who have set in motion a spiral of lies against the Catholic Church. Jesus Christ followed strictly the Decalogue and therefore the 4th commandment "honor your mother and your father".Therefore, he worshipped the Heavenly Father and his mother Mary. To worship means to give glory. We as Catholics have a duty to follow Jesus and honor Mary as his mother. This follows from the command of the crucified Christ, "Son, behold your mother. Moreover, in the Gospel in the part called "the visitation of Elizabeth" we read Mary's words - "from now on all generations will bless me". And if to bless (to give honor, glory), then it should be done in practice, and this is where the Holy Rosary and Marian devotions came from later. In turn, the vastness of Marian apparitions makes it a proof of how God Himself "placed" her in the hierarchy of Heavenly importance (First after God). So let's not chime in with Protestants and other fools whose tenets of faith (altered) have no scriptural justification at all (sola scriptura; sola Fides, among others)! And that is another topic.

      1. Witoldo,
        Where in the Bible does it say to pray to Mary?

        Besides, if you know the history of ancient Israel and not the usurper of today, you know, or should know, that God always blessed Israel when they were faithful to the Law of God.
        When Israel moved away from God by practicing idolatry and worshipping Baal, they were humiliated, attacked and poor, just like Poland is now. How does this Maria of yours work? How rich is this country Poland? What does it do well? What kind of pensions do people have, health care? Poland is in disfavor with God for breaking the second commandment and the date of Poland's baptism is a symbolic surrender to Satan 966, reversing 9 we have 666.

        1. A villain on the right

          Hello, what about the wealth of Singapore, China, Malaysia, where faith in Jesus Christ is a small percentage, and the Prophet John the Baptist, the greatest of women born, was poor as a church mouse and then hmm ... lost his head.

          1. because they don't worship the Queen of Heaven there.
            This is not about wonderful Protestantism, but about idolatry.
            I know that atheists in Poland will have it easier than the Marian Catholics

        2. You don't just turn over one of the numbers, you have to turn over all of them...;)

          1. depends on who determines it 馃檪

            1. It's not enough to write in the emnotations: pasquinade. You have to prove it. And Peter, what do you think of this:


      2. confusion with confusion, blogoslave does not mean worship, God blesses those who listen to him.... or what he worships???? God Stands Altars in Heaven for the Faithful ???? Behold thy mother is to John the apostle to take care of Mary, as if the son was adopted, there was no pension system and someone had to help the woman in her old age.... it is not to us but to John, at the words of the woman to Jesus : Blessed are the breasts that nourish you, Jesus replied that blessed is he who does the will of my Father in heaven, Mary herself says only one thing and that is Do whatever Jesus tells you!!! So read what Jesus says and not the church.
        Witold it's simple !!! Everything in the Bible is written in such accessible language that it is a pity for all those people who with their philosophy of the Catholic Church, differences or other confuse others in the head.

        1. A villain on the right

          Are you sure that everything is written in accessible language? Then you probably have already gouged out your eye or cut off your right hand because I do not believe that you do not sin in looking, for example.

      3. So you think the Jesuits didn't show up at all? What did your Mother of God do? Death and suffering.
        Stop insulting Mary and let her be a mere servant as she said: I rejoice in my Savior.

      On the subject of the KRESA lands I recommend reports by MAX KOLONKO!

      kind regards

  2. It seems to me that Admin you contradict yourself, so I count on a word of explanation. Namely, according to you the world powers and rich countries are ruled by the servants of evil - for example the USA and Russia. On the other hand you say that poor countries are because they brought the curse on themselves by deviating from God - see Poland.

    So if:
    a) the countries of Satan are rich, and the countries of God will be poor, because now is the reign of the evil one, and he does not give life to the good, and he entices the wicked with riches
    b)countries that are prosperous e.g. USA, UK are not at all under the control of illuminati, freemasons etc because their power is God's blessing so you slander them.

    Personally I lean towards option a) in any case both versions are mutually exclusive so together they cannot be true.

    Another thing, the Poles at Grunwald sang a song of praise to the Mother of God and the Teutonic Knights to the glory of Christ, and it was the peak of the power of the Polish state a whole century earlier, so it also stands in opposition to your thesis.

    And the last thing that comes to my mind: if someone insulted my mother, I would, to put it mildly, be outraged. Do you think that calling the Mother of God an idol of Isis, Astarte or whatever is not an insult to the Mother of the Savior?

    1. Well, I am not contradicting myself. The Bible clearly says that all kingdoms are of Satan which does not exclude the fact that some are more rich and others are poor. Satan works in different ways. He humiliated Poles by introducing the worship of the queen of heaven. In Protestant countries this could not be done, so he tries another way.

      The peak of the state's power was during the Reformation:,14863275,img,14863521,page,3,title,Jak-zmieniay-si-granice-Polski,galeriazdjecie.html?_ticrsn=3&smg4sticaid=6134ac


      Poland not much bigger than a province:

      Especially for you I put a photo in the text

      The queen of heaven and the idolatry associated with her is not the same as the mother of Jesus. You do not know the 2nd commandment - the prohibition of idolatry.

      1. I am very familiar with this commandment and felt offended by this accusation. The worship of images and statues is one thing and calling Mary a deity is another, so please do not simplify. Because following this line of simplifying thinking the statues of Christ also represent some kind of demon (I omit the fact that no one really knows what Christ looked like and I point out that I do not support the cult of statues and images). To clarify, I personally believe that these statues are supposed to represent holy persons, although such statues are forbidden and the purpose of their introduction was typically economic and profitable.

        As for Poland as a province, then the state functioned on a federation model, each prince had his own territory, where he had absolute power but swore allegiance to the king (the fact that this system was based on the word of honor, which was not infrequently broken in history). And after this battle the power of Poland began to take shape. In 16th century both Prussia and Russia paid us fief tribute.

        1. You have answered yourself as to the statues of Jesus - it is only someone's imagination.

          "calling Mary as some sort of deity is another matter, so please don't oversimplify"

          In order to argue this point, one must have both biblical and non-biblical knowledge to support the biblical knowledge. Under the guise of worshipping Mary the cult of the Queen of Heaven was introduced. I recommend Professor Veith's lectures. I don't have time to explain every week such simple matters. Therefore, I stipulate that not all comments will be published. I do not have time for education. I am sorry.

          1. And to argue this point you have to have both biblical and non-biblical knowledge - seriously? And I think you have to have the Spirit of Truth, you have to be born again, God is not going to ask you for quotes from the Bible, He's going to ask you what you did with the Talents you were given. Less arguments, more understanding, forgiveness, love, this is what Christ taught. There are different ways to reach the Truth.

            1. The Bible is clear. People die, they're in a state of pol-snum until the resurrection. The Bible forbids any contact with the dead. The messages of the so-called Mary are contrary to the words of Jesus. Mary is a product of the Catholic sect created at the Vatican Council. (Vatican = diving or falling dragon) The teaching of the Roman Church and the Bible are two different teachings. Start with the history of Babylon and Egypt, then study Revelation. Strangely, this knowledge is ignored in the church. There is only one truth.

      2. Protestant countries (not including Christians) are an insult to themselves, and it is enough to trace the origins and effects of Protestantism on Christianity and the morality of nations to see this truth

  3. Hello 馃檪 Please activate my account on forum-christian my nickname is: klaudiaa123 if it wouldn't cause trouble of course 馃榾
    Thank you very much 馃檪 .
    As for the article, Poland has been through a lot lately and yet these politicians who do harm instead of helping. It hurts me so much how our beloved country has suffered from everyone. This world will not last long, especially since I had a dream and I can feel that it is close, looking at what is happening. I see signs of the evil one everywhere. Everything has changed so quickly. If you look at what has happened in the last hundred years, even in the thousand years before that, there were no such changes. Now even Satan does not have to try too hard to make people sin. Now all that is left is to pray and to beg God to save us Christians from this.

    1. OK, Klaudia, your account has been conditionally activated. Waiting a few days max to say hello 馃槈 .

      1. Thank you for the activation. I already wrote in the greetings, I hope I did everything right 馃檪 .
        Greetings Brother.

        1. Happy Birthday 馃檪

  4. To all those who defend the false worship of the alleged Mary, that is, the worship of the goddess of heaven
    Those who break the second commandment of the Decalogue, which was removed from the catechism by the Roman Church, will stand in God's court and suffer the punishment of eternal damnation (Revelation 21:8). However, this is your life, so do with it what you will, that is, do what you will I recommend a good article with texts from the Bible and remember that God does not convert people by force

    1. People who are unaware, and those who mislead will be punished...;)

  5. To the authors of these brilliant manipulations, who told you dear brothers that a true Catholic, a disciple of Christ's Church born in the Spirit of Truth, prays to Mary? We pray for the intercession of Mary, the mother of the Son of God, for her help, and you Protestant brethren keep repeating the pattern of "they pray to her{ and then there's that crap about Isis, pity}". My Lord is God in the Trinity, and the Mother of Jesus is our help, our protector, she does not save - already in Cana she said "Do whatever he tells you". I laugh at this bloated fight with Catholic Christianity. If someone is born again of the Spirit, no matter if he was previously a Rabbi, Buddhist, Catholic, he is saved, isn't he? If he confesses with his mouth that Jesus is God... I don't have to quote you? With God!

    1. Luke, we are not Protestants.
      You are praying to Mary for intercession which is not biblical because the Lord Jesus is the ONLY way to God the Father. the only way, that is.

      1. Jesus' mother is dead and as dead according to the Bible she "knows nothing" so how would she intercede for anyone?

      2. Do I ask Mary for salvation? No. Salvation is only in Christ, I agree with that, there is no other name under heaven. I do not pray to statues and images, they organize my space, they are an expression of my faith; you have to understand what these symbols are. The biblicality could be argued about, because the interpretation depends on people and many factors, I did not come to argue, but to express my voice in the matter, let us pray, let us watch, let us try to understand( P.S> I see many errors growing in the Church since the Second Vatican Council, but the words of Jesus are a clear consolation, ...the gates of hell shall not prevail against it{Church}...

        1. See with your eyes. Krk, Islam or any other Babylonian efflorescence is the enemy not only of Poles but of the whole mankind... Do you not see the actions of the clergy (especially the high level ones) who do not take into account the opinion of the faithful?

  6. Hm... Well... but how to explain then that people who pray to God and use the intercession of the mother of Jesus receive so many graces and blessings?
    Something is not right here.
    If we believe that a blessing is the result of obedience to God, then this would mean that Marian devotion is pleasing to God...

    1. Marian devotion is an expression of disobedience to God because it breaks the second commandment

  7. Many of our ancestors are dead, but we are. Everything is inherited from them, sins that are reflected in the body and mind - also.

  8. Great text, let's hope for as many such actions as possible to open the eyes of people who think they are worshipping God but are actually offending Him.

  9. If we pray to anyone other than GOD THE FATHER AND TO GOD JESUS AS THE SON OF GOD (because we are to have fellowship with the FATHER AND THE SON), we are going beyond scripture, beyond apostolic teaching. Secondly, we call on dead saints who cannot hear us and cannot help us, and we run the risk that these prayers are intercepted by demons who know very well that it is forbidden to call on the dead according to GOD'S LAW, so they have room for manoeuvre and take the form of dead saints in so-called apparitions.

  10. And now a note just for admin...;)Three religions,three monotheistic,and all conflicting with each other,who cares about that...;)?Who created religions...;)?!Out of sight for thought...;)

  11. The Catholic Church made many mistakes, that's a fact, that's why the Reformation happened, they started to deviate from the church. But the Catholic Church has admitted its mistakes. Let us not forget that on the foundations of this religion the greatest civilization we have in Europe today, besides China, was founded. Unfortunately, evil fights good to this day - I will not touch on the issue of the Vatican because it is a broader topic. I just want to say that it is not like that. Before you reject something for 100% you must first look for the other bottom, for this you need a great knowledge, biblical but also such to properly understand the issues related to symbolism, social, cultural, historical issues. One should improve what is and eliminate what is bad. Let us not forget that after the war we also put the country in the care of Our Lady, and this also took place during the time of John Paul II. During World War II people watered themselves to Mary. And please do not mix up political and historical issues with faith: Why didn't God open the gates of Auschwitz if he is all-powerful? and I guess you believe in God.... as I do. Greetings 馃檪 I do.

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