Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Mike Tyson, or life is not so simple.

Today I read that


Former boxing world heavyweight champion Mike Tyson revealed in a live interview on Sirius XM radio that when he was seven years old, he was kidnapped from the streets of Brooklyn and became a victim of rape.
- Some old man kidnapped me, threatened me, and raped me. I was a little kid. I never saw him after that. I didn't tell anybody about it. I just went on with my life," Tyson stated."
Tyson was not only a victim of rape, he was a victim of the Vatican's belief system. Pedophilia has been a non-separable part of the belief in Satan since the dawn of time;
Who was Baal:

Baal (ugar. Baal ( Hebrew: בעל Ba`al, acad. Bēlu, Arabic: بعل) was a Semitic deity whose center of worship was the city of Ugarit. Wikipedia

Baal's counterpart is Moloch


Moloch, Molech or Molekh - a chthonic Phoenician and Canaanite deity. The name is derived from the Hebrew מלך "Melek" - king, god, (Gr. Moloch). Identified with Adramelech. Like him, Moloch was supposed to have been offered child sacrifices. He is mentioned in the Bible (2 Kings 23.10). He is said to be worshipped in the form of a bull. Medieval demonology considers Moloch as one of the demons. Wikipedia




"Worshipped as if under the form of a bull" - isn't that familiar?





Red Bull, Baal, red with blood


Nothing has changed since ancient times. Satanists still need child victims:


Baal, Moloch are still worshiped. On the highest level this is done by kings, popes and bishops, while on a lower level by musicians and politicians. Maryla Rodowicz once sang such a song:


The same Maryla who often dresses up as witches or demonic figures.


They need sacrifices. Living close to God makes us strong in spirit away from this world. Mike Tyson was a victim and then transformed like many victims into an attacker, he entered Satan's system. Evil makes evil. That is why we should never be lukewarm. Always black and white on evil. With evil one does not compromise.

And finally an important thing> When we look at a person who is dememinized we should see in him not himself but a demon. Then it is easier to forgive.


Updated: 1 November 2014 — 12:30


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  1. It's cool just that something got cut off by the Lord 🙂 I'm not sure.

    1. ok thanks, I fixed it

  2. "All the saints are balling in heaven."

  3. Hello
    Questions about the posted photo:
    What does YHWH mean?
    Is Yahweh the name of the true God or rather the evil one?
    Where does the truth lie when no one knows how to pronounce the tetragram or what the name of the true God is?
    What can I do to avoid being deceived one way or the other (I personally use the word God, Lord, or most often Father)?
    I don't intend to join any organization or church, but I do talk to the JEW/JW from time to time and I agree with them on 95% but the "bone of contention" is the tetragram and several verses of Paul.
    Strangely enough, in the country where I live I have not met native preachers, but only "foriners" from Luxembourg, France, etc.

    1. Baal is the name of a false god worshipped by the Canaanites, and YHWH or YHWH is a tetragram of the name of the one true God. The accepted form in Polish is: Jehovah. We should not be afraid or hesitate to use the name Jehovah just because we don't know how exactly it was pronounced in the past. After all, the name of Jesus was not pronounced in Palestine : Jesus, but Joshua, or perhaps Jehoshua, at the time when he was on earth, and yet we don't hesitate to say it the way it is accepted in our language : Jesus. I have no idea why anyone would want to create such an amalgam or confusion by putting Yahveh next to Baal because one is the One True God and Creator of all things and the other is a false god. According to God's word, the Bible, it is Satan or the devil who temporarily rules over this system of things, so it is no wonder he tries to stir things up.

      1. Hello
        This is all obvious, but I don't know why the author of the text put Baal's photo and tetragram, hence my question.
        Also, according to the Judeans (translators of the newer edition of their Bible) the more correct form is Yahweh and not Jehovah, but because of the very high popularity of the latter they decided to use the familiar form. This is a bit lacking in rhetoric and smacks of hypocrisy (most rank believers have no idea about this).
        Nevertheless, they are mostly good people and our brothers-in-arms.

        1. I inserted the first better one I found Baal and perhaps somewhat provocatively. What is the name of God? What name did God indicate in the prayer "......nash you who are

          1. More blasphemous than provocative, and that's riding "over the edge."

            A truth detective should submit all evidence, even inconvenient evidence ... "... hallowed be thy name ...". What name? Father is not a name but rather a designation of degree of relationship.

            Joel 3:5: "Whoever calls on the Name of the Lord will be saved."
            Isaiah 50:10: "...He who walks in darkness and without a flash of light, let him trust in the name of the Lord..."
            Amos 9.12 "to possess the rest of Edom and all the nations over which my name is called - the oracle of the Lord who does this"

            Question for the investigator: What is the name?

            1. Your tone of speech indicates a desire to make a ruckus and I will not be drawn into that.

              1. A misinterpretation of my intentions (or too much sensitivity on the part of the author due to too frequent attacks from other sources).
                For me as a detective without a blog, this is one of the fundamental questions - what is the name of the true God?
                This seems much more important to me than topics related to the crimes of the Vatican or the history of the Slavs/Jews
                But that's just my problem and point of view....

    2. The letter kills,the spirit goes on living.

      It does not matter how it is pronounced if we mean the true God and the only Savior

  4. Most honest scholars of the name of God (not to be confused with those seeking sensationalism and recognition) report that we are unable today to determine with 100%-t certainty how the name of God was pronounced in Israel, later in Judea. This is due, among other things, to the fact that this name (according to various historical sources) was pronounced in a certain way and in a certain place. Due to the fact that it is the name of the Holy God and due to the fear of God, it could not be pronounced just like that, and it was pronounced only by the priests and only in the temple, in addition, only during festivals (feasts) and quietly, so that probably most of the gathered Jews could never in their lives hear this name with their own ears. They know how it was written, they don't know how to pronounce it... Jesus Christ comes - tells us about the Father in heaven and tells us to pray to the Father. At the moment of his death the veil in the temple is torn, which announces the New Covenant (man through the death and resurrection of Jesus gets back fellowship with God) Several decades later the temple of Jerusalem is destroyed, the priests are killed, the books (probably burned)... It seems to me that all this proves that God wants us to turn our eyes to Jesus Christ, because only in him is the way, the truth and the life. He is the alpha and omega - the beginning and the end. He who was, who is, and who is to come. Our Lord said: "he who has seen me has seen the Father." The Apostle John wrote: "whoever acknowledges the Son has the Father also" Therefore we can worship the Father in the name of Jesus Christ.

  5. The name Jehovah is a name of Jewish magic, it is a satanic name, more about it on under topics about Jehovah's Witnesses

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