Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."


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    What do you think, Peter? I think it's another of Satan's traps.

    1. Such people have incredible powers through demons. Somewhere on our forum there was a film example of a Christian who chased such a woman probably in Australia or India. With unusual humility and great requests to God he went to her, because he knew that earlier she killed a pastor with witchcraft.

  2. You should watch out for such people, believe me it is enough to upset them and you will see what "power from God" they have. They are envious, complacent people, their prayers are like mumbling, you don't know what they are saying or if they are praying at all. They can cause stomachaches, even ulcers. They do it with so called "worm prayers", I have no idea how they can do it, but from what I have found out from the person who had contact with such a witch, it is passed down in the family and it is not known what roots it has.

    When it comes to healing, I'll say this much:

    NOTE MY THEORY - in the name of a well-known proverb: "what you drink, heal". That is, they can only heal people who have suffered illnesses caused by demons, and such an illness can be undone by another demon. Other causes of illness cannot be undone by these witches, because the demon has no power or permission to do so. That is why not everyone can be helped by these quacks. That is why the quacks do an inspection of the patient, concentrating by groping, and sometimes state that they will not help if they have the integrity not to "rake in" for visits. Then such healings are hailed as "White Magic".

    1. "That is, they can only heal people who have suffered diseases caused by demons, and such a disease can be cancelled by another demon."

      The problem is that the vast majority of diseases come from demons.

      One thing is for sure, such healers and shamans should be avoided. If you happen to come into contact with them, I suggest you be careful about what you say to them. Address them wisely and culturally. The Bible teaches politeness and culture for this very reason. It also teaches cursing of common people. The Bible is a psychological book, too. Let us remember all this.

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