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More about women

I would like to be understood correctly. In the text "How to recognize what kind of wife and husband you have" I did not intend to pigeonhole all women. There are no ideal men and no ideal women. At least I haven't met any.

I just want to point out some mechanisms of action typical of Satan's "culture".

They are:

1) The lie of some women according to the saying ""men think that a woman will not change after marriage. Women, on the other hand, think that a man will change after marriage. Unfortunately, they are both wrong."

Some women are simply matrimonial frauds. Before marriage they are nice and after the wedding or after the birth of a child. Men, if they have any faults, they usually they don't hide. If your fiancé drank before the wedding he will drink even more after the wedding.


2. women are dragged into the rat race and thus out of the house and away from the children, which affects the health of the household members, especially the men. The state should not rob citizens of their money so that women have to work together with their husbands to maintain the home.


3. popularization of emancipated, independent, individualistic women in the mass media.


Generally, a significant number of women feel pressure to get married (age, family influence, financial motivations ) and then once they get it, they show their true face.


Below I found a very interesting paper on this topic today:




For my part, I would just like to add about the effects of the actions of evil women. That's where the Moabites came from, for example.



Updated: 29 September 2014 — 18:13


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  1. I think that both the woman and the husband (man) should occupy the place belonging and indicated (to us) by the Creator. The foundation of life and morality (and of course faith for believers) should be the Bible. I know this is sadly impossible, but we should try - especially we children who have a Father in heaven. So what should we be like?

    Slawek is patient, Slawek is kind, he does not envy, Slawek is not boastful, he does not puff himself up. He does not act indecently, he does not seek his own, he does not get carried away, he thinks no evil... He does not rejoice in injustice, but rejoices in the truth. He covers everything, believes everything, expects everything, endures everything.

    What a distant standard, but we have a wonderful Father in heaven who will complete this work He has begun in us. We also have an equally wonderful promise. The crown of life and the Kingdom of God. That is where these standards will "apply".
    Come Lord Jesus quickly and bring your order. Amen

    1. It's hard to be a good person in this world of evil. The traps are already there from the very morning when one wakes up: the rush, the nerves, the traffic jams, the lack of kindness.
      A friend wrote earlier that his wife is standing in his way of salvation. In my opinion this is a plague. Probably there are also opposite situations. However, what Satan has done with women is a masterpiece.
      As it was in the beginning in Eden so it is now.
      That's how I sometimes think if I were a freelancer I would want a woman....

      You have swapped it nicely from Paul on love. Let's swap names and see if we are so holy.......

      1. Is it worth it to be in a relationship? It is so hard to find love. God created us out of love for love's sake.

  2. With the pitfalls of course you are right, that is how it is unfortunately. But I think that this bent applies to women as much as to men. Everything that God has made beautiful, harmonious, and good, man in his pride and stupidity turns into ruin. One could go on and on. Satan's deception takes its toll. We must put our full hope and trust in God-in the matter of our (unconverted) loved ones as well.

  3. Requirements of some women:

    I don't need anything else.

    The only thing I want is everything.
    I don't need anything else.
    Whether that's too much, I don't know,
    I'm not asking for a star from heaven after all.
    I don't want diamonds, stilettos and lipstick,
    furs, dresses, sports car,
    stockings, handbags, pink pigs,
    a tablet, cotton balls or a golden hen...
    Give me a smile,
    and fulfillment.
    I just want to get to know you better,
    No masks, no rush, between the lines.
    When I sit alone I fish for minutes,
    to meet you today or at least sometimes.
    Please feed me with conversation to my heart's content,
    I've had my fill of fast food.
    Still the same thing after work don't ask,
    nothing changes but the tone in your voice.
    I want to give you everything you want,
    What you dream of, what you so richly deserve.
    I just don't know if you're ready to give me everything?
    Are you?

  4. "And behold, someone came to him, and said: Teacher, what good thing shall I do to attain eternal life? And he answered him: Why do you ask me what is good? There is only one good, God. And if you want to enter into life, keep the commandments."

    Only God is perfect.

  5. "If the fiancé drank before marriage he will drink even more after marriage." - example from my family.

  6. Let me put it this way. Feminism is about telling a woman that her goal is not to cooperate with a man but to compete with him.

    Ladies, God did not create you as competition for men, but as an invaluable help. Just as a man is an invaluable help to you and your best co-worker.

  7. We can't help feminism. More often than not, one spouse will not make enough money to support a family. I'm not going to go out on the street and start shouting because they'll lock me up. Only brave women who are not afraid of criticism, such as Kazimiera Szczuka, have the courage to speak out and be active in this field. The rest of the women sit quietly, do their jobs, earn money, because what else can they do? This is how the world works and there is nothing we can do about it.

    1. If you value Szczuka then you must know that she is clearly on the side of Satan. Szczuka is the personification of evil. She is a Jew who, like the Edomites, has walked away from God. Mentally Szczuka is not a woman. Intellectually she is. She doesn't know what she's doing. She is seemingly intelligent.

    2. Milka, whether you like it or not, Sobieski did the most for women's rights in Europe. The fact that nowadays in Poland the police have to react according to the law to a beating of a woman by her husband (I'm not mentioning that the practice varies) is the result of Sobieski's successes.

      Szczuka, on the other hand, is a declared Satanist who actually fights women. Just like every feminist, she is really fighting women. There is no such thing as women's independence. Women and men are created by God to be interdependent in marriage.

      In the economy, most jobs, unfortunately, require male characteristics. Feminists, on the other hand, push women out of the home into activities that we understand as the economy. See, you benefit from goods and services that are produced in factories. I have worked in several factories, I work in a factory and I will tell you one thing. Whatever the feminists may say, I have seen women literally destroy themselves working in these factories. On the other hand, some women work in offices, mass media, universities, but there they play the role of a harem of male directors. Managerial positions for women in Sweden are a smokescreen for the equality parade. A woman is paid not to make decisions there (usually it is a relative, wife or lover of the boss). Women in factories are not only exploited because, apart from their gender weakness, they do not have the same solidarity as men, but they are also brazenly cheated by labour brokers. However, these intermediary companies do not cheat men, because they can organize themselves and, if necessary, quickly get paid through "manual" argumentation.

      Milka Szczuka is behind this system. And this system was invented by Satan - to destroy marriage. A family in which the woman is forced to work does not function well. A man doesn't vent his frustrations after work and women do, they pour out their frustrations on their husbands. Women spend hours commenting on the behavior of their colleagues and bosses. Men, on the other hand, deal with these problems quickly, practically on the spot. What does Szczuka say, if not that women should be more independent?
      1) They worked longer in factories, just like men work longer - women are independent and equal. Men age slower, work longer so find new women faster.
      2) They were easy to divorce - the guy could get rid of his old grumpy wife faster and find a new one.
      3. they could give away their charms to the left and the right without any consequences. As a result, nowadays women are more and more regarded by men as "whores", and consequently less and less men want to fight for and defend women.
      4) They could have abortions on demand - murdering children. The result, who will protect a woman who in her old age, has no husband (after several divorces), and no children (murdered by abortion)???

      See once women, they bore children, they were faithful. Being a faithful wife and mother was something to be proud of. Today it is being fought against by the satanic mass media and feminism with all its consequences. And Kazimiera Szczuka is leading the fight against the family and its normal and useful values for women.

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