Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Tithing - should it still be given away

This time I will not write a text about it. I will just put quotes from the Bible and you can decide for yourself.

He dedicates this post with quotes to: misers, those interested in the Bible, Christians interested in success, Bible scholars.

I am no pastor, I am not in any denomination and I do not want any money from any of you. Thank God, God the Father favors me.


Below are quotes from the Bible about tithing:



(22) And this stone, which I have set up as a stele, shall be the house of God. Of all that you give me I will sacrifice to you titheę.



(30) Each titheand from the ground, from the sowing of the earth or from the fruit of the tree belongs to the Lord, it is a thing consecrated to the Lord.

(Leviticus 27:30,) (31) If anyone wishes to redeem part of his tithey, it will add a fifth to it.

(Leviticus 27:31, ) (32) Each titheand of the cattle greater or lesser, which pass under the shepherd's staff, is a thing consecrated to the Lord.

(Leviticus 27:32, )

Rev. Numbers

(21) Behold, I give to the Levites as an inheritance all tithey given by the Israelites in return for the service they perform in the Tent of Meeting.

(Numbers 18:21, ) (24) but I gave them as an inheritance tithey which the Israelites bring to the Lord in sacrifice. That is why I said of them that they would not receive an inheritance among the Israelites.

(Numbers 18:24,) (26) So speak to the Levites and say to them, When you receive tithey from the Israelites, which I have given you as an inheritance, this tenth part you are to set aside as an offering to the Lord.

(Numbers 18:26, ) (28) You also ought to make an offering to the Lord of your tithethat you take from the Israelites. You shall give what you owe to the LORD, to Aaron the priest.

(Numbers 18:28, )

Rev. Rights

(6) there you will bring your burnt offerings, your blood sacrifices, tithey, the offerings of your hand, that which you have vowed, and your voluntary offerings, and the firstlings of greater or lesser cattle.

(Deuteronomy 12:6, ) (11) When the Lord your God has chosen for himself a dwelling place for his name, there you shall bring all that I command you today: burnt offerings, blood sacrifices, tithey, the gifts of your hands, all that you dedicate by vow to the Lord.

(Deuteronomy 12:11, ) (17) You shall not eat within your walls tithe Of thy corn, and of thy must, and of thy oil, and of the firstlings of thy cattle, and of thy flocks, and of all that thou hast vowed unto the LORD thy God, and of the freewill offerings, and of the gifts of thy hand,

(Deuteronomy 12:17, ) (22) Submit titheI am the author of the harvest of all seed, of that which the earth yields year after year.

(Deuteronomy 14:22, ) (23) You shall eat in the presence of the Lord your God in the place which he has chosen as a dwelling for his name. titheThe firstlings of your grain, must, and oil, the firstlings of your cattle and flocks, that you may learn to fear the Lord your God after all your days.

(Deuteronomy 14:23, ) (25) swap titheYou shall take the silver in your purse in your hand, and you shall go to the place that the LORD your God has chosen for himself.

(Deuteronomy 14:25, ) (28) At the end of three years you will have put away all tithey from the harvest of the third year and leave it in your gates.

(Deuteronomy 14:28, ) (12) When in the third year - the year tithey - you will finish giving all tithe from the harvest when you give it to the Levite, the stranger, the orphan and the widow, that they may eat to satiety within your walls,

(Deuteronomy 26:12, )

1 Samuel

(15) He will burden your crops and your vineyards titheAnd he will give it to his courtiers and servants.

(1 Samuel 8:15,) (17) Wear titheAnd you shall be his servants.

(1 Samuel 8:17,)

2 Chronicles

(5) As soon as this commandment was given, the Israelites offered the firstfruits of grain, must, oil, and honey, and all the produce of the land, and brought forth abundantly tithey of everything.

(2 Chronicles 31:5,) (6) The Israelites and the descendants of Judah who lived in the cities of Judah provided tithethe oxen and sheep, and titheof gifts dedicated to the Lord their God. They piled it all up.

(2 Chronicles 31:6,) (12) have paid a sacred tribute there, that is titheand holy things. The Levite Conaniah and his brother Shimei as second in command over them,

(2 Chronicles 31:12, )

Rev. Nehemiah

(38) Then shall the choice of our milling, or of our benefits, and the choice of the fruit of all manner of trees, must, and oil, be brought to the priests into the storehouses of the house of our God; and titheThe Levites are the Levites who take tithein all cities of our faith

(Nehemiah 10:38, ) (39) And the priest, a descendant of Aaron, shall be with the Levites while they fetch titheand the Levites will be titheę tithey to the treasury stores of the house of our God;

(Nehemiah 10:39, ) (44) At that time men were established over the storehouses for provisions: for the sacred gifts of the firstfruits, tithe, that in them they should gather out of the estates of the city the shares imposed by law for the benefit of the priests and Levites; for Judah had joy in the priests and Levites doing service.

(Nehemiah 12:44, ) (5) furnished a spacious chamber for him; formerly there was a food offering, incense, utensils and titheThe priest's allowance of grain, must, and oil, the allotment of Levites, singers, and doorkeepers, and the allowance of priests.

(Nehemiah 13:5, ) (12) And all Judah brought to the storehouses titheIt is made from grain, must and oil.

(Nehemiah 13:12, )

Rev. Tobias (w)

(6) But I made the pilgrimage often all alone to Jerusalem for the feasts, as is prescribed in the eternal commandment for all Israel. I hastened to Jerusalem with the firstfruits and animals, with tithecattle and with the first wool of sheep.

(Tobiah (v) 1:6, ) (7) I gave it to the priests, the sons of Aaron, on the altar. And to the sons of Levi, who ministered in Jerusalem, I gave tithey from grain, wine, and oil, as well as from the pomegranate tree, the fig tree, and other fruit trees. The latter titheI paid it in money for six years. I went there and deposited it every year in Jerusalem.

(Tobias (v) 1:7, ) (8) Third titheI gave it to orphans, widows, and proselytes who belonged to the children of Israel. I brought it to them and gave it to them every third year. We ate it according to the recipe given in the Law of Moses and according to the instruction of Deborah, the mother of Ananiel, my father, because my father died leaving me an orphan.

(Rev. Tobias (v) 1:8, 

Rev. Judith (w)

(13) They even enacted the eating of whole grain and tithey of the wine and oil which the consecrated ones kept for the priests ministering before our God in Jerusalem, and these things no one of the people was allowed even to touch with his hands.

(Judith (v) 11:13, 

1 Maccabees (w)

(49) Then they brought the priestly robes, the first crops and tithey, they also summoned the Nazirites, whose number of days was already full,

(1 Maccabees (v) 3:49,  (31) Jerusalem with all its district shall be holy and free from tithe and fees.

(1 Maccabees (v) 10:31,  (35) We further [relinquish] from this moment what has accrued to us from tithe and duties, and from the salt lakes, and from the crown tax which accrues to us. We relinquish all this in their favour.

(1 Maccabees (v) 11:35,The Millennial Bible)

The Wisdom of Sirach (in)

(8) With every gift spread thy face and with joy consecrate titheę!

(Wisdom of Sirach (v) 35:8, 

Rev. Amos

(4) Go to Bethel and sin, to Gilgal and sin more; bring your sacrifices every morning and every third day tithey!

(Rev. Amos 4:4, 

Rev. Malachi

(8) Or is it fair for a man to deceive God, as you deceive me? You ask: In what have we deceived you? W titheach and victims.

(Malachi 3:8,  (10) Bring the whole titheThen you can experience me, says the Lord of hosts, if I do not open the heavenly valves and bless you in abundant measure.

(Malachi 3:10,


Someone will say: well, yes, but that was in the Old Testament. In Malachi 3.6 we have " (6) Indeed I, the Lord, do not change,


New Testament



Matthew's Gospel

(23) Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you give titheYou are not aware of the mint, dill and caraway, but you ignore what is more important in the Law: justice, mercy and faith. This you should have done, and that you should not have left out.

(Matthew 23:23, 

Luke's Gospel

(42) But woe to you, Pharisees, because you give titheYou are eating mint and rue and every kind of vegetable, but you are omitting the righteousness and love of God. But this should have been done, and that should not have been left out.

(Luke 11:42 (12) I keep a fast twice a week, give titheI am happy with everything I acquire.

(Luke 18:12, 

Letter to the Hebrews

(2) To him Abraham also set apart titheI am from all over the world. His name first signifies the king of justice, and then also the king of Shalem, that is, the King of Peace.

(Hebrews 7:2, (4) Consider how great is he to whom the patriarch Abraham himself gave titheI'm the one with the best booty.

(Hebrews 7:4,  (5) Although also those of the sons of Levi who receive the priesthood have, according to the Law, the commandment download tithey from the people, that is, from his brethren, although they too are descended from the line of Abraham.

(Hebrews 7:5, (6) That one, who was not descended from their lineage, received titheHe blessed the one who had the promises.

(Hebrews 7:6, (8) In addition, here they take tithey people who die, and there the one who is testified to be alive.

(Hebrews 7:8,  (9) And if I may be so expressed, also Levi, who download tithey, submitted titheI am the one in the person of Abraham.


Updated: 10 September 2014 — 13:56


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  1. I do not find in the New Covenant a command to pay tithes. But it certainly speaks of love and concern for one's neighbor and that God loves a willing giver: "Each one as he has resolved in his heart, not grudgingly or out of compulsion; for God loves a willing giver" II Corinthians 9:7 So we have a clear encouragement to give willingly.

    1. (17) Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets. I have not come to abolish, but to fulfill. (18) For verily I say unto you, Until heaven and earth pass away, not one jot or one line shall be changed in the Law, until all is fulfilled.

  2. What great joy there is in giving a tithe! I am not talking about the blessing that God has given me, but knowing that what you have is not your own doing, but has been given to you by God. If you have received everything why is it so hard for you to give 10 %. People have a big problem with tithing, I was helped by a lecture in which I heard that everything I have is not mine but has been given to me to manage. It changes your perspective. I am glad that I am doing this and I trust in the Lord.

    1. Bravo!
      Although this time I am exceptionally looking forward to the counter-arguments because I have prepared myself very well 🙂

      Maybe a little provocation 🙂 The Jews give it and God bless them. Of course I mean the Orthodox and not the Zionists

      1. There is nothing wrong with tithing but it becomes wrong if we only expect that if we do it God will bless us financially and not for the sake of simply helping others 😉 .

        1. In Malachi it says to put God to the test and expect a blessing. What I read about tithing in many books completely shatters my view of not only tithing but how good God is to us.

          (10) Bring the whole tithe into the granary, that there may be a supply in my house, and then you may test me in this, says the Lord of hosts, whether I will not open to you the valves of heaven, and pour upon you blessings in abundant measure.

          Unfortunately, not everyone may like it, but the Bible verses are unassailable.

          1. "Let each one, therefore, do as his own heart tells him, without regretting or feeling compelled, for God loves a cheerful giver." (2 Corinthians 9:7).

    2. Ok. Like I can afford it, but what about the person who converted to a long debt collector, pension on hand gets 400 zł? If he gives a tithe, how much is left for basic payments? Can we buy salvation with money? Probably not. In history we have the example of Anias and what did Peter say? It was yours and you could do what you wanted with it and you lied Ducha.... So I don't think we can buy God with money and with ten it's like buying God like in the CRC.

      1. Applause. He who does not know the word will not understand. If anyone knows that the rod came into the world to save that which was lost, he will also understand what it means that Jesus came to fulfill that which we could not, and thus paid the debt for us and freed us from the law - an unbearable burden.
        We are of the tribe of Judah and not of Levi like the Hebrews. All the law was for them, including the tithe.

        1. if all the Law was only for Levi then also the prohibition of adultery and bowing to images....

  3. I recommend: Krzysztof Dubis "Is tithing obligatory? 27 pages or: A simple street-teaching-tithing part I and II theses of K.Dubis=to think over, let's look for the truth, because only it sets you free.

      Here is that lecture by Krzysztof Dubis, if anyone would like to read it.

      1. Very solid text, although I don't fully agree with it. I expected these arguments. On the other hand, such a statement "if we are to pay tithing, then we should be circumcised" can be considered a stretch. Circumcision began with Abraham and tithing began with Abraham. The Law of Moses began with Moses:-)
        Thus, neither tithing nor circumcision is a Mosaic law. The problem is similar to the observance of the Sabbath. And here comes Jesus again with "I have not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it".
        In doing so, let us remember that Cain gave a bad tithe to God. That is where it all began. As both critics and supporters of tithing rightly often agree: we are merely stewards of God's money.
        Adam and Eve had all of paradise at their disposal except for one tree. Unfortunately, they took the tree of God (the tithe) for themselves.
        Just for common sense. You watch a lot of movies, lectures. Where are they from? From the Protestant USA. Let me remind you again, thanks to whom are the Gideonites in Poland? Thanks to people from the USA. Where do people from the USA get money for making films, programmes, materials, electricity?
        Well, this money comes from tithing.

        in 1998 the u.s. church raised about 5.2 trillion dollars
        As many as 88 percent of households support churches with donations,,187/amerykanie-daja-miliardy-na-cele-charytatywne-dla-ulgi-podatkowej,424404.html

        We meet on the Internet which is a fraction of believers. The rest in Poland are Baptists, Adventists, Greens, Evangelicals.

        You want to fight the KRK, now take a look at how many proestants there are in Poland:

        Protestantism - 0.38% (mainly evangelicals - 0.18%, Pentecostals - 0.09%, other evangelical Christians - 0.07%, Adventists and other groups - 0.04%)

        How much is spent on KRK in Poland?

        Financing of the Church in Poland is based in about 80 percent on the sacrifices of the faithful; the value of social activities of the Church can be counted in billions of zlotys; the annual income of the parish ranges from 30 thousand to 300-400 thousand zlotys - according to a report prepared by KAI.

        What are our chances of winning against the Harlot?

        I don't put up a donation account not only because of my relatively satisfactory standard of living, but because of the stinginess and suspicion of a large portion of the Polish people. I have been meaning to put ads on the blog for a year now. If I do, some people will say that I am a materialist. Only for now no one counts my time spent, the cost of server, domain, etc.
        I'm not writing this to get money because I wouldn't want to. I don't like getting money from anybody. I have such a sense of pride. I'm writing all this to show how stingy Poles are.
        My mentality is strictly Protestant. I am suffocating in this country and at the earliest opportunity I will go abroad with my family.
        If I am more successful, I will buy a billboard in my province with biblical slogans, which my friend Maryd (Matthew) inspired me to do. I will pay for it myself so that some miser would not accuse me of something. I currently run two websites and will soon set up a third one.

        In a while I will give a tithe to a few churches in my city. Not for publicity, I will do it anonymously as much as possible. I will do it to spread the kingdom of God on earth, that is, to evangelize. What the pastors will do with the money? I don't know. I have to trust someone. I prefer pastors to Owsiak.

        Here on the Internet everyone has a lot to say. The question is: How much money do you give for evangelism in Poland?

        1. And one last thing because what I was going to say I said.
          With tithing it is the same as with the prohibition of eating the flesh of unclean animals. It does not obligate us, but breaking this injunction does not benefit us.

        2. God gives everyone daily opportunities to evangelize without stadiums but it is easier for us to give money than to put on the armor with shoes every day to preach .If the tithe is the LORD's (although the LORD's is everything and nothing belongs to a slave) then how can I care what someone does with the LORD's money, after all, we have to manage it well, we have to walk in the spirit led by the HOLY SPIRIT and He encourages us to give, but it is easier to walk in the flesh, because it does not require a daily cross.I tithe because I want to, not because I'm told to and I pay for what GOD shows. Recently I've been showing persecuted Christians, so I send them to GPCH=voice of persecuted christians or OPEN DOORS...

          1. and that's the point, because someone somewhere is waiting for fate to smile at him and someone to show him a different life - with Jesus

        3. "Circumcision began with Abraham and tithing began with Abraham. The Law of Moses began with Moses:-)
          Thus neither tithing nor circumcision is the Mosaic law."

          The Abrahamic tithe is not the same as the Mosaic tithe. Abraham gave the tithe voluntarily and it was a one-time gift of the heart to the archangel Melchisedec. It was therefore not a law. Tithing as a legal command given by God and subject to His blessing or curse for not fulfilling that command, appears in Moses and is part of the law - the Mosaic Law addressed to the children of Israel. It is also interesting to note that Abraham and Melchisedec are pictures of things to come that are realized in the New Covenant. It is amazing how many images God has hidden in the ST that relate to the NT. Jesus Christ is the high priest after the model of Melchisedec, the high priest Melchisedec symbolizes Christ, he goes out to meet Abraham, and Abraham gives him willingly and voluntarily the gift of his heart. This is a picture of the better promises that are still being fulfilled today in Jesus Christ.

          1. Tithing appears from Adam and Eve, through Cain and Abel, Abraham, Moses up to and including Jesus. Jesus Christ was the "tithe" the best that God could give people.

  4. Surely we can all agree that God, according to His promise to love a willing giver, will bless such a giver, as I believe we, being reborn of the Holy Spirit, have experienced firsthand, as many here testify. So if anyone is willing let him give also "twenty cents" for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ, gathering for himself a treasure in heaven. We say: tithe... to pay or not to pay? I think that before we write anything on this subject, it would be helpful to do a basic, biblical study of the term and all that it entails. In short: what is tithing? In what form and how was (should it be) given? For what purpose did God establish this provision? Who did it (or does it) cover? To whom was it to be paid (who was authorized to receive it)? Only after this can we, in the light of God's Word, honestly consider the validity of its submission today. I would also like to point out at the very beginning (before anyone gets discouraged) that I am not writing here from the position of a guru, pastor, elder, or someone similar. I am, like most of you (I hope), a recent convert, a born again disciple - loving our Lord Jesus Christ and trying to follow Him as far as God's grace allows me at this stage of my pilgrimage. I am not forcing anyone to accept my view, I just want to share it. I also will not judge anyone to the proverbial honor and faith for others, I do not intend to be angry with anyone, nor accuse anyone Anyway, I have no "power" here, I realize that at any time the owner of the blog has the right to "delete" me. Getting back to the point: what is a tithe? It is a kind of tax to the Lord from 1/10th of the crops and animals. It could be converted into money with a 20 percent surcharge on its value in kind. In the Mosaic law it was obligatory, its payment being a condition of God's blessing. It was given to the Levites in order to help them (as we know, the Levites did not inherit land). Further, it was given to widows, orphans and strangers. Once a year the tithe was given to the Levites so that they could make a living. During the feasts it was deposited in Jerusalem, and once every 3 years it was deposited for the needy. Who was bound by the obligation to give tithes? The nation of Israel - the sons of Jacob, descendants of Abraham in the flesh, the sign of which was circumcision. The Law of Moses included internal precepts, pertaining to the conscience and heart, as well as external ones, involving various activities, and these included (or belong to) tithing. These precepts did not apply to the future church, for that church was to receive the better promises that were fulfilled in the person, coming, and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Jesus points out at the beginning of His walk that He did not come to abolish the law and the prophets, but to fulfill it, and He fulfilled it perfectly. In Him we have life, in Him we have freedom. Love for God and neighbor in this is contained the whole law, from now on God writes the law in our hearts. Jesus also says (as already quoted by admin) that "until heaven and earth pass away, not one jot..." Mt. 5:17 And this is true! But let's see, "a little while" after that, God removes the conditionality that was in close connection with the giving of tithes. There are no priests, no Levites (the priesthood in the Church is universal) and no temple, whose veil had already torn in two at the time of our Lord's death. Has God forgotten something? Did he overlook something? No. God is a holy God and what He decrees is holy. He does not forget anything. David saw this when he brought the Ark of the Covenant. God takes care of every detail. Thus God, by destroying the temple abolished the external regulations that had been imposed until the new order was established. The apostle Paul writes about this in his letter to the Hebrews in chapter 9:1-10. Much light is shed on the issue of the yoke placed on the neck of the disciples by the Jerusalem council described in Acts under the leadership of James and Peter. The apostles are discussing what the Gentiles should do because there is a lot of false teaching being given to the Gentiles by various teachers who do not have apostolic authority. The letter that the apostles write and Paul and Barnabas carry to the Gentiles in Antioch contains the following guidelines: "Abstain from meat sacrificed to idols, from blood, from that which is choked, and from immorality; if ye abstain from these things, ye do well" Acts 15:29 There is no command there to pay tithes and I don't see one in the New Testament. I apologize for my long post - it couldn't be shorter because the subject is so vast: "Each one as he has resolved in his heart, not grudgingly or out of compulsion; for God loves a willing giver" II Cor. 9:7
    Praise Jesus.

    1. "There is no command to pay tithes there, and I don't see one in the New Testament."

      The NT is also silent on other issues:

      " (16) And behold, someone came to him, and said: Teacher, what good thing shall I do to attain eternal life? (17) And he answered him: Why do you ask me about what is good? There is only one good, God. And if you want to enter into life, keep the commandments. (18) He said to him, Which ones? And Jesus said: These: Do not kill, commit adultery, steal, bear false witness, (19) honor your father and mother, and love your neighbor as yourself. (20) And the young man said unto him, These things have I observed from my youth: what doth he not yet get of me? (21) And Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go, sell what thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.

      There is no mention of keeping God's day holy, no mention of idolatry or "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house"

      For that there is this:

      "'Do not think that I have come to dissolve the law or the prophets; I have not come to dissolve but to fulfill. Verily I say unto you, Until heaven and earth pass away, not one single line shall be altered in the law, until all things be fulfilled" (Matt. 5:17,18).

      1. "The NT also does not mention other issues."

        It doesn't, because the New Covenant is a law of freedom in Jesus Christ, not Old Testament legalism. The law is written in our hearts, which God previously turned from stone to flesh. We are given the Holy Spirit who testifies to truth, sin and judgment, who introduces us to all truth.

        "Come and follow me..." And that's it. Discipleship. This is the process of sanctification. That's why it's worthwhile, in the various situations we find ourselves in, before we decide something, do something, say something, to ask ourselves: what would Jesus Christ do in this situation? I have to admit that most often, after such a short reflection, I come to the conclusion that Jesus would have done something completely different... If I find the strength to go against myself and do what I think Jesus would have done, then I follow Him. And that is my way. Let us show concern for our neighbors, let us pay, let us help, according to what our heart dictates and the Holy Spirit prompts us. If someone wants tenth worship - it is good, if someone willingly gives fifth worship - it is also good, and if someone cannot give as much and gives less, God also appreciates him, because He is pleased in a willing giver.


  5. In my opinion, it is right to give the fruits of one's labor to God or in the community among which he works. However, God sets a maximum tax, 10% or tithing. In my opinion, Satan, by introducing high taxes, wants to do several things, and one of those things is to instill in people stinginess, greed, and lack of solidarity and gratitude towards the nation among which a person lives, grew up, and ultimately to God.

    Rightly Peter you have shown this problem from the point of view of the Bible. Let's see, how much we owe to God and other people (who produce various products and services for us), tithing from our income for the needs of God and a just state that would protect the people and nations (the Kingdom of God will be such), is literally a pleasure 🙂 .

  6. "Bring the whole tithe into the granary, that there may be a supply in my house, and then you may test me in this, says the Lord of hosts, whether I will not open to you the valves of heaven and pour upon you blessings in abundant measure. And I will slay for your sake the vermin of the field, so that they will not destroy the fruit of your fields, and the vine will no longer be without fruit, says the Lord of hosts. And all the nations shall call you happy, for you shall be a favored land, says the Lord of hosts.

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