Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."


The author of this text, Mr. Ratajczak, was murdered in his own car at a time when hardly anyone had heard of the Khazars.



I have long argued that history as a science is subordinated to politics. This is particularly true of recent history, but not only. Also events that are more distant in time and, to be more precise, some scientific theories that are connected with them are in danger of being pushed into the abyss of oblivion. Because they are inconvenient, incorrect, even dangerous for the mighty of this world. One such theory, not without controversy but plausible, concerns the origin of most European Jews, whose descendants, apart from our continent, live in the Americas, Australia and Israel. In the latter, they form the ruling layer of the state to this day. Simply put, it is about the ethnogenesis of the Ashkenazim.

In the early Middle Ages in the Eurasian steppes stretching from the Volga, the Caspian Sea and the Caucasus, the Khazar tribes appeared. They were a nomadic Turkic (or rather Turkic-Tatari-Mongolian) people who soon became partially settled on the land. In the 8th cent. Khazars already formed a well-organized state organism covering the Crimea and the northern edges of the Black Sea to the Dniester River. A real empire: from the Caucasus to the territories of modern Moldavia! Serving as an intermediary for trade between east and west, Khazaria was ruled by a khan (kagan) with three main provinces, seven dependent kingdoms and seven fief tribes. The tribal fiefs were dominated by Slavs and Finnish peoples.

Originally the Khazars were pagan shamanists, later it seemed that they would embrace Islam, but eventually they converted to... Judaism, which becoming the state religion also embraced the simple folk. They became the "Khazar Jews", although - let us not forget - the khanate was also inhabited by "Jewish-Semites" fleeing the power of Byzantium and the Muslims. Murad Magomedov's excavations in Belendjer and Semender (former Khazar cities on the Caspian Sea) bear witness to this. This scientist discovered not only the tombs of the khans, but also the symbol of their power: a six-pointed star.

The Judaized Khazars, obviously numerically superior to the Semitic refugees, were formidable opponents to their neighbors. They warred with Byzantium and undertook exceptionally cruel and plundering expeditions into purely Slavic lands. These escapades echoed in Russian and Russian legends for a long time. They mentioned dramatic battles with the "Great Jew". For obvious reasons, he could not be a "Jew-semite" but a Khazar convert. Perhaps the later reluctant attitude of many Russians and other eastern Slavs towards the Jews was a consequence of the events of more than 1000 years ago, which were fixed in folk memory. After all, nothing happens in history without a reason.

The ethnic impact of the horrific raids was obvious. Captured men were sold into slavery by the attackers, while Slavic women became Khazar concubines or, after conversion to Judaism, wives. This would explain the contemporary anthropological picture of the descendants of European Jews, among whom the Semitic type does not predominate (its features are at most in some cases more or less pronounced) but the Turkish-Tatar-Slavic type.

The fundamental issue: what happened to the Judaized Khazars? Could such a strong, vital tribe have vanished into thin air? Well, in the second half of the tenth century, around the time of the Christianization of Poland, the Khazar state was smashed by Prince Svyatoslav of Kiev. In revenge, the Slavs drove many Khazars into Ruthenia. The rest joined their brethren later, fleeing from the hordes of Genghis Khan to Poland, Ruthenia-Lithuania, Hungary and beyond. In this way they became European Jews. It is open to question how long they retained certain Khazar customs or, more generally, the consciousness of their origin. Or how firmly fixed in them resentment or even hatred for the perpetrators of the fall of Khazaria.Were these feelings permanent, subconsciously projecting their attitude to the successor of Kievan Rus until modern times? An interesting question, but I dare not answer it.

The version of the Khazar origin of European Jews (Ashkenazim) has its supporters. In the West, however, it was pioneered by none other than Arthur Koestler. Almost 30 years ago, the author of "Darkness at Noon" wrote a book entitled "The Thirteenth Tribe: The Khazar Empire and Its Heritage," in which he proved that the Khazars were the ancestors of the Ashkenazim, i.e. the source of European Jewry. He thus supported the earlier findings of an Israeli resident, Natan M. Pollock. This translator of scientific texts and proofreader for a publishing company devoted 40 years of his life to proving the thesis that 6 out of 10 Jewish residents of Israel and 9 out of 10 Jews living in Europe and the Americas have Khazar, not Semitic, roots. As an interesting aside, according to Pollock's findings, the names: Halperin, Alpert, Halpern, Galpern, etc.-so common among European Jews-testify to the Khazar ancestry of their bearers (e.g., "Alper" in Khazar means "bold knight"; this title was given by the khan to particularly outstanding warriors). Also similar: Kaplan, Caplon, Koppel, etc. ("Kaplan" means "wild hawk") and, of course, Kogan, Kagan, Kaganovich.

In September 1966, Pollock decided to officially commemorate the 1000th anniversary of the Jewish-Khazar alliance. The Israeli authorities did not agree to this, among other reasons, because the theory of the Khazar, i.e. non-Palestinian, origin of European Jews was taken up by the Arabs. Really none of the officials cared whether Pollock was right or wrong. Once again, politics prevented history from striking out on its own.

By the way: I wonder what the publicists of "Gazeta Wyborcza" would write if it turned out that the alleged Polish anti-Semites are in fact harmless anti-Chazars!



History of the Khazars


The group of people known as Khazars was rarely discussed and almost never discussed outside of academic circles, especially those interested in Jewish history, until 1976 when a controversial book was published Thirteenth tribe (The Thirteenth Tribe) by the Jewish philosopher and social critic, Arthur Koestler (1905-1983).

But independent of Koestler (whose work had never been known before), a writer of Jewish descent living in Canada, Michael Bradley, published a work in 1978 The Iceman Inheritance (Legacy of the Ice Man), then its sequel Chosen People From the Caucus (The Chosen People of the Caucasus), in which he (together) posited that the modern people known as Jews descended from the Khazars and that, indeed, the Khazars could trace their origins to Neanderthals.

Bradley's website http:/// describes the results of his research in his second book, the author focuses on two distinct groups of people from the Caucasus mountains of the Middle East: the biblical Hebrews, who emerged from the southern Caucasus between 3000 and 2000 B.C. to invade Palestine, and the northern Caucasian "Khazars," who converted to Judaism around 740 A.D.

The Mongol invasions drove the Khazars into central and eastern Europe, and their descendants make up the vast majority of modern Jewry [a subject about which both Jewish and non-Jewish historians have argued], suggesting that, ironically, only a small number of both peoples are considered "Jews," even though they have neither a direct nor a genetic connection to each other, other than sharing a common Neanderthal ancestry from the Caucasus mountains in the very distant and ancient pre-Judaic past.

Bradley argues that peoples and cultures originating from the Caucasus mountains (a known refuge for late Neanderthal societies) in proto-historical and historical times, remained highly intelligent, highly aggressive, and psychosexually maladjusted (promoting high levels of group cohesion). These flaws, Bradley argues, explain the survival of the biblical Hebrews against all odds, and also the excessive social influence of modern Western Jews.

Bradley argues that there is no mystique of a "chosen people." "Monotheism," a purely male and abstract deity, is merely the result of Neanderthal glacial physical and mental adaptations or "faulty adaptations." Proven Neanderthal group cohesion, and extreme aggression, together created the prospect of a fiercely limited "chosen people." The cultural fusion of two separate lineages of "Jews" since the 16th century has played an important role in the development of Western civilization, and thus in the formation of the current cultural profile of the entire world.

Bradley argues that a uniquely high level of ongoing neardental aggression, perpetuated by the ethnic ban on mixed marriages, is responsible for the central role played by those who call themselves Jews in the discovery and conquest of America, in the transatlantic trade of black Africans as slaves, and in the cultural colonization of non-whites by the West. This role has too often been distorted and camouflaged by loud laments about "anti-Semitism."

Bradley goes on to write about his own research and the ensuing controversy that erupted when numerous media (and Jewish sources), who had previously praised his work on Neanderthals, realized that his work pointed to the Neanderthal origins of the Jewish people:

"Jewish" Ashkenazim came from a region known to the late Neanderthals, the mountains of the Caucasus and the surrounding Russian steppes. some with typically "Jewish" physical defects were obviously very residually Neanderthal, mainly short stature and plump physique, very short and large breasted women, extremely hairy men with a tendency to bushy eyebrows, and large hooked noses found in both sexes. Many Ashkenazi Jews have finely curled dark reddish, brown, or mahogany-colored hair.

Among Ashkenazi "Jews" there is also a genetic facial feature of beak shape, not just hooked noses and large lips (in more ways than one) that "cover" the lower part of the face. Well-known and nice examples are Barbara Streisand and Julia Roberts, demonstrating how attractive this genetic defect can be. But these are not physical "Semitic" defects. They are physical Neanderthal traits. And there may be some Neanderthal emotional flaws preserved among Ashkenazim along with the physical ones.

Their aspiration to be the "chosen people" is a typical neardental in-group obsession that is actually a genetically racial predisposition against all people. It is a genetically determined "us against them" mentality. Their higher level of known Neanderthal aggression against strangers accounts for their disproportionate social influence wherever they have settled in the West...As a group, Ashkenazi Jews exhibit persistent Neanderthal defects, the strongest among living Caucasian peoples, because of prohibitions against mixed marriages. Their Neanderthal genes were kept "in the family." These Neanderthal genes did not disappear as a result of mixed marriages as much as among other Caucasian peoples.

The origin of today's Ashkenazi "Jews" from the Russian steppes was not just a theory based on the satire of medieval Christian, Islamic and Jewish chroniclers. It was a hard and deliberate historical reality based on linguistics and archaeological evidence.

And in the case of The Iceman Inheritance, my unforgivable crime was that I added more compelling anthropological data to the other evidence. This "data" was something that anyone could actually see by simply looking at the numerous North American "Jews."

As Bradley says, the Neanderthal heritage of the modern Jewish people explains their problems not only in relation to the true nation of Palestine, but also to others on this planet. He writes:

"It's an unfortunate combination of high aggression with a tendency toward emotional instability and hysteria when they feel upset or threatened. . . which is all the time when they're not in absolute control. And even then they are arrogant and anxious. An ethnic symptom of this emotional vacillation is the Jewish tendency toward hypochondria. Even they cannot (yet) control death. This unfortunate combination of high aggression combined with a tendency toward emotional instability and hysteria has proven to be a dangerous and tragic situation in the history of the West. Their aggression encourages continued Jewish attempts to control societies, while the emotional instability of most Jews, makes it difficult to rationally distinguish between legitimate social criticism by their non-Jewish neighbors and attacks on them.

Insensitive even in the face of objective concern about excessive Jewish influence on societies, and reacting with hysterical aggression to every such alleged "attack" on their behavior and charges by non-Jews to curb it, Jews have always provoked violence against themselves. And then, with great emotional satisfaction, they feel victimized and attribute the situation to the inherent "anti-Semitism" among their neighbors.

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Updated: 5 September 2014 — 16:46

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  1. The term Ashkanesia refers to the territory of Germany, Holland, historiography precisely defines where the Jews came to Poland from, that is, they escaped persecution from German-speaking countries,The Jews who settled in the Khazar Kaganate came there from Persia and Byzantium, the Caliphate, and most importantly, the Khazars professed rabbinic Judaism, while the Ashkanazys professed Talmudic Judaism.If you read more you will learn that the Khazar Kaganate was multi-ethnic, the Goths, Greeks professed Christianity, the black Hungarians professed Islam, the rest of the Hungarians professed Animism, part of the Khazars professed Islam, part Animism, part Judaism, the Kagan professed Islam, the beggan professed Judaism, the 7 thousand strong Kagan's guard was composed of Muslims, in Khazaria there were many more mosques and churches than synagogues.Only Obadiah tried to impose Judaism on his subjects, which met with the reaction of Byzantium and Rus,

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