Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

How a Christian woman should dress

About a year ago, I wrote this piece on an old blog called "How Women Should Dress". I updated it today.

  While the issue is more straightforward for men, not so much for women. Where does decency, being a Christian woman, end in dress?
Let's start with Adam and Eve. For today's times, we can say that they walked around in just their underpants. They had their intimate parts covered.
Personally, I imagine that women in Jesus' day WERE dressed in long gowns. Now we know how it is ourselves. Women who consider themselves believers walk around in minis. Same with see-through blouses.No I am negating anyone but wondering what is moral and what is not. After all, shapely legs are pleasing to the eye of men. What do you think, you internet Christians. On the one hand, women were created by God to please men and probably not only with their faces but also with their specific shapes. 🙂 On the other hand, if she should, she can show this and that, but not to every man. However, where is the limit?

A Christian woman replied to me on a forum, probably not understanding the question, that it is in men's fault that they look lustfully. Another responded with pictures from a Russian magazine called "Slavianka"
It's a shock when you look at it like that. It's like time has stopped. What's happening now is one big debauchery. Where is the innocence, modesty, gentle flirtatiousness? Of course, nice to the eye are mini, but the question is how it works on our psyche. Some will be resistant and will pass by such a woman indifferently as if she did not exist, while others will turn on the desire button.dishes. Like You see, the topic is seemingly simple, but many have different opinions on the same subject.
For some thongs are an invention of the devil for others fantasy and sensuality.I think we have lost something....
Looking at the women in this picture reminds me of the third part of the film "How I unleashed World War II" when Franek Dolas fell in love with a girl, a Home Army liaison officer - Teresa, played by Teresa Jędryka. An energetic but modest, beautiful woman.
In my own way, I had a crush as a teenager on these unassuming women, full of romance.
A scene from the film "Goodbye to Tomorrow" with Zbigniew Cybulski.
Not long ago I watched with my son a black-and-white prewar film called Paul and Gawel. And so I wondered where it all went? Romanticism, modesty.
Their place has been taken by nudity and licentiousness, Sex has become an object. One need only buy a condom to experience "love." A substitute for close contact is visualization (an occult technique) of sex while watching pornographic writings. Sexologists recommend watching pornographic movies to arouse stagnation in a relationship.
Satan reaps a harvest. Satan profanes every work of God. He turns beauty into ugliness. He turns love into perversion, earthly property given from God to man into the property of "the people" (read Satan's people), wine into alcoholism, etc. (read Satan's people), wine into alcoholism, etc.
The question remains open. How should a Christian woman dress?
I have a wife, mother, sisters, colleagues at work and I wonder where should be the limit of their dress and not my looks.....I am concerned about their morals, rules, because after all, they are the ones who tempt and what is compatible or not with the Bible. The "never look twice at a strange woman" rule is simple and perfect at that.
What does the Bible say?
The disliked Paul says:
9) Likewise, women should dress decently, appear modest and reserved, and not wear elaborate hair weaves or gold or pearls or costly garments, (10) but adorn themselves with good works as befits women who are truly godly. (11) Let a woman learn in meekness and in complete submission; (12) and I do not permit a woman to teach or to exalt herself above her husband; but she should behave quietly.

Upon further analysis, I believe that the limit in a woman's attire is the words in this quote:

 None of you shall go near the body of your kinsman to expose his nakedness. I am the Lord! 7 You will not naked your father or your mother's nakedness. She is your mother - you shall not expose her nakedness. 8 You shall not expose your stepmother's nakedness, for it is your father's nakedness. 9 You shall not expose the nakedness of your sister, your father's daughter, or your mother's daughter, whether she was born inside or outside the home. 10 You shall not expose the nakedness of your son's daughter or your daughter's daughter, for they are your nakedness. 11 You will not expose your nakednessdaughter of your father's wife, because she is your father's child, she is your sister. 12 You shall not expose the nakedness of your father's sister because she is a relative of your father. 13 You shall not expose the nakedness of your mother's sister because she is a relative of your mother. 14 You shall not expose the nakedness of your father's brother: you shall not go near his wife, for she is your aunt.15 You shall not expose the nakedness of your daughter-in-law, for she is your son's wife; you shall not expose her nakedness. 16 You shall not expose your sister-in-law's nakedness; it is your brother's nakedness. 17 You shall not expose the nakedness of a woman and her daughter. You shall not take her son's daughter or her daughter's daughter to expose her nakedness, for they are her flesh. That would be debauchery! 18 You shall not take a woman together with her sister to expose her nakedness during the lifetime of that one; that would be an opportunity for discord.

As we have noted an oft-repeated injunction is "You will not expose your nakedness" which is on the one hand a euphemism for the carnal meeting of two people and on the other a symbol of crossing a border.
The old definition of the word "prostitution" helps us understand this:

The word prostitute comes from Latin, corresponding to a compound of two Latin words pro, meaning before, and statuere, meaning exhibit. It literally means as much as "field", "front". It came into use in the language in Ancient Roman times.The word prostitution originally probably meant only as much as "field".

According to these criteria a woman should not go to work where there are strange men:

-in a mini skirt
-with a deep neckline
- clearances

It remains to be considered whether it is appropriate for a Christian woman to expose her nudity at all. A cleavage, a mini that barely covers the bottom, is exposure to lust.
I am not a devotee, I like to see the beauty of the female body, but I also want to be a good Christian. In a movie about Christians, probably by Dave Hunt, there was an example of a court case in which a woman dressed defiantly was questioned by the judge about declaring that she was a Christian. The entire courtroom, including the jurors, looked at each other in embarrassment....

I don't know where the skirt should end because a lot depends on the woman's intention and heart. But I do know that nudity and uncovering the body, understood also as sex, is reserved for a loving couple in the "four walls", where you don't expose yourself to the public. For her man, a woman can wear whatever she likes or nothing at all. A deep relationship includes marital intimacy. Depriving oneself of intimacy is one of the inhibitors to a good relationship. Without intimacy, the partner is not just ours.

Lately, on almost every website pretending to be serious one can see such headlines: XXXX was without panties". Obviously this affects the psyche of both young and inexperienced men as well as married ones. There used to be no panties and nobody made a big deal out of it. Today the imagination is stimulated so that a partner called visual becomes an object of our lusts. Women nowadays are treated in this way not as a subject but as an object.

As for Muslims.

The burka probably resembles a nun's outfit for a reason. Nuns, on the other hand, dress in typically Masonic colors - black and white. Additionally, the predominance of black is supposed to expose the cult of death. Black worn daily depresses and brings closer to the kingdom of death. Nergal also dresses in black every day. Let's pay attention to how this blackness manifests itself, what is the common denominator of the groups and individuals who wear it? - Total sinfulness.
What groups dress in black: nuns, members and fans of metal groups, goths, priests, prostitutes
I've heard a lot of bad things about nuns (including in my family), I've read. The unconscious (so I think) Satanist Olga Jackowska was brought up by them.
The burka is actually meant to destroy nature and the essence of God's work - the beauty of the female body. As an aside, thankfully I can still write about this 🙂 Who knows what will happen in a year or two in the progression of Islamism in Europe.

Once my wife went to visit her grandmother near Opoczno. She was a firm believer. She was wearing a black skirt and black tights. Her grandmother seeing her said: what funeral are you having? To this day I don't know if it was sarcasm or a natural observation, but I wonder if the grandmother was right in her assessment as a woman uncontaminated by the current fashion in which black dominates. The color considered sexy is black. Such a color is produced clothing for women: stockings, short skirts, underwear.


The Jesuits are also dressed in black.
As we know, Satan wants to humiliate mankind. He especially wants to humiliate women in various ways: by covering her with a robe so that only her eyes are visible, by forcing her to work, to have a career (the domain of socialism - Satan's system, May 1st is also a satanic holiday), by introducing a perverse fashion a la prostitute. Lucifer wants to create a man opposite to Adam and Eve, that is, a confusion of the sexes

A vivid example of which is the Palikot movement's MP Grodzka like Baphomet - half woman half man:

I stress that I am not an orthodox or ideological person. Ba, I am even an aesthete. However, I want to live according to God's will and hence these reflections. I do not make this text an ideology of dressing. I just want to show where a woman can go a little too far with her clothes.

One would be wrong to think that the Bible denies sex and the pleasure that results from the meeting of two bodies of a man and a woman. I doubt that God, in creating such a beautiful creature as woman, with all her bodily qualities, would not permit the love of two bodies and pleasure. You have to be God to create such a shapely being. 🙂 The very fact that a woman was created says how awesome God is!
Few people know, but the Bible contains an "erotic" called the Song of Songs.

The book consists of six songs, describing the love of the Bridegroom and the Bride (who call each other Solomon and Sulamite) in the form of their dialogue, commented on by the chorus. The Bride tells the story of how she was half asleep waiting for her beloved to come. When she heard the knocking and the loving words of encouragement, she pretended that it was a pity to put on her dress again and get her washed feet dirty. When the Bridegroom put his hand through the hole in the door to touch her hand, she she approached him, putting all her love for him into the gesture of shaking hands. However, her beloved misunderstood her and left. She began to search for him, screaming into the darkness. An encountered guard took her for a street prostituteShe was beaten, stripped of her cloak, and cut. In despair, she asked the women of Jerusalem to tell her beloved of the greatness of her affection for him. The bridegroom at this time marveled at the beauty of the bride. At the end, he stated that she was the ideal of beauty, in the song he says: All beautiful you are, my friend, and there is no flaw in you (Prnp 4:7) wiki

The guards took her for a prostitute because she was naked or half-naked. She did it for her betrothed.

Have any of you ever felt this: She approached him, putting all her love for him into the gesture of shaking hands. An intimate hand gesture with the energy of love was enough.
I found a brief and interesting look at this part of the Bible on the internet:
The text alludes to the image of the Garden of Eden as a place of delight for which man longs (Prov. 4:12-13). It is no accident, then, that the man refers to the woman as a garden. When he thus professes his love, She invites him to "his garden" to eat the delicious fruit. The man accepts this invitation (4:12-5:1). Once they are close together, he describes her mouth "like fine wine", she interrupts him, saying that "It flows gently for my beloved, moistening lips and teeth" (7,10). PDuring the kiss he praises her lips, which seem to him the freshest honey that he collects from under her tongue (4,11). She in turn confesses that the lips of the beloved are sweetness (5,16) and seeks his kisses (1,2). The bridegroom compares his beloved to a palm tree, which he wants to climb in order to pick ripe fruit hidden among the branches. He then thinks of his beloved's breasts, which he wants to taste like grapes (7,9). When the bridegroom has already reached for these fruits, she, moved, confesses that his fragrance is for her a bag of myrrh and a cluster of henna "among my breasts laid" (1,13n). Resting on a bed among the greenery, the bridegroom marvels at her beauty, exclaiming in exultation: "Oh, how beautiful you are my friend" (1,15). These few examples illustrate the emotional atmosphere that pervades the Song of Songs. It is imbued with an eroticism that is subtle and seductive. The images leave many things unsaid but already made present and affecting the reader. "The words of love uttered by the spouses focus on the other, not so much because it is a source of mutual fascination in itself, but above all because it is the source of direct and immediate preoccupation with the other - female or male - that initiates love in the inner movement of the heart. Love also liberates a particular experience of beauty which concentrates on the visible, although it embraces the whole person at the same time".1.

Let us not be like the Puritans, who regard sex as a source of evil, the feeling of pleasure and enjoyment as downright harmful to health, who accept only marital relations leading only to fertilization, but let us also not objectify the amorous meeting of bodies.

In summary, a woman should be different from a man in her attire. This is how God created us. A woman who often walks around in pants is already half a man. A man wearing pants is almost a woman. Pants like burqa deprive a woman of her charm, femininity and additionally symbolize independence and professional ambitions.


Updated: 21 August 2014 — 16:11


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  1. Modestly and secretly, not naked, not lustfully. If a woman has to walk around in a mini so that you can see everything, it is only and exclusively in private in front of yourself or your husband!
    And there is no other exception.

    1. How do you understand lusting after your own woman

  2. There is something about these colors. Since I'm an aesthete, too, and on top of that I like to compose things like clothes (which of course isn't my priority, but an expression of personality), I've noticed that the further away from evil I get, the more I tend to forgo black, and bright colors seem more and more pure and desirable in clothing. With these skirts, it's also a moot point, because wearing a shorter skirt with your legs covered (not the way the Satanic fashion industry presents it, of course) is not the same as wearing yourself defiantly, where you barely cover a part of your body. A great deal depends on the conscience and will of the dresser. And on the intention. Because to wrap oneself absolutely in the fabric, in extreme cases, is also akin to presenting a woman in a distorting mirror. And also the issue of nakedness and the length of clothes, going back to a great invention, which are cotton tights 🙂 You can look more pleasing to the eye, not overwhelming and not shining with nakedness at the same time. Some women feel frustration somewhere and show it by dressing skimpily, others do not need it to be happy. Skirt, skirt is not the same 😉 .

    1. But not in a headscarf, it's not Islam. I'm a romantic and I love long dresses but it's hard to find them now so I usually look in second hand stores and there you can find something beautiful 😉 .

  3. When I'm reminded of how I dressed in the past it makes me ashamed 🙁

    1. Don't exaggerate. You didn't walk around naked, and besides, you lived Marta in the world.
      I think she dresses Miriam well, though I don't know if she is born again:

      Skirts, dresses Slightly above the knee.
      And how she dresses at home is her business.

  4. Yes, but how should a woman dress in winter? After all, a skirt/dress doesn't provide protection from the cold like pants do.

  5. The pants are very practical for both sexes. A wonderful invention. I don't see in this garment any symbolism of independence or professional ambition... Following this line of thought, one could say that a dress is a symbol of dependence and lack of ambition. Yes I agree, a woman should not dress defiantly mainly to protect herself. Someone's charm or femininity is not shown only by clothes, it is more about lifestyle, kindness, love for others, acceptance of oneself, clothes are meant to cover but also to emphasize beauty. Because we were created beautifully, both men and women.

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