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7 blessings of paying tithing

Text translated by Matthew from


Thank you 😉



First of all, Malachi 3:10 says: "(10) Bring the whole tithe into the granary, that there may be a supply in my house, and thus put me to the test! - says the Lord of hosts - whether I will not open to you the windows of heaven and pour out on you blessings beyond measure . ."
Then the Lord promises, "(11) And I will then forbid locusts to devour your agricultural crops, but your grapevines in the field shall not be without fruit, says the Lord of hosts. " (verse 11).


In the next verse, the Lord gives us a huge promise: "(12) All nations will call you happy, for you will be a lovely country, says the Lord of hosts." (verse 12). In these worthwhile verses we see that the Lord says to bring all the tithe to the granary such that there will be meat in his house. We see exactly that the Lord considers that the tithe belongs to Him AND to His work.
The Lord even challenges us, "Put me to the test" (verse 10). This is the only time in all of Scripture where the Lord says such words. This is the most amazing invitation we have ever received from the Lord; we, His children, can test Him in this.
Now let's take a look at the promises given by the Lord in Malachi 3:10-11
- "will I not open to you the windows of heaven" (verse 10). The windows of heaven have always referred to nourishment, resurrection. This is what the Lord promises to all the obedient
- And I will not pour out blessings on you beyond measure." (verse 10). Think about it! God almighty promises that the person paying tithing will prosper-will prosper so much that he will not have room to accommodate all the blessings.
- "And I will then forbid the locusts to devour your agricultural crops." (Verse 11) Years ago when I taught on this subject in Orlando I discovered that this is all about paralyzing, maiming. God almighty promises to maim and paralyze your opponents on your behalf. Tithing is so important to the Lord that He promises that people who practice it will not be subjected to attacks by their opponents. Remember, the Lord himself said to test him in this, it will all happen if you obey him!

- "And your grapevine in the field shall not be without fruit" (verse 11). This means that the adversary whom the Lord has paralyzed will not touch your finances. The fruit of the field refers directly to money. The adversary will not be able to touch your money if you pay tithes.
- " And I will put out for your sake the pest of the field, so that he will not destroy the fruit of the fields for you, and the vine will no longer be without fruit, says the Lord of hosts."(verse 11). It is important to note that in John 15:5, Jesus said, " I am the vine, you are the branches." Vine here means family, and God gives an amazing promise to those who pay tithes. God says that the enemy will not touch your family when you obey the Lord.
- "And all nations shall call you happy." (verse 12). In this amazing verse we see that the Lord is promising something amazing. We will prosper in such a way that the whole world will see how great a blessing we have. In other words, we will see the tremendous blessing that God will send nan as.
- " For you will be a land of pleasure, says the Lord of hosts" (verse 12) The land of pleasure means a very desirable land. The Lord will make people want to live in our country, so many blessings will be here.

To summarize the promises:
- You will be revived in every sense of the word
- You will experience tremendous success
- The opponent will be paralyzed AND will not touch your finances.
- Your money will be safe.
- Your family will be safe, the enemy will not touch it.
- You will witness the power and blessing of the Lord.
- You will be a respectable person and the Lord will use you for His purposes, to bring His glory.


Before the Lord mentioned the 7 promises He said clearly in verse 8: " Or is it fair for a man to deceive God, as you deceive Me? You ask: In what have we deceived you? In tithes and offerings." (Malachi 3:8). Then he answers, "Bring the whole tithe to the granary, that there may be a supply in my house" (verse 10).

The granary is not your local church. For years I taught that this was the case, but I was wrong. As I have studied the Scriptures, toured the world, and grown in the Lord, I have realized that the granary is the ministry through which you grow spiritually, the place that teaches you.

Every ministry that feeds you spiritually is that granary. God's Word says clearly and plainly, bring your tithe to the granary that feeds you. That granary is the ministry that gives you the fresh bread and wine of God's Word.

If you support this ministry the Lord has directed you to, He is giving you 7 amazing promises.
If this ministry is your granary then by God's law you should give your tithe there. In fact, according to God's Word you should support any ministry that God uses to feed your life spiritually.

I also want to share with you an extremely important truth. The Word of God also says exactly in the book of Deuteronomy that tithing does not belong to the dead. In the midst of teaching about tithing, the Lord tells us " I have not given any of it to the dead" (Deuteronomy 26:14). If you want to receive the blessings of tithing make sure you are not giving to a fruitless ministry.
If you give money for work that does not produce results, then you too will not receive blessings. But if you give to a ministry that preaches a living Gospel and produces good fruit, then all the blessings belong to you.

Break free from the chains of debt

When I recognized this truth and applied it to my life by becoming a tithing payer, God truly broke the burden of debt in my life.
Debt is broken by only one thing - giving money to God's cause!

I want to see how much the Lord blesses you. It is your tithing that opens the windows of heaven and your offerings that bring prosperity. The Lord expects both, tithes (at least 10%) and donations in the amount He directs you. We cannot be blessed without tithing and we cannot live in full abundance without donations.
The Lord speaks decisively in His word, He talks about tithing and giving.

Today, give both things to the Lord, sow the seed. As you give your tithe to the Lord and sow the seed, command it in a way not earthly but Divine to grow and let all that is written in the 3rd chapter of the book of Malachi happen.


Updated: 5 July 2014 — 23:40


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  1. I would love to give the tithes, but I don't go to church and I won't (I'm a former Catholic), I don't go to any church or anything like that, in my family I'm the only one who wants to live according to God's Word... the only thing I still teach my 8 year old daughter is ......... What to do?

    1. God's word says to abide in community...the apostles spent time with each other were sent out two by two on missions...look for a church that is based on God's word.

  2. For example, or some other website where they support persecuted Christians, you can also ask in your prayers to point out those in need on your path. It always works for me:)


  3. I was helped a lot by Glory Church and Arthur Ceronski. Read about them on the internet.

    1. can you write in what sense it helped?

  4. Hello,

    Very interesting site, but I would think about changing Mott.
    "Don't believe the authorities of the world. Like Jesus believe" I would replace with
    "Don't believe like the authorities of the world. Believe as Jesus did."

    Many Blessings of God I wish and greetings.


    1. Thank you. Praise God.
      I even changed ☺️
      But, believe as Jesus ' for new readers may be the Matrix.

  5. If the tithe of Mal. 3/10 of the Old Covenant applies, how do we reconcile it with the following verses:

    Ephesians 2/14: Jesus abolished the law of commandments and regulations...
    Col. 2/14 Jesus wiped out the incriminating debt letter that turned against us with its demands
    and removed him by nailing him to the cross.
    The Lord's Prayer speaks of God's will being done on earth as it is in Heaven - question: is there a tithe in Heaven?

    In the 4 Gospels the tithe is mentioned only once when Jesus says: Woe to you scribes and Pharisees for giving tithes... etc. and so he directs this to the Pharisees and not to his disciples.

    1. A topic dozens of times reworked. Jesus abolished the law of regulations associated with the sacrificial system

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