Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Why others hate us

Why do some people hate us? This is an old text of mine from a previous blog. I add new thoughts at the end

I don't know about you, but I have repeatedly encountered unwarranted attitudes of aggression towards my person.
I always wondered what the reason was, analyzed my behavior, statements, whether I did, said something wrong. Unfortunately, I did not find a reason, so the matter of explanation hung in a vacuum.
As usual in such cases, the Bible helped me. Seek and ye shall find, so to speak.
Jesus Christ clearly warned us about people who do not understand us and will hate us and make our lives miserable. Most of these people, unfortunately, are our loved ones.
I personally don't get along with some of the people closest to me and not to mention the frequent rudeness of people who see me for the first time.
The following quotes are an answer to the above dilemmas and considerations:


34 Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to set a son at odds with his father, a daughter with her mother, a daughter-in-law with her mother-in-law17; 36 and a man's enemies will be his household18. 37 Whoever loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And whoever loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. 38 Whoever does not take up his cross19 and follow Me is not worthy of Me. 39 Whoever wants to find his life will lose it. and whoever loses his life because of me will find it.

Many people mistakenly see Jesus Christ as a perfectly nice man devoid of emotion.
There is a mistake. In the above quote from Matthew, Jesus explains to us why we do not understand our mother or father or anyone else closest to us. Whoever loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. This means nothing more than choosing the way of Jesus.
What is the way of Jesus? Until recently when I was a member of the Church I thought that it was enough to be in church, to go to mass sometimes, to spend holidays with my family. It is not true. The way of Jesus is: truth, love of neighbour and living according to the Bible.
For example: my mother says to my criticism of the so-called Anna Grodzka: 'I am neither hot nor cold about it'. When my wife told her mother-in-law that the Bible condemns homosexuality, she replied "what kind of Bible do you have, Jesus...".

Another example would be women who live a biblical lifestyle and have alcoholic husbands. Is there a sword of Jesus in the middle between them? Of course there is.
We go further: at work, one person steals from the employer and the other person doesn't want to do it? there is a sword in the middle? both people are colleagues at work.

I once employed my brother-in-law, but he didn't want to work. He got about 2 thousand PLN (in my city people are grateful for 1200 PLN/month) in a warehouse being out of elementary school, because without a high school diploma. I was his first employer who hired him on a contract. The previous one did not even pay him the money. I lent him money for his first car and drove from central Poland to the German border. He started his day by reclining on the couch and slowly drinking coffee from the machine. This was his daily ritual. He had a lot of bums. His wife made a living at church as a chorister during various sacraments. He finally resigned from his job, "thanking" me a few days after he left by writing "faggot" on his car. What's good is that he didn't directly tell me this as most cowards do. This also applies to cowards who hide behind a computer monitor.

A true Christian woman will say NO to a husband who is drunk every day, just as a Christian will negate a wife's gossiping or fraud-filled path to mammon like someone trading in cars with defects. If one follows the way of Jesus, he automatically denies evil. Here is the sword!

I have stood up for other people several times. I did not know this quote below:

"Happy are those who suffer persecution for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

I don't know if I am worthy to be invited into the kingdom of heaven, but I did and do so often.

Mt. 5.10

"Happy are you if, because of me, they slander you and persecute you, and deceitfully impute all evil to you. Be glad and rejoice, for there is a rich reward waiting for you in heaven. For thus they persecuted the prophets who lived before you. "

This does not mean martyrdom, but choosing the path of life and consequently choosing the path of truth - suffering. No compromise with evil. For this reason I left the Catholic Church. I described it here: I broke off contacts with people without principles. Currently I have no friend and I am not so bad about it. I feel more pure.

"Then they will oppress you and kill you, and because of my name all nations will hate you.
Then many will break down and one will spend and hate the other.
And many false prophets shall come forward, and shall deceive many."

Tell any of your friends at work: "listen, Jesus wouldn't do that" or "that's not in line with Jesus' teachings". They will look at you like you are a Jehovah's Witness.Just say that "magic" name and there is already something wrong. It works like a button. You say, "Jesus" - and bam, our interlocutor looks at us as if he saw a ufo.

What mistake are these aggressors making?

40 Whoever receives you receives me; and whoever receives me receives him who sent me. 41 Whoever receives a prophet, as a prophet, the reward of a prophet will be given to him. Whoever receives a righteous man, as a righteous man, the reward of a righteous man will be given.21 42 Whoever gives a cup of fresh water to drink to one of the least of these, because he is a disciple,22 verily I say to you, he will not lose his reward

He who receives you, receives me. It follows that people who are truly committed to God as seen in their actions should be treated well by other Christians. That is why I do not understand the aggression and so much venom on Christian forums and blogs.

To sum up, the Bible gave me answers to the problems I was having, the questions I was asking myself. After finding answers in the Bible, I felt like a sheep that has returned to the flock 馃檪 .
People who do good according to the teachings of Jesus must be hated because evil does not like good and good does not like evil. If you stand in the middle, you are in Satan's snare.




update 06.04.2014


Recently, I've been looking at my aversions from a different perspective. Once, being in a grocery store, I chatted with the owner. After some time a friend of the sales clerk joined the discussion. We got down to politics and so-called "conspiracies". The shopkeeper turned off from the conversation and the customer became involved in the conversation. He knew almost everything that I knew about Zionism and a little about the Catholic Church. He bought himself a quarter with me. I had already noticed that he seemed to have an alcohol problem. In my mind I decided that I would help him by guiding him somehow. He wanted to buy me a quarter, but of course I refused. We went out of the store and continued talking about what not to talk about in politics. I was already getting down to the subject of church. He was very animated. Especially since he downed the bottle from the so-called "thread" in a matter of seconds. After a while I started getting on the subject of the Bible and Jesus. He talked a bit about his bad relationship with his family. I found him to be a good man from the heart, but enslaved. I was about to tell him that only Jesus can help him, tell him about being set free, but all of a sudden with a sudden he even jumped into the store quickly saying: hi, it was very nice talking to you, we will talk again sometime.

This was not a Catholic's aversion to the Bible. It was an allergic reaction of the demons who were watching over him. It is the same with Catholics. The demons are watching over them. Next time I will surprise them and put my hands on their heads saying "I release you from your alcohol addiction in the name of Jesus Christ".

Updated: 6 April 2014 — 22:22


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  1. "Next time I will surprise them and put my hands on their head saying 'I release you from alcohol addiction in the name of Jesus Christ'" I don't know if that's a good solution. Isn't it supposed to be a personal decision of the enslaved person? I just associated with this a passage from the book , "the invisible war for your life" where the pastor wanting to free his daughter from demons told her herself to personally tear the pentagram from her neck, personally throw the rest of those pentagrams out from under the bed and personally confess the desire for release, the desire to entrust her life to Jesus Christ 馃槈 But I'm not sure.

    1. Of course you're right, but I rather meant to act quickly with the person's consent. I wouldn't just do it out of the blue. I would ask if he wanted to be healed by Jesus. A short "yes" would be enough for me.

  2. Hi. Just out of curiosity, I'm writing if you may have met this gentleman yet and if you helped him or how your conversation went. Greetings 馃檪 .

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