Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Do we have to tithe

Some people claim that the whole of the ST law applied to the Jews and no longer applies to us. Such a thesis is, first of all, not logical. Nowhere in the Old Testament does it say anything about Jews.


There is mention of the Israelites, and this is something broader. Abraham himself is the father of nations. Not one nation.

Second, God established certain laws not only for covenantal reasons, but for our individual and group good.

For example, we have a command in the ST regarding nutrition:


(9) Of everything that lives in the water you may eat: Everything that lives in the water, in the seas and in the rivers, that has fins and scales, you may eat; (10) And everything that has not fins and scales in the seas and in the rivers, everything that swarms in the water, all living creatures that are in the water, shall be an abomination to you. (11) And they will remain an abomination to you: Their flesh ye shall not eat, and ye shall abhor their carcasses. (12) Anything in the water that does not have fins and scales will be an abomination to you. (13) And these fowls ye shall abhor, and eat them not: for they are an abomination: the eagle, the mountain vulture, and the eagle.




In bold print there is an indication not to eat seafood for example. Why? Not many people know, but the so-called seafood is a filter of the seas. It is like eating a vacuum cleaner filter. All the toxins of the sea are collected in shrimps and squids.


Will I become a Jew by not eating shrimp? absurd and manipulative. Non sense.


Am I Jewish by celebrating Shabbat? No.


Current Jews are usually atheists and have as much in common with ancient Israel as I have with Eskimos.



It's similar with tithing. In fact, my journey to God began with tithing, as I once wrote:



To quote myself as it were:


"A Protestant whom I met, so to speak, interested me in God, and I surprised him on several points. He saw that I was experiencing dilemmas. After all, eyes are the mirror of the soul and I can't mask myself. In my room I cried, thinking about my failures. I am convinced that He prayed for me. As if sensing my problems, he recommended me a book: "Money comes into the body of Christ". I was skeptical because it sounded commercial. Money and Jesus... After arriving in my city I bought the book on the Internet and decided to change the industry in the company basically while I was still in Wisła.

While reading "Money Comes to the Body of Christ," I saw the sense in it. Despite my lack of money, in spite of fate, I sent money to various foundations. After a few months I had such a turnover of new business that I didn't know how it happened... When later inspected, the clerk at the beginning told me about the high turnover as if he wanted to tell me "we got you". But I had everything documented.

After some time, about a year or two, I forgot to apply the precepts from this book. Years later I realized that this was the reason for the downfall of the company.

In fact, I am planning to write a text about this, i.e. about the so-called "tithing". Not tithing in any way is a major cause of poverty. Americans understand this, but unfortunately, pastors exploit it unscrupulously...which is another problem. Poles have no idea about tithing. They give to Owsiak to ease their conscience, when in fact they support Satan's system."

I achieved professional success because of this tithe

As I mentioned people in Poland would sooner give to Owsiak or a priest than to build God's community. Before I opened the forum there were some voices: just to have no ads. I have never asked anyone for anything and I never wanted to make any donations, and here at the beginning such an affront. You don't want to read.


Now let's think. Satan's world is built with colossal money: politics, media, Catholic Church, show business, pro atheist and pro gay associations, TVN, Polsat, Zdążyć z pomocą foundations etc.




The Bible vs. Tithing:


"Tithing refers to the obligation described in the Bible to give a tenth of the harvest to a specific purpose. The Bible lists two types of tithes. The first is an annual offering to the Lord (Deut. 14:22-27), part of which was eaten near the tabernacle and part offered to the Levites, who, unlike the rest of Israel, did not receive any part of Canaan as an inheritance. The second type was a tithe set apart from the crops every three years to meet the needs of the Levites, foreign visitors, orphans, and widows (Deut. 14:28-29). In medieval Europe, it was recognized that this obligation also applied to Christians, who were obliged to support the clergy.


According to the Bible, God is the owner of all that humans possess and have (Ps. 24:1; Agg. 2:8; Ps. 50:10-12). The Israelites were commanded to give to God a seventh of the time (Ex. 20:8-11), annual and cotribal tithes, and other gifts and offerings (Deut. 16:16.17). Prior to the establishment of the covenant at Mt. Sinai, Abraham gave a voluntary tithe to Melchizedek of his spoils of war (Gen. 14:20), and Jacob pledged to give tithes to God of all his gifts (Gen. 28:22).


According to some interpretations, Jesus Christ affirmed the validity of the tithing system (Matt. 23:23). However, Paul of Tarsus, for example, in 2 Corinthians (9:7), recommends giving as much as conscience dictates-no more and no less: "Each [should give] as he has resolved in his heart, not grudgingly or from compulsion; for God loves a willing giver"(BW). The apostolic epistles do not establish the fact of a tithing system in the early church. Some have attempted to prove the doctrine of tithing from Hebrews 7:1-9, which recalls the Old Testament story of Abraham's offering of tithes to Melchizedek. This passage, however, was dedicated by the author of Hebrews not as an encouragement to give tithes, but as evidence of Jesus' eternal priesthood.


In evangelical circles, which are primarily guided by the teaching of Scripture, tithing is usually practiced voluntarily, and the way to do this is for believers to set aside 10% their income as they receive it (1 Corinthians 16:1-6), so that when a need arises, they will be prepared to meet it, as the Apostle Paul teaches (2 Corinthians 9:5). In these circles, this practice does not belong to the realm of good works, but to the realm of piety, connected with Christian love, and in its inner nature it is similar to the practice of fasting or the observance of the Lord's Day - the Christian Sabbath, because the believer, in the case of each of them, is guided by a similar principle - giving up what is his own here and now and rightfully his due, for the sake of a spiritual good that is not physically visible. In most evangelical settings these practices are not required because the New Testament does not require them, but churches are taught about them."



How many people in Poland really give something for a la tithe? probably not many. That is why we have this reality and not another.

In my opinion, giving a tithe should always emphasize that it is thanks, from Jesus.



Why do you think there are so many videos about the NWO, the Vatican, Luciferianism?

From the USA, because they are very familiar with the concept of tithing. Any publications, Patrick Heron or La haye, Dave Hunt, whose books I have bought are paid.

Tithing does not have to be 10% on earnings. It can be symbolic of helping the poor in the name and glory of Jesus.

I emphasize, I did not create the text to be paid. I do not want donations. I would sooner cancel my blog than ask for donations. I just wanted to make you aware how the society of Satan is built and how the society of the Kingdom of Heaven is built here on Earth:

Gospel of Thomas:  "Jesus said: The kingdom of God is in you and around you. Not in houses of wood and stone. Split a piece of wood and I will be there; pick up a boulder and you will find me."

Luke 17.21

(21) nor shall they say, Behold, here it is, or, There; for behold, the kingdom of God is among you.

Now consider Dear Reader what you are doing to build the Kingdom of Heaven here on Earth....

Updated: 5 February 2014 — 21:42

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