Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Demons are among us - or Satan's army attacks God's people. Part I.

Something was on my mind to remind me of one of my first texts from 2013:




Billions of pages of books, online publications, magazines, and newspapers have been filled with content about God and not much less about Satan. The same goes for lectures and sermons. There are 2.5 billion Christians in the world (2011 figures). However, if we were to ask randomly one hundred Christians, let's say in Poland, whether:
1. they believe in the existence of demons
2. what they know about demons
..probably a scanty percentage would answer that they don't believe in demons, and even knowing about them would border on the miraculous.
Despite the many references to demons in the Bible, few churches teach or warn about them,  Which in itself is a testimony to Satan's activity in the churches.

Who are the demons?

They are spiritual beings. From the Greek language, the word demon means "evil spirit." 
It is wrong to directly attribute misfortunes to the devil, Satan. As if there is one evil spirit. Such a situation misleads us. We think: evil spirit = devil.
Demons have a special role in the world. While the number of fallen angels is estimated at several hundred, the number of demons can be equal to the number of grains of sand.

Mk(9) And he asked him: What is your name? He answered Him, My name is "Legion", because there are many of us.


(30) And Jesus asked him: What is your name? He answered: Legion, for many evil spirits have entered into it.

This quote alone is evidence of their number.


Here's the whole story:

They came to the other side of the lake to the country of the Gerazenes. 2 Scarcely had he got out of the boat, and immediately a man possessed by an unclean spirit ran out to meet him from the tombs. 3 He lived permanently in the graves and even with a chain no one could bind him anymore. 4 For he was often bound with fetters and chains; but the chains he broke, and the fetters he tore, and no one was able to subdue him. 5 He continued day and night shouting, breaking stones in the tombs and on the mountains. 6 When he saw Jesus from a distance, he came running, worshiped him, 7 and shouted aloud: "What do you want from me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I curse you to God; do not torment me!" 8 For he said to him: "Come out, unclean spirit, from this man." 9 And he asked him: "What is your name?" He answered Him, "My name is "Legion" for we are many." 10 And he asked Him for everything, so that He would not drive them out of that area. 11 And a great flock of pigs were grazing there on the mountain. 12 So they asked Him: "Send us into the swine, that we may enter into them." 13 And he allowed them. So the unclean spirits went out and entered the pigs. And the swine, about two thousand strong, rushed down the steep slope to the lake. And they drowned in the lake. 14 But the shepherds fled and spread the word in the city and throughout the homesteads, and the people went out to see what had happened. 15 When they came to Jesus, they saw the demon-possessed man who had a "legion" in himas he sat dressed and in his right mind. Fear gripped them. 16 And those who saw told them what had happened to the demon-possessed man, and also about the swine. 17 Then they began to ask Him to go away from their borders.
18 When He got into the boat, the demon-possessed man asked Him if he could stay with Him. 19 But He did not agree to this, but said to him: "Go home to your own, and tell them all that the Lord has done for you and how he has had mercy on you." 20 So he went and began to spread in Decapolis all that Jesus had done with him, and everyone marveled.

It clearly shows that there were quite a few evil spirits in just one man.

As I mentioned in the text in which I prove that Jesus' life also had a symbolic dimension because he wanted to show what would be important not only for the apostles but for all of spiritual Israel in later times.

Hence Jesus roughly and firmly told the demon-possessed man: "Go home to your own, and tell them all that the Lord has done for you and how he relented to you." Unfortunately, these words we may hear nowadays, read casually, occasionally. However, taken out of context, the words about Mary's blessing have become the basis for something on a worldwide scale - the Marian cult.

For example:
The Bible called the Bible of a Thousand Heresies or the Thousand Years says:


Lk . (48) For he looked upon the humiliation of his handmaid. For behold, from now on all generations will bless me
The Warsaw Bible and others say: (48) for he looked upon the lowliness of his handmaid. Behold, from henceforth blessed they will call me all generations.
Is there a difference?  "they shall bless me" a "blessed they will call me."
They shall bless me gives the basis for the prophecy, the future tense "shall", "all generations".
The second version toned down: "blessed they will call me." Can we see the difference?

The matter of Marian devotion is well known, especially in the Protestant world, but I present it here in order to show how a cult is made of one sentence and other much more important visits are omitted by all religions!!!

What is paradoxical in all this is that the mass media (of Satan) flood us with demonic images: television, metal bands, now even disco "singers" like Rihyana or Lady Gaga singing about the love of Judas to which in discos play ... "Christians":

I'm in love with Judas, Judas
I'm in love with Judas, Judas

Judas, Judas Judas, Judas
Judas, Judas Judas! GaGa!

When it comes to me, I'm ready.
I'll wash his feet with my hair if he wants me to
I forgive him when his words say something different from what he thinks
Even if he denies me three times

What is on satanmedia is no longer subtle subliminal advertising. An example of an attack is the Kinder Bueno commercial:


Demons are found in Slavic myths and beliefs. The most common types of demons are: ruffians, meridians, northerners, ghouls, tombstones, kites, lanterns, poor and gnomes, and the so-called bobos (wikipedia)


Hatchet - In Slavic beliefs, a malevolent demon inhabiting bodies of water, believed to be the partner of a drowning person. The drowned girl was the soul of a young girl who drowned out of desperation or bitterness, or was drowned on purpose by someone.
The drownings appeared in the form of young girls with long light hair. With their cries for help or singing, they lured young men whom they then drowned.

They are pushed into our culture, but no one with either a good (especially) education or worse accepts or takes seriously the existence of demons.

Most readers will probably agree with me that the reality that we are served from elementary school is one big pack of lies: evolution, revolutions, the origin of Poles and their history, economics, etc.
The world was completely overturned.
It's time to see eye-to-eye and also get used to the idea that there are demons living all around us. Unfortunately...
If we accept this biblical fact, we too can arm ourselves for battle.



Amon's example.


Amon or Aamon according to the dictionary of secret knowledge which we have below is" the great and powerful marquis of the infernal empire. He has the shape of a wolf with the tail of a serpent. If he takes human shapes, he has a human body but an owl head with great fangs in his beak.

It is the most powerful of the kfathers demons. He knows the past and the future." What is noteworthy is that he is able to reconcile two parties for his purposes: "if he wills it he can reconcile feuding friends. He commands forty legions. The Egyptians saw in Amon their supreme God. They represented him in the form of a man in a white cloak."


There is a reason why there is a mass of symbols of ancient Egitpu in the Vatican and Washington.

Is there any similarity?


White plus cross.

Why are demons attacking spiritual Israel - Christians today?

God created man in His image. Webster's dictionary defines "image" as "a 'reproduction' or imitation of a human figure or thing, an exact likeness or representation." Therefore, if we are the likeness of God then we are also his not only children but clones. Don't we hear friends say to newborn children": "a veritable clone of Johnny". This also means that we are spiritual beings. Mankind is the only part of God's creation made in God's image. It is for these reasons that its spirit and soul NEVER die. No thing has a spirit and the Bible does not describe in any place about the existence of animal spirits or things like "and the spirit of Rex is waiting for the resurrection".


Demons attack humans, though they use animals, because as one video in the introduction said: "the greatest war in the world is the war for you". You, meaning your soul. Satan does not care about your body. He wants to use demons to humiliate your soul and bring you down to the moral bottom, pulling you away from your creator God. He wants to humiliate the flesh to the extent that he is jealous of God's image.

People believe less and less in God, but they accept into their consciousness or perhaps subconsciousness the demonic culture, so to speak.

Palikot's party is a manifestation of the army of demons and Satan. Even 15 years ago, no one would have expected that such a monstrosity of half-male half-female as is in Palikot's party would sit in parliament.

Do we see the resemblance? Even a symbolically marked nation. The parliamentary lord only has no wings and no hooves, because the beard does.

We are talking about Grodzka (vide K. Bęgalski)

People don't believe in God, but they like how a "musician" named Nergal burns the Bible, which is an endorsement of Satanism. Thus, they de facto profess a religion. What is behind the nickname Nergal?
Nergal is a demon of the second order, chief of police of the empire of darkness, first spy of Beelzebub, subordinate of the great judge Lucifer. Nergal was an idol of the Assyrians, who worshipped under this form fire.



Note some facts from the description of the few demons I have mentioned so far. There is a hierarchy there. Same as in the caste system in Hinduism as in communism.

Demons influence a person's free will.
I have already used a quote from the great movie "The Devil's Advocate" several times in my texts. Al Pacino playing Satan said : "I'm just setting the scene". I don't think there is a better definition of the influence of demons on a person's life. I have been quite interested in the subject of demons for some time and I know that this is what happens. Demons, of which there are different kinds, are waiting for the right moment of our weakness to create a scene. For example, a jealous husband sees his wife smiling at a man he has just met. From a distance it looks like an affair, but in reality it is a ridiculous mistake that both interlocutors are laughing at. Another example: the wife is notoriously unable to admit her mistakes and as a result is manipulative, deceitful, and the husband is a petty man, albeit with a great sense of truth, reacting aggressively to lies. A very simple matter for the demon. All he has to do is cause the wife to do something wrong, then she starts lying and the quarrel is over. Demon's role comes down to arranging a situation, e.g. some unlucky placement of objects, which husband or wife will hit, break or omit something.
Let us recall Job on such an occasion. A terribly stated man. Satan was setting the stage but Job had a choice.

What promotes submission to the will of demons?

No one probably even realizes what a colossal role alcohol plays in this. Alcohol in larger doses causes a person's will to shut down. One is more playful, sociable but also lacks willpower. Alcohol causes the barrier, the wall, the veil that separates us from demons, to be removed. This is when we react more emotionally, are more prone to betrayal, and open up to others by revealing our secrets and non-secrets.
Prisons are filled with people who have murdered their loved ones under the influence of alcohol. This is the work of demons.
Many women were raped under the influence of alcohol by one or both parties.

When man lowers the level of consciousness of his free will and allows demons to enter, then even the invisible spirits who are God's messengers cannot help him because man, created with his own will, has become possessed of his own will. The angels of God cannot interfere in any way with man's will, even though he acts to his own detriment. The man in Mark's gospel was possessed because allowed this. The evil spirits lied to him, but he could choose not to believe them. However, he chose to lie.


Alcohol is not the only tool to remove the protective barrier. Drugs, the pot so promoted by Korwin Mikke and Palikot, brothers in the faith, have identical effects to alcohol.
And these are not the only means to an end. Yoga, visualization techniques, pornography, mantras, meditation - switching off the will and the mind - are the same intoxicants as alcohol. You will also be surprised if I write that the same influence has ideologies: communism, liberalism. How much blood was shed in the name of ideology? Bolshevism and communism are not isolated. General Pinochet did the same in the name of anti-communism.
This is what a former KGB agent is talking about: 

"When reason sleeps the wraiths awaken" - F. Goya

Francisco Goya

"The engraving shows a self-portrait of the artist. His head rests on a desk on which lie a discarded piece of paper and a pen. He is being attacked by wraiths (including bats and owls). The title of the painting, written in Spanish, is visible on the desk. The drawing refers to the Inquisition, which was extremely influential in Spain at the time, and which is personified by the wraiths. Goya strongly opposed the Inquisition, considering it to be mindless, as its victims were artists and scientists" wikipedia

Who is the leader of the demons?

He was once one of the greatest spirits who served God. What led to his downfall was pride and ego.
He also rebelled against God a third of the other angels.
The apostles in Mt 10:25, Mk 3:33, Lk 11:15 tell us that he is prince of demons.
Rev 2:9 that it is father of liars.
Rev 12:9 a deceiver and a liar.
All this also means that he is the father of all the derogatory churches.

What is its purpose ?

Mark 12.4 nullifying the effects of God's work
Job 2:4-5 wants people to renounce God
John 13.2 says that his purpose is to reap glory from people

What are his methods?

He reveals Himself to men as God (2Co 11:14) He learned to reveal Himself as an angel of light and to speak to man, to present Himself as God. Hence so many apparitions in Catholicism.
Satan starts with a small truth. He insinuates, he suggests doubts, he twists Scripture such as with the Marian cult.

Howard Pitman, in his book Demons - Eyewitness Testimony, which inspired me long ago, writes about demons as experts in various fields. He divides them into the following demons:

1. wars
2 - Greed. In this group there are also demons of lust, quarreling, hatred, etc.
3. secret demons
4. witchcraft
5. self-destruction
6. false religion
7. demoralization

The rest in Part II
Too broad a topic for one text.

The human race will never win the war against Satan without knowing the enemy and his servants.



Updated: 7 November 2018 — 10:49


Add a Comment
  1. It's good to be reminded...

  2. It is enough to cause the wife to do something wrong, then she starts lying and the quarrel is ready. The demon's role comes down to orchestrating the situation, e.g. some unlucky placement of objects that the husband or wife hits, breaks, or fails to do something about."

    I usually say : , "It doesn't matter what the situation is and it doesn't matter what happens, what matters is how we approach it and how we react".
    Like the food in the Bible quote. Not flesh but spirit.

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